“Ha, ha, ha, ha…”

Le Mernot was running down the alley in the dark night with his whole body drenched.

“…this, what is this?”

As the horse she was riding became exhausted, she abandoned the horse and staggered forward, realizing that the sound of dragging the hem that had been following her tenaciously had suddenly disappeared, and she sat down with her legs loose.

“What the hell…?”

When the mind that had completely gone out came back, the shame began to slowly creep in.

“…Did you get hit?”

Once he gets his head cold, it starts to become clear that he’s been fooled.

“After all… Is it space magic…?”

With magical skills equivalent to that of the Demon King,

The only being who can use the same tricks as it is now.

“I don’t think Dmir Khan would betray him… uh…”

It was clear that he had been fooled by Dmir Khan’s magic until now.

“Did you hold hands with Serena…?”

In fact, it was a trick that could be noticed immediately if he became a little more cool, but his cowardly personality caught hold of him.

Could it be that Serena was aiming for it?

But wouldn’t the cowardly personality be a complex only she knew?

“If you come back even now… will you spare me…”

She sat on the floor for a moment and was immersed in her thoughts, but soon realized that it was useless, and she trembled with her legs and got up from her seat.

For some reason, space magic had been canceled from a few dozen minutes ago.

It seemed like he could get out of this hellish space now.

– Doo doo doo doo doo…!!!


Because of that, something caught in her sight as she hurriedly moved to return to the Demon King’s Army.


Her face, which had closed her eyes with a fierce expression, quickly hardened.

“Uh, uh…”

Some whitish things were running with all their might to where she was.


After realizing that they were adult men with their eyes wide open and wearing only panties, Le Mernaud screamed and started running forward.

“Please save me oh oh oh oh oh!!!”

And so, her desperate screams began to resound in the back alley.

> ? Isn’t that a demon over there?

> Leave it alone, it’s not important now

> I need to go to the secret shop quickly

> lol

On the other hand, users who ignored such Le Mernot and continued to run with all their might.

There was only one destination they were heading to.

> found

> Wow you’re still here lol

> The cubs … were you remembering?

That’s right, the secret shop opened by the ‘owner’ who always worked in the Black Tail Fantasy series.

In Black Tail Fantasy 2, the most efficient store hidden as an Easter egg was visited by some panty gangs to procure raid items.

“Heh heh heh…”

> Rosinante dude

> All seasons open haha

> What the hell is he?

The panties who kicked the door open and started to flood into the secret shop, find the owner drinking alcohol with a wide smile and start interacting with each other as if they were happy.

> Wow haha The day you can come in here is random

> This is it haha

> Once I got in, I was strong until I died lol

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Eventually, users started to look around with a new feeling as if they had come back with a beard to the stationery they frequented during the nosebleed days.

> But there are a lot of people, so why not just rob the store? It was a dream

In the meantime, when one of them is scratching his head and chatting, everyone is startled and starts to tear him apart.

> Romance

> Do you want to see my time.

> Never surprise him!!

> Ruby and the shop owner were the only ones ‘that bastard’ failed to attack, you crazy lol

> If we touch it, it seems that we will be wiped out immediately

> Go! It’s a long-standing tradition not to touch the shopkeeper…

> How do you beat a bastard who uses instant death cheats lol

The only unwritten rule that existed for users in the days when there was nothing to be afraid of because it was Goil-daero.

That was the ‘don’t touch the shopkeeper’.


> Look at that bastard’s eyes change hahaha

> What? Has the AI been upgraded?

> I can’t get over that…

> Come on, let’s go~ Come on, let’s go~ Come on, let’s go~

When the store owner sends a cold glance to those who want to touch the unique unwritten rule, the trauma of childhood recurs and the users retreat.

– Tick tock…

However, the owner, who was looking at such users, touched the phrase written in front of the counter with his finger.

[100% Sale (Today Only)]

Users who stared blankly at the phrase for a while.

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Eventually, the romance of robbing a shop that they had buried deep in their hearts began to wake up one by one.

