The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 97 Soy sauce tastes better than vinegar

Rubbing his ears, Bell began to consider the need to limit his perception.

It's not enough to have dull perception. In that case, you won't even know you were attacked by a sneak attack, and you won't even know how you died when you die.

However, there seems to be a big problem with being too sensitive. If there is a sudden strong sound or light like now, you will be caught off guard.

It seems necessary to conduct relevant research specifically.

"What happened?" Bell asked knowingly.


Hermione's anger bar began to surge, and her face began to turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's not those two troublemakers, Harry and Ron! Did you know? They didn't take the Hogwarts Express to come to school, but drove a flying car and flew to school by themselves! The newspaper said that they It caused a big commotion. Fortunately, the school year hadn't started yet, so Professor McGonagall didn't deduct house points from either of them. Otherwise, Gryffindor House would have ended with a negative score for the first time in its history! How could they drive a speeding car like that? Dangerous stuff!"

It seems that the little witch's persistence in getting college points has not diminished at all this year. But there was one thing that Bell felt it was very necessary to clarify to Hermione.

"A flying car is not dangerous at all, Hermione. In fact, every flying car has been cast with a variety of protection magic and invisibility magic to ensure that the flying car can ensure the safety and concealment of the passengers under any circumstances. And those two people The reason why they are seen by Muggles and are in danger is simply because they are driving unofficial speed cars modified by themselves."

"Who knows? Anyway, flying cars have nothing to do with me. I heard that every flying car is extremely expensive. I guess I will never be able to afford one in my life."

After long-term contact with Bell, Hermione, who has a serious personality, was also influenced by Bell and learned his trademark perfunctory words.

Listening to his signature words, Bell choked and rolled his eyes.

"If you want to drive a speeding car, the worst case scenario is that I'll give you one."


Unexpectedly, the little witch reacted extremely violently to Bell's words.

"You can't give me such an expensive gift!"


Bell was a little frightened by Hermione's reaction, and it took him a while to come to his senses.

"Actually, the flying car is not as valuable as you think... Okay, okay, I understand, I won't give it away."

Seeing Hermione's little eyes getting bigger and bigger, Bell stopped what he wanted to say in order to prevent them from falling out.

"But I can lend it to you, so you can try it out, right?"

Bell applauded his wit.

"You actually have your own flying car? You're only 12 years old!"

Hermione's mouth opened in surprise.

"In fact, I don't have one now, but it's not an expensive thing. If I want it, I can have it in the next second. You may not know that the flying car is actually produced by my family. So I took a flying car from home and It doesn’t cost money.”


Hermione couldn't remember how many times she heard similar words from Bell. Even if I tell her now that Hogwarts Castle was actually built by the Bell family, she doesn't think she will be surprised.

"Bell, are all your family members so powerful? Or are all wizards this powerful?"

Hermione asked in disbelief as she looked around the auditorium.

Seeing her classmates chatting and fighting, the little witch couldn't imagine how powerful they could become in the future.

‘Is it possible that wizards are actually abnormally developed? ’

Hermione thought very rudely.

"Just so-so." Bell said modestly.

There is no way, he is such a humble and low-key person, so don't worship him, he will be proud.

\u003c( ̄︶ ̄)\u003e

"The flying car was actually first made by Ron's father, Mr. Arthur Weasley. Oh, it was the one that crashed last night. The flying car produced by my family actually purchased Mr. Weasley's technology. Finally, optimize and improve the product.”

"Who!? That Ron's father!? Is his father so powerful!?"

Hermione exclaimed in disbelief, her eyes widening in surprise again.

"Uh...Hermione, you are so rude. The Weasley family is also very famous in the wizarding world (although the reputation may not be so positive), and Ron's parents and brothers are also very good wizards. For example, Percy Weasley, the prefect of your college, is not the first in his grade."

Hermione stuck out her tongue and tried to be cute. Obviously the little witch also realized how disrespectful the words she just blurted out were.

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore. I haven't had breakfast yet. Goodbye, Bell. See you in Transfiguration class. Be sure to save your seat!"

With that said, Hermione ran away towards the Gryffindor table without looking back.

Bell waved at Hermione's back, and then fell into deep thought. He had just noticed Hermione's class schedule and also noticed that Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts class was marked with a heart. So he is very...

"They've already left, why are you still watching? If you're so reluctant, just chase after me. I won't mind if you go to the Gryffindor table for breakfast. I can also help you talk to Gryffindor Say hello to the prefects and ask them not to drive you away."

Penelo suddenly appeared behind Bell, patted his head gently, and said teasingly.

"Well, I'm not reluctant."

Bell looked confused and couldn't understand what Penello was talking about.

"Who would believe it? If you're not reluctant, why are you staring at her back?"

"I was thinking about a question. I found that Hermione marked Lockhart's class with a heart shape, and I was thinking about why. By the way, senior, do you like Professor Lockhart? Will you also mark his class with a heart shape?"

Bell, who was puzzled, decided to seek foreign help and asked Penelo, who was also a girl, what he thought.

"I can't say that I like it. In fact, I haven't read Professor Lockhart's book before. After the book list was mailed during the summer vacation, I bought Professor Lockhart's book and read it. Looking at the description on the book, Professor Lockhart is indeed very powerful, and I’m also looking forward to this year’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class. But those books are too expensive. What, are you jealous?”

Bell rolled his eyes at Penello, whose answer was of no reference value. And why should he be jealous? Vinegar is too sour and he doesn't like eating it.

"No, I prefer soy sauce."


Penello stared at Bell speechlessly, not knowing whether the other person was really stupid or pretending to be stupid. Could it be that my problem is too big for a second-year wizard?

It shouldn’t be! She seems to have already understood relevant things when she was in second grade. Is the gap between boys and girls so big?

So there is only one truth, it must be Bell playing dumb!

(Bell: 'Hehe.')

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