The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 98 Don’t take anything Bell says seriously.

Before Penelo could say anything to expose Bell's disguise, he heard Bell ask again: "Sister, you came here early tomorrow, why have you been hiding at the other end of the dining table? Don't you say you don't like Hermione? ?”


"Who, who said I've been hiding? I'm not hiding!"

After that, Penello didn't care about what he wanted to say before, and stomped away from Bell.

Bell looked at Penello's back in wonder as he walked further and further away.

He had clearly sensed that the other party was hiding far away for some reason. So he just asked out of curiosity, why did the other party react so loudly?

Be it Hermione or Penelo, their various behaviors were really difficult for Bell to understand.

So it's better to have my own sister, who will tell me everything in detail, so I don't need to use my brain to guess.

Forget it, just love whatever you want, it has nothing to do with you anyway. The world is huge, but eating is the biggest thing.

Bell threw away all the doubts in his mind, and then enjoyed the first breakfast of the second grade wholeheartedly.'s still delicious made by Limu.

This school year, Bell still continued last year's strategy. He would listen carefully when professors lectured, in order to check for gaps and consolidate his foundation. And when the actual operation was carried out, Bell started paddling and doing his own thing.

Different from being cautious before, this year's Bell, in order to make his paddling flawless, had specially strengthened the banishing spell some time ago.

The morning passed quickly, and it was time for the first class of the afternoon, which was Hermione's long-awaited Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

During lunch, Hermione was beside herself with excitement. The little witch didn't even bother to eat. She kept asking Bell for information about Lockhart, which made Bell unable to eat well.

At least I ate 1kg less food than normal.

This is really a sad story.

But this is not the main problem. The question is: 'How could Bell know about Lockhart? ’

Therefore, every time she couldn't answer a question, Hermione would complain for a long time.

Bell, who was unable to answer any of the questions from beginning to end, was blamed by Hermione from beginning to end.

Therefore, Bell is very unhappy now, very unhappy! He wants to kill Lockhart!

‘I’ll let you bastard! ’

Hermione's complaints continued until she entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Because Lockhart had arrived in the classroom early and was waiting.

For the first time, Bell felt happy to see Lockhart. No matter what the other person's level is, at least the attitude in this class is very good. Few professors come to the classroom so early to prepare.

Seeing how dedicated the other party was, Bell decided not to kill him.

Lockhart didn't know that his coming to the classroom early to play the piano would indirectly save his life. If he knew, I believe he would be very happy and then become even more arrogant, right?

After everyone entered the classroom and sat down, Lockhart cleared his throat and started the first class in his life.

He first briefly introduced his achievements.

What's the 'Order of Sir Merlin, Third Class', what's 'Honorary Member of the Defense Against the Dark Arts', what's 'Wizard Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award'.

Anyway, Bell really doesn't know what to be proud of in these things.

After a brief self-introduction (really very brief, only about 5 minutes), Lockhart began to distribute papers to everyone as a quiz before the course officially started.

After Lockhart handed the paper to Hermione, he continued walking towards the back without any pause.

Hermione carefully crushed the paper in her hand, and after confirming that there was indeed only one copy, she turned around and wanted to stop Lockhart.

"Professor, um..."

Realizing what Hermione wanted to do, Bell quickly covered Hermione's mouth and let out a long sigh of relief.

‘Huh~ Fortunately, I have quick eyesight and quick hands, so I almost got into trouble. Why did you forget to tell Hermione in advance? His brain must have shut down due to her nagging. ’

"Shh~ Hermione, don't make any sound."

Bell leaned into Hermione's ear and whispered.

Hermione forcefully opened Bell's hand and moved away from Bell. The little witch took a few deep breaths before her red face recovered.

"What are you doing, Bell! Professor Lockhart made a mistake and only gave me one paper. I was about to ask for one for you!"

Bell scratched his head in confusion, wondering why Hermione was so angry suddenly?

Judging from the redness of Hermione's face, her anger level was comparable to the anger level when she mentioned Harry and Ron driving to school in the morning. But now is not the time to dwell on those things.

"That's right, it's just one paper. Lockhart can't see me now, so he only gave you one paper."

"It's Professor Lockhart!"

Hermione glared at Belle angrily. The little witch respected the professors very much, except for Snape of course, and maybe a certain Quirrell who was too cold? So she couldn't tolerate Bell calling the respected Professor Lockhart by his first name.

"Okay, Professor, Professor Lockhart."

Bell would not be serious about such inconsequential matters.

"What did you do? Why can't Professor Lockhart see you?"

"A little magic. Do you remember the banishing spell barrier I used during the Quidditch match last year? It's a variant of that barrier, but it just narrows the area of ​​neglect from an area to a person."

Hermione didn't think the magic Bell cast should be described as 'tiny' at all. At least within the scope of her knowledge, she had never heard of anyone else using similar magic.

You know, Hermione happened to run into Professor McGonagall in the corridor after last year's Quidditch match.

Hermione asked insinuatingly about the 'Bulking Curse Barrier'. Professor McGonagall's answer at that time was:

'The targets of banishing spells are usually Muggles. For wizards with magical powers in their bodies, it is difficult for the expulsion spell to be effective. Even if the target is young wizards who are not yet underage. That requires very high magical attainments. ’

Hermione was extremely surprised when she heard Professor McGonagall's answer.

Even Professor McGonagall thought it was a difficult magic. God knows how Bell did it.

What did she hear now? A variant of the Banishing Spell Barrier? Can the curse be changed at will? Why didn't she know?

Moreover, Bell actually managed to hide this from Professor Lockhart.

That's Professor Lockhart!

That Professor Lockhart who once defeated ghosts, werewolves, vampires, snow monsters and other extremely dangerous dark magical creatures!

Sure enough, nothing Bell said could be taken seriously!

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