– Changgang! Changgang!!

“Um? What’s that?”

A strange scene is caught in the eyes of Kim Saet-byul, who was walking around the map.

– Kwajik, Kwajijik…!!!

“That… what are you doing…”

Some of the panties that had fallen off from the large-scale raid were rushing somewhere with their eyes turned over.

> Only one! Only one! Only one! Only one! Only one!

> What? Why can’t I attack?

> Do you even use the invincibility while doing it now, you bastard???


What came into the morning star’s sight, led by that strange scene, was the users who were violently assaulting the trembling Ruby in Frey’s arms.

It wasn’t as much as the annoyingly bustling users in the distance, but a fairly large number of users had gathered.

“Wait, ancestors? I’m begging you… Please don’t come near me…”

On the other hand, Frey wields a sword at the panty gangs who are rushing in, while hugging Ruby, who is trembling in his arms, tightly.

> What is it, Mr. Welke;;

> How many times stronger than when we played?

> Let’s go back and check the pattern first

> This ain’t no Frenan!!

> Brother? What is it? bro? What is it? bro? What is it?

> Ah, in the end, Frey fell for Ruby’s play.

> But is it really me??? It feels like the story has been skipped too much???

While there were users who fell out of nowhere in the sword attack, there were also users who chatted leisurely while rolling around the ground.

“Aww! Go away! Crazy bastards!”

When Frey, terrified of the sight, retreated with the party, the users stopped attacking for a while and started talking.

> write; What kind of habit do you have to say to your ancestor?

> But when I think about it, Ruby also had some rice cakes.

> But isn’t this a bit too sudden? Why is the honey dripping all of a sudden? What if that b*tch is cheating on our Frey?

> What, where did that bastard’s left arm go?

> But Frey… the arm…!

In front of the morning star who was blankly watching the unexpected raid with them, a red system window came to mind.


[Not subject to attack!]

Users chatted with each other for a while and then started to stare blankly at the system window.

– Whoops! gang!!

Then they throw the pebbles and twigs they had in their arms towards Frey and Ruby.

> Attack doesn’t work at all?

> Lee Waejin

> Seems like a non-hostile target in the system

> Do you want to write a bug?

> Steam is leaking

> Come on, let’s go~ Come on, let’s go~ Come on, let’s go~

Shortly after realizing that there was no means of attack, the panty gang began to lose their appetite and escape from their surroundings like the ebb and flow.

“Come on, wait!! I want to see more, more!!”

The morning star, who was swept away by them, stretched out his hand toward Frey’s and shouted.

“These are legends I’ve only heard of! I want to see them with my own eyes…”

– Flutter, flutter…

“…Oh, that’s right. He was the Dragon Lord.”

However, when Irina, who was glaring at the panties, wraps the group and soars into the sky, she shifts her gaze upwards with a disappointed expression on her face.

[How many people knew that Irina was a Dragon Lord?]

[It’s far, far away… no matter how you look at it, the reaction is the same as that of a bone marrow user…]

[Rehearsingly the same reaction as the streamers I played when I was young]

[In the first place, the kids who just got together were all broadcasters lol]

Then, looking at the burning chat window once again, she sighed.

“My dad was a dragon… Blacktail Fantasy ranker. So, even when I was young, I got tired of hearing stories. Is that okay?”

[Dad’s chance is ㅇㅇ]

[Father’s early education

[By the way, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Saetbyul’s father]

[My mother often joins together]

[Tomorrow, even the father of a deep-rooted fan will join the banquet ceremony aa?]

“Why am I having a meeting with you guys!! Crazy bastards!!”

She screamed playfully, and immediately began to focus on the game again.

“Now then, let’s focus on the game again soon. Unfortunately, the main characters missed it, and now that we’ve looked around all the places to visit… Shall we go to the main event soon?”

Saetbyul, who said so, looks at the chat room where the phrase ‘ㅇㅇ’ comes down.

“Whoa, I knew that would happen, so I bought something in advance.”

Then, with a confident expression on her face, she pulls something out of her arms.

“If you have this warp stone, you can go to the center of the battlefield right now…”


[Go straight to the center? Ha ha ha]

[You will regret it…]

[Can you afford it???]

[Once you learn the persimmons…]

Then, looking at the chat window full of laughter, she puts a question mark on her face.

