The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 946 Forget it, let’s just skip executing Plan C.

"Thank you, Master, for your concern, but it doesn't matter. I have been using water root extract for maintenance, and there will be no wrinkles."

‘Water Column’ Ainsworth said seriously as always.

The extract of water root can be called the sacred beauty product in the magic world. It can effectively maintain the skin even without any processing. After adding several other materials for blending, its effect is even more outstanding, and it has no side effects. It is enthusiastically sought after by women in the magic world.

"...Okay, as long as you're happy."

Bell said speechlessly.

It seems that even Ainsworth is no different from other women in terms of beauty and beauty.

"Let's get back to the point...what did I just say?"

"You said there are too many rats in [Dalaran]."

Wang Shouqiang reminded.

"Oh yes! That's it!"

Bell remembered and heard him continue:

"In the past, after taking into account all factors, we have always adopted a policy of letting these rats go. But today, I decided to change the policy and carry out a thorough rodent eradication operation throughout the city!

For some of the more active goals, I think you should have recorded them. Next, take down these targets first. After that, I will check everyone else and be sure to find out those guys with malicious intentions!

Muggle targets should be captured alive as much as possible, wizards would be best if they could be captured alive, stubborn ones are allowed to be killed on the spot!

I'll give you a week to plow [Dalaran] from beginning to end! "

"Master, is one week too short? If there is not enough time for comprehensive deployment, the target may be aware of it in advance. By then, the target will inevitably break out fierce resistance, which may cause huge damage to the city. ."

‘Pillar of Fire’ said Cesar.

Although this guy is best at exploding flame spells, his character is quite stable and cautious, and he is closer to Bell's father William.

Faced with Cesar's question, Bell did not answer immediately. He lightly knocked on the table in front of him, and saw mysterious lines lighting up on the table. Soon, a model of [Dalaran] made of magic power appeared on the top of the table.

People who are familiar with [Dalaran] will be able to find that this model is exactly the same as the real [Dalaran], without even a trace of detail being missed. In addition, if you look closely, you can see vivid little people walking and moving in the city, completely reproducing the scene in the city at this moment.

After staring at the model in front of him for a while, Bell finally said:

"This is [Dalaran], a peaceful and orderly city. If Hermione were here, she would be very happy. However, I always feel like something is missing."

"What's wrong?"

‘Pillar of Fire’ Cesar looked at Bell in confusion. The other people also had doubtful looks in their eyes.

"Freedom, there is no freedom here!"

Bell said in a deep voice.

"Compared to this peaceful and stable city, I still prefer [Dalaran], which is more lively and full of freedom and vitality. It is a magical city - [Dalaran]!"

"But Master, if that's the case, it will be very difficult to govern."

‘Pillar of Fire’ Cesar questioned again.

You know, wizards are not all nice gentlemen. In fact, among the group of wizards, there are many people who, to put it nicely, are free-spirited, but in fact are lawless people.

"Cesar, you made a mistake, a very important thing.

I am the master of this city, but I am not the master of every resident of this city. I don’t need a group of tame domestic dogs wagging their tails at me every day, what I want to see is a pack of wolves that dare to bar their teeth at anyone! "

The king of a pack of dogs is still a shit-eating dog. Bell doesn't want to be the 'King of Dogs', that would be a disservice to his little wolf.

"So, in the subsequent actions, we will focus on protecting the safety of the Muggle residents in the city. As for the wizards, let them protect themselves. If they can't even protect their own safety, those guys can just throw their wands into the fireplace. Just burn it as firewood.

As for the damage to the building, I don't need to worry about it, it's just some magic materials, I can still afford it. "

With the backing of [Star Menethil], Bell is now so fierce that he doesn't pay attention to some materials at all. Even if the entire [Dalaran] is blown up, it won't be long before he can build another one.

"Luna and Hagen, you two are responsible for catching Muggle spies, and the remaining three are responsible for catching wizard spies.

Huang Quan, you also go and help them. Wherever there are strong bones, you take action to deal with them and try to capture as many as possible.

Okay, everyone, let's hold a grand celebration and make the whole [Dalaran] lively from now on! "

Standing up, Bell's face was filled with an expectant smile. He seemed to have seen that a magical city of freedom that blended order and chaos was about to shine with dazzling brilliance under the bright starry sky.


Everyone also stood up and agreed in unison, announcing that [Dalaran] had officially entered a new chapter.

‘Boom~! ’

Violent roars echoed over the city. The crowds of people coming and going on the streets paused for a moment. After glancing in the direction of the rising smoke, they went about their business as if nothing had happened.

It has been five days. It has been the fifth day since Bell announced the implementation of "Operation Rat Hunt".

On that day, after the 'Four Pillars' left the conference hall on the top floor of the central tower, and after half a day of mobilization, the 'Rat Hunting Operation' officially began in the afternoon.

Since that afternoon, the explosions in the sky over [Dalaran] have never stopped. After so many days, people have become accustomed to it.

It has to be said that those who can come to [Dalaran] to settle in the first place, whether they are wizards or Muggles, undoubtedly have a big heart and their adaptability is also top-notch.

After adapting to these explosions, people suddenly discovered that compared to the previous city, which seemed to have little difference except for replacing technology with magic means, the current 'bustling' [Dalaran] is more... Looks a lot more interesting.

Of course, it would be better if the troublemakers could pay a little attention to the time issue and stop making big noises in the early hours of the morning to disturb people's dreams.

'boom--! ’

Before the previous explosion completely subsided, another explosion sounded on the street. Pedestrians glanced at the shop that suddenly spewed out flames and black smoke...

"Ah——! Run quickly——!"

After a brief silence, the crowd instantly boiled, and people ran away like chickens in a nest.

It's interesting, but with explosions happening all around you, you still have to run away when you need to.

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