Chapter 102 As long as the White Dragon and King Arthur fight, we have a chance!!

Roa vetoed Morgan’s proposal to let him bring some manpower mainly because on the British side, all the people who can now follow him to the Great Secret Realm of Rengomenard have something at hand.

Roa is away, and Morgan will have to stay on Camelot during this time, just in case.

Skaha still has matters to deal with on Pictavia’s side, she went to Pictavia two days ago, and she is not in Camelot at all.

White’s body went to Rome to investigate Roa’s origin.

Artoria took a leave of absence.

After Artoria took a leave of absence, Kai had to deal with some of the work that the guards should have handled, and Sir Ektor was helping Kai share the work.

King Ryania had to deal with the already tedious affairs and commercial aspects of the South.

King Liaode Kuan used the northern events to wipe out the Saxon barbarians’ follow-up before dealing with it.

King Ronua is responsible for cooperating with Skaja.

King Burinno was responsible for stabilizing the situation throughout the north at this time when Camelot and the north had just signed an agreement.

As for Merlin…… He seemed to see that he didn’t want him to meet Morgan, so a few days ago, he used Roa to let him find the Holy Sword, leaving Camelot.

Under such circumstances, these people have something on their hands, and Roa feels that it is not worth them to stop the work at hand to destroy these goblins.

So Roa didn’t take them.

But he’s not the kind of person who can find idle helpers, but has to deal with the enemy himself.

So although he seems to be going alone, he still has two helpers.

One is Melie.

And the other…

“It’s Voltigine!”

“Defend quickly, how could this white dragon be in the secret realm!?”

A huge white dragon soared over the Great Secret Realm of Lungomenade, and pitch-black flames spread among the newborn goblin forest.

Above the forest, countless green magic arrays opened towards the sky, but after the huge white dragon opened its mouth, these magic and miracle brilliance were all swallowed by the white dragon and went down.

It is the embodiment of despair.

It is the embodiment of pitch blackness.

There is no glory before it, and there is no miracle!

These goblins had just blocked the door of the Great Secret Realm of Lungominiad, and before they could hold a banquet or something to celebrate, Voltigon had already appeared above the goblin forest.

And there was no intention to communicate with them at all, and without saying a word, he launched an attack.

One by one, of course, this cannot be Voltigan itself.

Her body is in Rome at this time, and this is only the incarnation of the white dragon that she remotely controlled.

The strength of the White Dragon Avatar was far inferior to that of Fu Tigeng itself.

Even if she herself is in control, the strength that can be played is still very small, and it is good to have one-tenth of hers, and it is not possible to enter the second state.

Such a white dragon avatar, even the British in the simulation of the King of Roa’s alchemy, could kill it after paying a small price.

But with Britain in that simulation, it took a mysterious route, and even more

The goblins of high level mysterious knowledge could only think of defense in the face of such a white dragon avatar.

They didn’t dare to take a shot at Voltigen at all!

At this time, they immediately thought of defense, and after the defense was laid, they naturally thought of escaping!

Therefore, after there was no way to stop the destruction of Futigeng and the spread of the black flame, these goblins, led by the goblin elders, took the initiative to re-liberate the door that had just been sealed not long ago.

“Quick, we can’t be Voltigon’s opponent – let’s escape from the secret realm and go to Camelot to ask King Arthur for help!”

“That noble knight king is the only thing we can rely on now, he is not afraid of Futigeng, nor will he see death without saving, let’s escape!” Escape and live! ”

Obviously, they were ready to kick Roa away just now, but now after these goblins encountered Voltigeng, the first thing they thought of was to go to Roa for help.

Perhaps they feel that their side has just closed the door, and Roa’s side does not know the situation yet.

Perhaps they feel that they have just closed the door and quickly unlocked it, so that they can find a reason to explain it, and they can even blame it on Voltigeng.

And… They may feel that humans help them, and that is a matter of course!

But when they opened the blockade of the door, they found in despair that one was gone!

