Chapter 1003 How could they be a gang!!

Although the Fairy Elder did feel that he had grasped the vitality, it was not obscured by what he saw in front of him.

It still has to wait for Roa and Voltigeng to really fight before it feels relieved.

So even though it had hope after saying this, it was still very nervous.

It was afraid that Vantigeng would not be able to communicate at all, and directly sprayed them all to death with a mouthful of fire – then even if Vutigung and Roa really fought, what would there be!

So it was nervously waiting for a response from Vottigen.

But Voltigen did not respond to it.

Just a simple breath.

The goblin elder who was blowing in the hot air felt as if he were being burned, but even so, he still looked at Fu Tigeng firmly, without the slightest intention of looking away.

But Voltigan still didn’t give it any response.

Seeing this scene, the hope that the Goblin Elder had originally risen had begun to disappear, and fear had begun to gradually occupy its thinking.

But at this very moment, it was as if fate was just joking with it.

Although Votigen did not respond to it, Roa jumped directly towards the position where Votigeng was in mid-air after killing all the goblins on his side!

Seeing Roa’s actions, the goblin elder almost laughed.


As long as their goblins save their lives during the battle between Voltigon and Roa, they will win!

Originally, when it saw that Voltigeng did not respond to itself, it was almost desperate.

But it didn’t expect Roa to be so stupid!

He actually took the initiative to provoke Voltigeng! This white dragon is so provocative!

If it is really weak, then we will not have killed it long ago, where will the newborn goblin forest be destroyed as it is now!

The goblin elder roared in his heart.

When the other goblins saw this scene, they seemed to understand the meaning of their own elders, and they were equally relieved.

Then after seeing hope, he changed the fear and fear he had just had, and when he looked at Roa and Futigeng again, their eyes also flashed with resentment.

They feel that both Voltigon and Roa are invaders who suddenly invaded their home!

Wreak havoc as soon as it arrives!

There is no wisdom at all that intelligent life should have!

They completely forgot that this secret realm was still provided by Roa, and they also forgot that they originally planned to take Roa’s secret realm for nothing, and sealed the entrance and pretended to be dead in place.

It was as if all this sin was on Roa and Voltigon, who were completely innocent victims.


Their expressions were completely frozen on their faces in the next step.

Because after Roa jumped towards Futigeng, Votigeng did not move directly at Roa as they expected, but faced Roa who jumped up, and lowered his head!

It is as if a courtier had met his king.

The huge white dragon lowered its haughty head, causing Roa to jump directly on its head.

Then the white dragon raised its head at the goblins and roared.

And the king standing above the white dragon’s head also turned around and continued to aim the weapon in his hand at this group of goblins.

At this time, Roa spoke.

“Maybe in your expectations, we should fight to the death now, and it is better to fight both sides so that you can enjoy the success…”

At this point, Roa suddenly raised his voice.

“Think beautiful!”

As Roa said this, the White Dragon followed suit twice, as if to cater to Roa.

Seeing this, this group of goblins moved out a possibility that they did not even dare to think about.

That is…

– King Arthur and Voltigen are in the same company!

“This, how is this possible!?”

“How can you be a gang!?”

Every time I faced despair before, there were always goblins who would complain and wail loudly.

But this time it was different.

This time, it was not the other goblins who broke the silence and shouted, but the goblin elders who could remain calm at the critical moment from the beginning!

The Fairy Elder at this time no longer saw hope.

After all, they really can’t get out of this secret realm now, and then their only hope is cut off……… Then in such a situation, even it is desperate!

Even if it is a mentality!

So after shouting, the Fairy Elder changed his previous calm and questioned Roa with a distorted face.

“Why! Why are you trying to wipe us all out, where did we goblins mess with you!? ”

The goblin elder was questioning loudly, and seemed to be using this way to summon up his last courage.

It still can’t wait for death directly.

So even if it knows that Roa and Voltigon are one and the same, then they have no chance of winning, but even then it plans to launch a final attack directly with the remaining goblins after questioning.

So even though it is already yelling out of its mind, there is still a trace of thought in its questioning.

It knows very well that its own people look down on humans.

Therefore, if Luo Adan says a reason, it can be taken and used, so that the clansmen can also summon the last courage like themselves.


Although Roa had many reasons, he had no intention of talking nonsense here with the Fairy Elder at all.

He stepped on Fu Ti Geng, directly letting Fu Ti Geng swoop down on the goblins, and he himself opened his hands and crossed all the weapons in his two hands.

In the process of Vottigen’s swooping, Roa’s voice rang out.

“Kill if you want, that’s all.”

Roa’s voice was not so intense, nor did it contain anger or killing intent, it was the kind of calm and terrifying sound, but it was even colder than the piercing killing intent!

Such a Luo A cooperated with the white dragon who had rushed over, and in the face of such a scene, this group of goblins completely lost their fighting spirit and began to scatter and flee.

The goblin elder didn’t run.

It looked at the frontal bite of Voltigeng and wanted to use magic, but under Roa’s divine power, it couldn’t use decent magic at all.

So it was bitten to death by Voltigeng.

Then the group of scattered goblins could not escape from the secret realm, and Roa even remembered the breath of each of them with his sights and smells.

That’s it.

It wasn’t until all 4925 breaths that Roa had remembered in the Goblin Forest disappeared that Roa and Vottigen finally stopped.

Black flames extinguished in the forest.

Roa gave instructions directly to the World Tree, and the damage caused by Roa and Vatigen was restored in a blink of an eye, and even the corpses of those goblins were disposed of by the World Tree.

Seeing such a scene, Luo A also smiled and waved his hand at Fu Ti Geng, casually opened a door for it, and then the white dragon flew out directly after saluting Luo A.

And Roa watched the Great Secret Realm of Lungominiad become what it is now, and felt the swelled life force in his body, and only then breathed a sigh.

“Everything I wanted was gotten and there were even some windfalls… Well, perfect. ”

He didn’t immediately let the World Tree start making new goblins, but planned to wait to ask Morgan about the goblin knight before making goblins in a targeted manner.

So after the Great Secret Realm was restored and the entire goblin clan was destroyed, Roa also opened the door and left the Great Secret Realm.

He was going back to explain things to Morgan.

By the way, go back early, maybe you can catch up with the meal, and it won’t worry her too much.

With this in mind, Roa went back to Camelot.

Roa and Morgan have all focused their attention on this side lately because of the goblins, so that another very small thing has never been paid too much attention to by them.

That was Artoria’s holiday, arrived.

Altorie, who had spent the week shutting herself in her room studying, mentally repeating Morgan’s actions that night over and over again

Once she finally has the confidence to replicate exactly the same as Sister Wang!

So Artoria, who will end the holiday tomorrow, plans to find Roa tonight, and then surprise Roa!

Thinking of this, Artoria clenched her fists and strengthened her determination.

“Sister Wang, I’m going to take the initiative to attack too!”

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