– Ur…

After a while, the users turned their eyes and started sweeping the scrolls and potions in the store.

“The other dimension… still…”

The shop owner Stella, who had been watching the scene as if familiar with it, took out a new bottle of wine and looked up at the sky by the window.

“by the way…”

Then, the owner suddenly made a dark expression.

“…Slowly, it’s fading from me as well.”

It was Stella who mumbled like that and had a bitter expression on her face.






“…what the hell is it?”

Shortly thereafter, in the middle of the Academy Battle.

“What… this is.”

Demon King Aishi, who accidentally became the target of a raid in the event’s boss.

To be precise, the ‘eyes’ that were nestled inside her were muttering as she looked down at the ground in a voice with a hint of embarrassment.





terrifying demon. No, worse than the demons, even at this moment, they were tearing up their corpses with a big smile.

‘I don’t understand… I don’t understand at all…’

The eyes that looked at him completely overwhelmed.

What was happening now was completely out of line with the common sense he had.

‘How, how can a creature not fear death?’

From the standpoint of a mortal who will one day become insignificant and disappear, the ‘fear of death’ is absolute.

If it is a living being, it is natural to avoid and fear death because of the instinct engraved in the genetic unit.

It was an immutable truth that never changed no matter what dimension it went through.

‘How the hell…?’

However, those who deny the truth have appeared.

> Farming

> If I go on like this, will I catch you within the time limit?

> Well, it bleeds faster than I thought.

> Oh, if you can’t control it, hurry up and respawn lol

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Even at this moment, those demons holding the corpses of their comrades under the ground, holding a creepy calm expression on their faces, and having an unknown conversation.

‘How could a living thing be like that?’

Since raw meat and creeping creatures were present in all dimensions, the pupils also understood the mechanism of this anomaly to some extent.

Perhaps beings from another dimension possessed the bodies of the first warriors they were controlling.

But I still don’t understand

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Even if you take possession of it, isn’t it the same thing when you die?

All the possessors and reincarnations that he had dealt with until now were afraid of death.

It was the regressors who were less fortunate.

By the way, what the hell did those guys say they ate the wrong thing, so they threw themselves away without even blinking an eye?

The fear of death.

Are you really not afraid of any of that terrible pain?


If so, then those aren’t just demons.

A being who is not at all afraid of ‘eternal annihilation’, which even himself close to immortal fears implicitly.

A race that has overcome ‘death’.

There is no way that such a race could only exist on a lower level.

Perhaps they were located on a level or a higher level where death was not accepted, or they must have come from outside like themselves.

“Oh, umm.”

After making that judgment, the pupils adjusted their voices and borrowed Aishi’s mouth to start talking to the beings below the ground.

“Uh… by any chance, are you guys also great outsiders?”


Then, the users who were excitedly gathering the corpses began to tilt their heads at her suddenly polite attitude.

“Why do such beings have to descend on such a wretched body to fight me…?”

> What does he mean?

> Shh! It’s just a story rice cake!

> Notes…

> Is there something behind it?

The eyes that thought that the words made sense to that figure continued to speak hurriedly.

“If it’s really a higher-dimensional being… you’d better stop. There’s nothing good about us clashing with each other.”

Users fell into silence for a moment at the earnest voice in their eyes.

“Rather, if we cooperate, better results…”

> Are you selling that drug now?

> Phase 1 is now over… Surrender?

> The Demon King… Are you talking to me?

> no no go back

> It’s not too hard hahahaha

But soon after, the users who grasped the nuances began to hold the corpse fragments in their hands again.

– Whoops…!

– Puck! Punk!!


And so, the body fragments of the panty wind began to fly into her face again.

“……Ha, really.”

Aishi’s expression, which had been beaten by corpse fragments flying from all directions with a blank expression, was instantly distorted.

“I mean, I’m not ready yet…”

– Whirlik…!!

“…I can’t help it. To be beaten by these crazy things like this.”

Then, looking down at the demons beneath her, she began to mutter in a cold voice.

“…we can only use the power of the body.”