“…Yes? What is that…”


However, the warp stone was activated before she even checked all the chat windows.

“Wow…! Look at the effect!!”

[At least buy potions…]

[Once you die, it’s still an insult lol]

[Once a game, it’s a game forever.]

[Be quiet and become manure for the dead]

[Shh! It’s a clip angle!!]

Contrary to the splendid effect, she was not able to check the chatting of viewers.






“Okay, we’ve arrived. Then…”

– Kugwagwagwang!!


As the morning star, who entered the center of the battlefield using the warp stone, smiled and was about to proceed, a roar was heard from right next to him.


Because of that, she quickly turned her gaze, saw the mass of the first warriors wriggling beside her, and swallowed dry saliva.


> Demon King is the best lol

> Demon King is cute lol

> No, but when does phase 1 end??

> Even though it’s an event boss, I wonder if it’s too much lol

Then, she turns her gaze to Aishi, who still radiates incomprehensible frequencies from the distant air and blows ice balls everywhere.

“That’s the boss…”

As the users said, she was bombarding users with patterns that could not be tolerated in a general game.

“How do I… how do I catch that…? First of all, I can’t access it…”

Saetbyul, who was overwhelmed by the appearance, muttered with a blank expression on her face.

“As long as it was possible to clear it in the first place…”

Then, she loses words as she puts in her sight what was happening around her.

> Wow, but seriously, freedom seems to be awesome.

> ㅇㅇ It’s a godsend game in a similar game ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

> When the open world opens after the event, 1080 somersaults

> It’s not that we have a lot of freedom, but aren’t we crazy?

The panties around her were clumping together the corpses that had been slaughtered by Aishi.


And a huge tower of corpses built right next to them.

> First of all, make everything from the base, right?

> Not enough corpses here!!

> Guys, don’t just clump together, but stick to frozen corpses. It’s harder.

> Any more untitled bastards?

“what is this?”

Saetbyul, who was looking at the huge tower with a puzzled expression, gently pushed the character back and asked a question, and viewers kindly started explaining to her.

[It’s not a big deal, it’s just making a base]

[Even from this point, we have to build a defensive wall because it is a siege battle]

[With or without a barrier, the difference in buff is large]

[I’m trying to approach that gimmicky sun.]

“…But, what if the tower is attacked while building?”

– Paba Park!! Baba Baba Bak!!


The moment Saetbyul, who barely resisted the question of building a base with the corpses of users, timidly raised the objection, the sound of a spear piercing from afar.

The users at the top of the tower were jumping from the top in time for Aishi’s ice spear attack.

[Because it’s a single target]

[If you jump down at the right time to attack, you can protect your base and supply corpses, too.]

As the viewers said, an ice spear that freezes the users who were jumping instead of the tower.

And the panty gangs that build the tops by grouping those users together.

“Yes, you guys!! Aren’t you afraid of death!?”

– Puck…!


As Aishi, who was looking at him, shouted with a slightly terrified expression, something flew into the back of her head.


Because of that, Aishi looked back.

The corpses of the first heroes were flying wildly towards her.

> Yeah~ It’s enough to respawn~

> But if this is real, from the demon king’s point of view, it would be a horror hahaha

Users who look up at Aishi, who is bruised and bruised at the sight, with a happy and happy expression, throwing pieces of the corpse.

“Damn, from what dimension… did these crazy demons come…”

Aishi started to cry as she looked down at them.

“Mi, you crazy people!! You can just play with your gear!!!”

But when they don’t care and start picking up the corpse again, Saetbyul can’t stand it anymore and starts screaming with voice chatting on.


Hearing that, the panties stop laughing and start staring at her.


[I thought it was me]

[Newbies coming out among the panties?]

[No, it may be a high nut tube angle]

“Well, what is it?”

Saetbyul, looking at the tense atmosphere and the explosive chat room, makes a puzzled expression.

> Are you a newb?

> Newbie? newbie? newbie?

> Any newbies? do you have any newbies?

> You see, you don’t even have a title?

> New account?

“What, what?”

Then, she opens her eyes and looks at the panties that have started approaching her with a terrified expression and pulls her character backwards.

[In the Siege Event, the Demon King is all attribute resistant]

[Except for basic attacks only]

[So everyone took off their equipment]

[I don’t think I’ve ever actually played a game lol]

Viewers who began to explain to her that they had endured until then.