The Gate of the Secret Realm, which was supposed to be here, has now disappeared!

Then when they were desperate, where it should have been the door, the space began to distort.

In this large range of distortions that seem to be reflected in the mist reflected in the air, the knight with a sword in his left hand and a gun in his right hand, and a white fur on the back of his helmet, as if he was a silver lion, walked out of it.

The goblins don’t know the holy spear, but they do, the sword in the stone.

They hadn’t seen Roa wearing a helmet, but they knew Roa’s armor.

So at this time, the goblins who had already heard the dragon roar approaching also ran towards Roa, very excited.

“Quick, King Arthur, the secret realm has been invaded by the white dragon, quickly protect us!”

The goblins shouted like this, as if they took Roa’s help for granted.

And then…

The goblin who ran at the forefront was directly cut off by Roa’s sword the moment he came to Roa!

The blood flew to the faces of the goblins behind it, and also stopped the team running towards Roa.

The head of the goblin before rolled around on the ground, and finally turned towards his own people——— the goblin was laughing until death, smiling happily, and there seemed to be a little hope in his eyes that had lost his mind.

Its head was like a dividing line, directly dividing Roa and the goblins into two parts.

The goblins did not dare to move forward at all, but Roa kicked the goblin’s head, easily crossed the boundary, and his steps were getting faster and faster, directly charging at the group of goblins!

“Quick, stop him!”

The goblins shouted like this, and the goblins, who had not been completely stupid because of this incident, unleashed magic directly on Roa.

But it’s useless!

You don’t even need Mellie’s help, and you don’t need to dodge with your sight and smell.

Under the ridiculously strong divinity of Roa, the mystery that these goblins can control is too small!

These attack and restriction techniques are simply immune.

Then after the goblins built up their defensive techniques, Roana’s eyes hidden in the gap in his helmet lit up.

– Overlord color, burst!

His terrifying divine power directly spread with him as the core.

The trees around him fell backwards under this divine power, as if fleeing from Roa’s side, and as if they were kneeling to Roa!

The ground around him cracked, and the ground under his feet seemed to carry something extremely grand, and it sank directly downwards!

In a considerable range, Roa is the core of the depression, and this large depression always moves with him as the core.

Then the goblins on the slope also began to slide in the direction of Roa as they ran!

The defensive techniques they built also began to distort and blur under Roa’s divine power until they disappeared completely!

The goblins who were constantly fleeing felt that the air was frozen and frozen!

Weaker individuals could not even mobilize their magic power, some were directly shocked and passed out, and some remained awake, but they could not do anything, they could only fall powerlessly towards Roa, and then be hacked to death by Roa with a sword or stabbed to death with a gun.

In short, not a single living mouth will be left.

And the stronger barely catalyzed the unstable magic to fly out of this depression that seemed to be a death millstone.

They thought it was the path to hope.


After they flew up, it was the huge white dragon that stood in front of them!

Roa was waiting for them on the ground, and the huge white dragon in the sky had opened its mouth even earlier.

They… There is nowhere to run anymore!

The goblins began to despair, but the goblin elder, who also flew out of the hollow area, spoke directly to the white dragon at this time.

“O great Vottigen, your nemesis, King Arthur, is on the ground – I am an ant to you that can be killed at any time, but the one below is your great enemy, and he drove us to the sky to drain your power!”

“We are indeed insignificant, but even the slightest bit of strength we have expended for the sake of insignificant purposes is a treacherous plan of your old enemy!”

“You can also see that we can’t run out of here, so compared to ants and insects like us, you don’t have a better enemy, and you can really threaten you!”

Compared to other goblins, the goblin elder felt that there might still be a glimmer of life now.

As long as this white dragon and that King Arthur fight, then they still have a chance!

Even if the White Dragon and King Arthur are both defeated, then they even have a chance to fight back!

The Goblin Elder felt that he had grasped the only hope when he first spoke.

After saying that, it felt that it had seen the future of the goblins victorious!

They, there is still a chance!

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