The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 948 Summary Report

In the early morning, after being filtered by the barrier, the sun's rays once again spread over the city. The residents of [Dalaran] woke up one after another, got up and got dressed.

Suddenly, everyone's body shook and they stopped what they were doing.

Something's wrong!

Something is very wrong!

At this moment, many people are aware of the abnormality, and they always feel that something routine is suddenly missing in their lives.

What is it?

correct! It's an explosion!

They actually slept until dawn without hearing even an explosion!

No wonder I always feel like I didn’t sleep well last night...

A group of people hurriedly put on their clothes, without even bothering to eat breakfast, and ran out the door. When they saw people, they asked what happened and why their explosions didn't go off?

At least from this point of view, some of Bell's plans were very successful. He successfully planted a seed of restlessness into the hearts of the residents of [Dalaran].

In the conference hall on the top floor of the central tower, compared with a week ago, there are many more high-end and sophisticated instruments in the conference hall. Some wizards are busy nervously beside the instruments.

"Don't be in a hurry. We still have plenty of time. It's okay to take your time."

Sitting at the head of the speaker's table, Bell said to the busy staff with a smile, looking like a good boss who cares about his subordinates.

Bell is in a very good mood now. He has seen the changes in [Dalaran] over the past week.

Originally, he thought that people would be very uncomfortable and panicked at the beginning.

As a result, the super adaptability shown by everyone surprised Bell. In less than a day, the residents of [Dalaran] were able to become calm about the explosion that occurred next to them.

Although some people were petrified, no matter how you put it, their flaws cannot be concealed. It won't be long before [Dalaran] becomes really lively, right?

I hope that when Hermione comes back and sees the huge changes in [Dalaran], she won't bite him...


"Let them go about their business and let's talk about our issues."

After greeting the technicians, Bell withdrew his gaze and looked at the people sitting at the long table nearby.

Just like a week ago, the five people from the ‘Four Four Pillars’ are still sitting here. In addition, there was an extra Sanna sitting next to Bell today.

Before, after learning that her brother was actually implementing such a fun... ahem, such an important plan, Shanna, who happened to be relatively free recently, did not hesitate to contribute her meager efforts, just like Huang Quan. force and participated in the capture of spies.

Thanks to Shanna's activity, the building damage rate in Dalaran increased by 30 percentage points, which fully deterred many individuals and forces in and outside the city, and greatly promoted the demand and consumption in the building materials market. It's really congratulations!

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, this is what Bell thinks.

"First of all, thank you for your hard work this week. I am very satisfied with your results. After that, all urban management staff will be able to get one week of paid leave, of course, in rotation. In addition, everyone's salary this month Double that."

As the saying goes, if you want a horse to run, you have to feed it. Since the urban management team performed so well, Bell certainly wouldn't be stingy with a few gold galleons.

"Secondly, I have to work hard to classify all the spies, select the ones with the most serious crimes, and hand over the list to me as soon as possible. Luna, I will leave it to you to take charge of this matter. It is best if you can Done within today."

Bell looked at Luna, who was sitting next to Zanna.

"Okay, Senior Bell, I should be able to finish it this afternoon."

Luna happily agreed.

The information about various spies and what these people did in [Dalaran] is the intelligence they have been collecting, and now they just need to sort it out and confirm it again. Under the premise that there are currently sufficient manpower, it will not take much time to complete these tasks.

"very good!"

Bell was extremely satisfied with Luna's response.

I have to say that Bell couldn't be more comfortable with such a group of capable subordinates. This feeling of just saying something and having someone help you get it done is so satisfying.

"Speaking of which, Bell, what are you... planning to do?"

Looking at the familiar instruments being played with by a group of people in front of the conference hall, Huang Quan recalled the scene that happened a few months ago.

"It's just a little surprise."

Smiling, Bell once again showed his confidence.

"Are you sure it's a surprise and not a shock? Are you really not afraid of Uncle William's righteousness and annihilation?"

Huang Quan couldn't help but roll his eyes at Bell again.

In the past week, Bell has been causing trouble and misbehaving in [Dalaran], which has caused great dissatisfaction among William.

(William: ‘So didn’t I tell you not to make too much noise? Doesn’t it mean that Elena didn’t tell Bell my instructions?’)

However, because [Dalaran] was built by Bell, and as his current residence, William did not want a group of rats running around under his nose all day long, so he did not say anything in the end.

But now, Bell is obviously going to cause something bigger, and Huang Quan doesn't think William can bear it.

"Afraid? Of course I'm not afraid! I have a secret weapon!"

Bell put his arms around his sister's shoulders and raised an eyebrow at Huang Quan with a confident expression on his face.

Just kidding, I have Zannah and the world at my fingertips, so how could Bell be afraid of an 'assassination' from his father?

Moreover, it wasn't him who said it, but his father really should learn from the residents of [Dalaran]. Look at his strong psychological quality and adaptability. How come after so many years, my father still hasn't gotten used to his rhythm?

So lazy!

Facing Bell's "hateful" face, Huang Quan curled his lips and said nothing more.

Of course she wasn't really worried that Bell would be killed by her father or anything. As the saying goes, "Good people don't live long, but disasters last for thousands of years." How can a world-famous disaster like Bell be so easily eliminated?

What she was really worried about was the relationship between Bell and her father. She was really afraid that Bell would really fall out with her father if he kept doing this.

However, after seeing the expressions of Bell and Shanna, and thinking of Aunt Elena's attitude, Huang Quan felt that he might have been overly worried.

It is said that the family relationship of British wizards is really unique, or is it only the Bell family that is so unique?

Considering the personalities of the siblings Bell and Shanna, Huang Quan felt that the latter was more likely to be the case.

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