The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 947 The rat-catching operation is in progress...

"Bah! Bah bah~!"

The smoke and dust dispersed, and Hagen, the 'Curse Pillar', crawled out of the ruins in disgrace.

"Damn it! How many explosives did this guy have buried!"

You know, this is the magical city [Dalaran]. Every building and every wall here has strong or weak magical blessings, and its strength is far beyond what ordinary reinforced concrete buildings can compare with.

And under such circumstances, the store was completely destroyed by the explosion, and many cracks more than ten meters long were opened on the ground, which shows how powerful the explosion just now was.

"Hey! Is there anyone alive? If so, just scream!"

Hagen shouted at the ruins in front of him.


"Captain, I'm still alive."

"Someone help me, I'm stuck."


The voices of the wizards from the urban management team came one after another from under the ruins.

"What kind of idiot is that in the end! If you are asked to squeak, you will squeak!"

Hagen waved the wand in his hand angrily, and a lot of rubble in front of him immediately floated up, revealing several wizards who were pressed underneath.

"Check the injuries, go back to receive treatment for the injured, and search the scene to see if you can find any useful clues. Especially where did this guy get so many explosives!"

This time, the target was just an ordinary Muggle spy. Hagen did not believe that the other party had the ability to bring so many explosives into [Dalaran] without knowing it. There must be a wizard assisting the other party here.

"Damn it! Don't let me find out who it is! Otherwise I will never spare that guy!"

Taking a look at the blood dripping from the fingertips of his left hand, Hagen gritted his teeth in hatred.

The explosion occurred too suddenly and violently. In order to protect the safety of his men, Hagen cast a spell to block most of the impact of the explosion. As a result, he accidentally scratched his left arm by a piece of flying gravel. Although it was just a minor skin injury, Hagen still felt very uncomfortable.

"Captain, everyone is fine. We just suffered some shock and will recover after a short rest."

A team member approached Hagen and handed over a bottle of healing potion.

As the city managers of [Dalaran], they have to undergo strict training and inspection every day, and each of them has extraordinary strength. In addition, considering the danger and hard work of this 'mouse-catching operation', Bell also specially prepared the most sophisticated magic props for everyone, striving to avoid the unfortunate sacrifice of anyone.

Therefore, although the explosion just now was powerful, after Hagen withstood most of the damage, the remaining impact was not enough to break through everyone's shields, and there were no casualties.

After waving his hand, Hagen did not take the bottle of healing potion. Instead, he first used a magic spell to remove the stains on his body, and then cast a healing spell to heal the wound on his arm.

After briefly tidying up his appearance, Hagen said to the team members beside him:

"Very good. Check your equipment and make sure it is in the best condition. In addition, notify all other teams and ask them to be more vigilant. Even when facing Muggles, they must not be careless."

"Yes, I will inform the other teams right away."

After saying that, the team member ran to the side and reported the situation here and Hagen's order to the headquarters using the communicator.

While other team members were searching for clues, Hagen found a big rock to sit on and take a short rest. These days, he is really busy with his feet off the ground, and he is very tired. These spies are more difficult to deal with than expected, and their methods are more frequent, and their number seems to be larger than expected.

But it's not like there's no good news. After the initial confusion, the members of the city management force soon showed the results of their usual hard training. They acted quickly and orderly, accurately captured the target's movement trajectory time and time again, and carried out rapid and Another fatal blow.

Thanks to the outstanding performance of many team members, although the task was more difficult than expected, the overall progress of the task did not fall behind. If nothing else goes wrong, they will be able to completely clean up [Dalaran] before the one-week time limit.

"Hey! You! Back off! Don't come any closer! It's very dangerous, do you know?"

Suddenly, Hagen turned his head and yelled at a passerby who was approaching on tiptoe behind him.

In the past few days, apart from the endless spies, the most troublesome thing for him was these passers-by who were willing to risk their lives just to watch the fun.

Obviously when the explosion happened just now, all these passers-by disappeared in the blink of an eye. As a result, less than a minute after the explosion subsided, these guys appeared out of nowhere and kept moving forward without fear of death.

So where did all your cowardice go? ?

And it doesn't matter if it's a wizard. At least if there is any accident, the other party can protect himself. But Hagen could tell at a glance that the young man approaching now was a complete Muggle, and he didn't look very strong.

So isn't this guy afraid that there are still bombs buried here? ?

"Well, sir, please don't get me wrong. I don't mean anything else. I am a good person."

The young man stopped and said cautiously.

"What do you mean? Back off! Get far away! Otherwise, if it explodes again later, I can't guarantee that you can still fight."

Hagen waved his hand angrily, with a look of disgust on his face, and he almost had the word 'disgust' etched on his face.

Hearing that there might be an explosion, the young man's body trembled visibly. However, after hesitating for a moment, he did not move back.

"Sir, it's like this. I actually want to ask, can I join your city management force? Do field work."

The young man looked at Hagen expectantly and asked.

"Ha!? Do you want to join the city management force? Or do field work!? If I read correctly, you should be a Muggle, right? Are you willing to die?"

Hagen said that sometimes he really couldn't understand what was going on in the minds of these Muggles. How come they always come up with such unique and brilliant ways to commit suicide?

"Yes, sir, I am a Muggle. But I don't think there is any problem with this. In fact, in the city below, whether it is the army or the armed police, all members are Muggles. So I think , I should also be able to become a field urban manager in [Dalaran]."

The young man argued hard and did not flinch at all because of Hagen's words. It can be seen that he did not have a sudden idea today, but had already planned to join the urban management force.

"Uh...what you said is indeed not unreasonable."

Nodding, Hagen had to admit that he couldn't find anything wrong with the other party's words.

"However, I alone cannot have the final say on this matter. Regarding your appeal, I will report it later. As for the outcome, I cannot make any promises to you now."

Hagen said thoughtfully.

"Thank you, sir, thank you!"

The young man happily bowed to Hagen and thanked him.

He is very happy now. Sure enough, he did the right thing by mustering up the courage to run over and contact the other party. Although he didn't get any promises, he at least saw hope compared to before.

"You're welcome. Okay, go back now. It's not completely safe here yet."

Waving his hand, Hagen once again signaled the young man to step back.

Looking at the back of the young man jumping away, for some reason, Hagen couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

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