As she said that, the moment she raised her hand.

– Kururu… Kururreung!!!

The body of the eyes, which had been hidden by the moon until then, shook violently and began to extend their tentacles under the ground.


At that moment, countless expressions of emotion began to resonate beneath her.

> Finally phase 2 dot hahaha

> Hey, is that the sun gimmick right?

> How many phases are there in total?

> What will come of this pattern?

> Oh, if you don’t know, shut up and roll.

“…crazy things.”

It was the eyes that began to mumble with a completely tired expression, and mercilessly hit the huge tentacles.






an hour after that.

– Kugwagwagwang!!!

> Tentacles!!!! 👌👌👌!!!!!! to the corner!!!!!!

> No crazy, wide-area level;

> Dodge is not working at all?

In a completely overturned charter, users of the panty style were chatting as they fell out like autumn leaves.

> There’s something strange about this… The difficulty level is too bad…

> It’s a bit…

> Balance adjustment failed?

> No, at least you have to make them act.

> This is how they all live~~

As the tentacles that stretched out to the ground from beyond the moon wrap around the ground, countless users fall out of the ground.

> Can’t this be done? I have to wear gear.

After being killed repeatedly without even approaching them for an hour, the panty gangs realized that something was wrong and started putting on their gear.

> But except for his normal attacks, everything is resistant.

> The level of the game.

However, wearing the equipment meant the absence of a means of attack.

“I don’t know where these bastards rolled in… Do you think you’ll lose this world you’ve worked so hard for for hundreds of thousands of years!!!”

Because of that, Aishi looks at the users rolling on the ground without being able to do this or that, and reacts with an angry expression.

“Damn!! I never intended to use the power of the body!! I have to use the power I’ve accumulated so far… on these disgusting bastards!!”

– Kuwagwang!! Kuwagwagwang!!

“I’m going to use this gear, I’ll definitely destroy it!!”

As her unilateral massacre continued, soon fatal problems began to arise for users.

[Respawn Queue]


“…uh, huh?”

“Why is this?”

The respawn system was overloaded, and there was a problem with the resurrection.

> hey; All the newbies go away;

> Are we stagnating again…?

> Stop mopping the ants!!!

> Is there a game with a bad developer???

> I can’t even survive without equipment.

As the speed of the resurrection started to slow down noticeably, the only ones left on the map were the users who were standing up to the point where they smelled bad.

> Huh? Ranking 2nd.

> Isn’t it ranked 13th? that?

> f*ck my mouth lol

And the rankers of the old Black Tail Fantasy series who led them to the front.

“I don’t know what it is… I’m on the same side, so I should help…”

“…Damn, that’s a pretty powerful attack.”

“Wait, I’ll bring the dragons…”

Then, Frey and the others began to forcibly lead the bodies that had been fatally wounded and defend their rear.

> This makes tanking close, but…

> The sudden resurrection queue is a problem ㅇㅇ

> I don’t think I can use the same method as before… What should I do?

They started to reorganize users who were constantly pushed by dragging aggro with overwhelming force, equipment, and control skills, but

It was after Panty had already suffered devastating damage.

“Yeah… you guys weren’t invincible either… huh, huh.”

Realizing that, Aishi started to smile.

“If the number was reduced that much…”

Then she suddenly bleeds from her mouth and raises her hands high in the sky.

“Of course there is no talent to stop this!!!”

And the next moment.

– Gugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugus!!!


Directly above the academy, a gigantic mass of ice that she had created so far sparingly and sparingly was summoned and began to cast a shadow.

“If you decide to use the power of the main body… don’t write it down.”

> No, is this really Evan?

> Noona, I really live…?

> Was it because he was just trying to get hit by a wide-area weapon?

> f*ck you guys… I can’t stop that…

> tt

The users were overwhelmed by the appearance, and the students who were evacuated inside the newly created defense wall by Arianne.

“Now I’m tired of this world too!!!”

> Oh crazy, wide-area flag here again??