> quietly become manure

> Newbies should be ostracized lol

> I’ll borrow your body for a while


But at that time, Saetbyul’s character had already been caught by the panties.

– Ugh…

“Come on, wait a minute! I’ve got an item for you!!!”

When the panties in front of her lifted up wooden clubs, she began to cry urgently through voice chat.

> If you don’t know, you should be right

> Hmm


However, it was the panty gangs who started shooting down their sticks without blinking an eye.








[Ah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

[Items sprout and evaporate lol]

[Still, respawn is possible lol]

“Uh, uh…”

Saetbyul, who saw the red game over phrase that appeared in front of him, bowed his head and moaned amid the hot reaction of the viewers.

> Whirrik Whirick! hey clothes!!

> Let’s go to bed~

On the other hand, seen on the blackened monitor, the panties are charging Aishi while swinging her corpse.

“Really… they’re all crazy…”

– Smart…!!


Saetbyul, who was about to press the respawn button while staring at that crazy figure, widens her eyes at the sound of a sharp knock.

“Kim Saetbyul! The rice is ready!! Let’s eat and do it!!”

“Oh, Mom!!”

Before long, her visit opened suddenly.

“How old are you, are you still playing games? Are you doing entertainment?

“Oh, really! I told you not to open my door!!”


[Mrs. Victoria’s lips lol]

[Heh, Mrs. Victoria…]

[If your mother is prettier than Saetbyeol, you’re a b*tch lol]

[Give me the mother of the morning star]

[Save your words and you will be banned]

[But why doesn’t Saebyeol lock the door this year??]

[lh haha]

When her mother poked her head out, the already burning chat window began to burn like never before.

“Well then. Part 1 ends here! See you in Part 2 later!!”

[Sat bar~]

[Okay, turn the cam around lol]

[Already indulgence? Already indulging?]

[Saetbyul’s mother to me…]

[Victoria Nunna has been blocked]

[block! Don’t miss it!!]

In such a situation, Saetbyul stopped the broadcast while maintaining a smile.

“Oh, Mom! I told you not to use magic!!”

Then, when she confirms that the broadcast is off, she screams.

“And the viewers know I’m a teenager!! Please be careful with what I say… Ah, ah! Ouch…”

“You’re getting younger again, so your habit of talking has gotten serious? You should get angry.”

Victoria grabbed her ears while wearing rubber gloves and started dragging them out.

“You promised when you came to this world back in the day? To live quietly without being noticed. But the lintels?

“aah, it hurts! It hurts!!”

“I can’t. Computers from today? That’s prohibited.”

“Oh Mom!!!”

Behind them, as they ran out of the room, screaming at each other, Saebyeol’s cell phone was glimmering faintly.

> Dad! The game that came out this time, that’s what Dad used to say, right?

> No matter how much you think about it, the world is the same as when you were young, right?

> Can’t you appear as a guest on my show?

> Huh? Daddy…♡






> If you come out as a guest, 100 massage tickets…….

Meanwhile at that time.

“Your brother’s surgery went well. Since it was a light operation, there are no side effects. This was the last operation, and it went well.”


“If you get enough rest and go home, you won’t have to come back to the hospital again.”

A man was stroking his brother’s head, who was lying in bed, listening to the explanation of the doctor in a white gown.


As he nodded to the congratulatory doctor with a bright smile, his gaze was fixed on his smartphone.

[Guinness Book of Concurrent People Breakthrough! Black Tail Fantasy Online, the former prestige still remains]

[Sunrise Academy Liberation War begins! The basic attack rebellion that everyone ignored]

[A story that has changed astonishingly. Let’s predict future developments]

His eyes, which had been slowly lowering the article, trembled slightly when he found one article.

[The rankers of those days who are returning one after another… Will ‘he’ also come back?]

“You’ve worked hard to watch until now. We’ll take care of you now, so the guardians…”

– Tub, Tub…

After that, the man stared at the article for a long time.

Then, as soon as the doctor finished explaining, he left behind the nurse’s guidance and started to walk somewhere.

“Brother? Where are you going?”


When his brother, who had a bandage on his head, tilted his head and asked, he whispered in a low voice and quietly left the hospital room.

“…PC room.”

A word from the author (author review)

Thanks for watching today!

Today’s lottery is… very late!

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