> Evasion ignores Eva;

> The damage isn’t the problem, the knockback sucks…?

> I don’t think I can stop it

> If you lose this event, is it still submissive?

When Aishi, who was snoring at them, stopped the rankers who were trying to approach them with an ice block, with tentacles, a terrible scream erupted from here and there.

“Stop it, shut it down!!!”

– Gugugugugu…!!!

So, the overwhelming despair that began to sink down, crushing the hope that had overflowed for a while.

“Hey, hey…!”


Because of that, at the moment when everyone was almost resigning, an evil voice resounded from behind the users.

> Who…?

> That… what… Isn’t that the little boy who was added just before the supremacy?

> glare?

> I heard it’s true?

> Is it a cutscene?

Glare, who jumped out from the group of Frey, who was doing all they could to block the tentacles that were trying to swept the users from behind, was glaring at the ice cube and protecting her right hand.

“I, I can… shatter…”

– Grip Jijik!!



It was Glare who struggled to pluck her right hand, but then she collapsed, vomiting blood from her mouth.

“Uhhh, my head hurts…”

“…it was you.”

Aishi, who was staring at Glare with the pupils protruding from her left hand to prevent her from snapping her fingers, then raised the corners of her mouth and murmured.

“Singularity disguised as a coincidence. System destroyer. The power of deletion.”


“…the incarnation of the management system.”


As Glair withdrew and trembled at Aishi’s gaze, Frey, who had cut off the tentacles that were blocking her way with all her might, ran to her.

“But, I’m sure I’ll take on that fragile human form. The complacency makes me feel nauseous.”

“Glare, come to your senses!”

“On the subject of management system. Dare the great me from the outside…”

Aishi, who looked down with a contemptuous expression on the still trembling Glare while being held in Frey’s arms, turned to the Academy, which was on the verge of collapse.

“The next destination… It would be nice to have a dimension with blue stars.”

After a while, she was muttering like that with a relaxed expression on her face.

– Phage hey hey hey….!!!!


Until somewhere, a very familiar shattering sound rang out.






– Kwajijijijikjik!!


Aishi, who had been convinced of victory just a few seconds ago, was full of utter dismay.

– Kurreung!! Kurung!!

Right in front of her like that, the wide-ranging period of conversion that is mercilessly crushed into powder and disappears.

– Tzuzuzuzuzuzu…

In the nonsensical scene where a mountain, or even a mass of ice that was as huge as a glacier, is wiped out in one slash, everyone’s attention is focused on the sky, regardless of users, imperial people, and demon kings.

– Tub, Tub…

At that time, when everyone’s eyes were sold to the sky, the sound of footsteps began to be heard from behind the users.



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Eventually, the owner of the footsteps paused in the place where Glare, who was tightly held in Frey’s arms, looked quietly at Glare, who was tilting her head with a mysterious expression on her face.

[Interact > Stroking]

– Whoops, whoops…


Then, as he quietly pressed the interact key and stroked Glair’s head, Frey and Glair began to look puzzled at the same time.

– Tub, Tub, Tub…

As he walks forward with Frey and Glair behind him, the users looking up at the powder of ice spreading all over turn their attention to him.

– Urr…

Users who stared blankly at the player who suddenly appeared from behind for a long time, seeing the nickname that was floating on his head, started to move sideways all at once without anyone saying anything first.


One of the few newbies who still remained far and wide.

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Even famous broadcasters who know their names even if they catch and ask anyone on the street.

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Even the panty hem that stagnates and smells rotten.

And even the rankers who played on top of the heads of such dead people.

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Everyone, without exception.

“…Your guy.”

So, Aishi, who found him at the front of the users, sharpened his teeth and hurriedly raised his hands.

– Sureung…

A player who silently raises his sword and chats quietly.

[If you make a mistake, go to the developer: Start attacking now]

Ranking number one.

First clearer.

A legend that suddenly disappeared one day.

[If you’re wrong, go to the developer: If you don’t know it, just memorize it]

It was the return of the first hero, Kim Han-byul.

A word from the author (author review)

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