Chapter 104 Morgan’s Prepared Surprise!!

The fact that Roa returned safely did reassure Morgan.

Although she didn’t think Roa would lose in the morning, Morgan was still a little worried when she watched Roa go to clean up the goblins by herself.

Roa was relieved to see Morgan, and he knew what she thought, so he walked behind Morgan, who was sitting in his usual position, stretched out his hands, and pressed them on her temples.

After Roa became the master of the World Tree, the vitality of the World Tree, which was so large that it was terrifying, was also fed back to him.

Therefore, Roa, who can mobilize his life force now, will directly mobilize the life force in his body and then infuse it into Morgan’s body.

In an instant, Morgan felt that all the fatigue in his body had been removed.

At first, Morgan thought it was a little powerful.

But after she felt it a little, although she did not stop Roa’s movements, she still shook her head slightly.

“If other magicians see that you directly use such a large amount of life force to help people relax, they may be angry with you.”

Life force is still very precious.

And it is extremely difficult to obtain, and most of the time it can even be said to be unobtainable.

Something that is rare to this extent, then of course, its effect is also very terrible.

Just like those heroes who ate a fruit in the goblin forest, or got the help of the goblin, absorbed some life force, strengthened the body, invincibility is only a small problem, longevity is also a matter of course——— and directly infused with life force, basically any kind of injury can be cured.

The difference is whether more or less life force is needed.

Just now, in order to relieve fatigue for her whole body, Roa directly filled her whole body with life force——— you know, so much life force, even if she is cut off all four, her heart is also penetrated, as long as she does not break her breath, she can be saved, and even her limbs can grow back, the kind that will not have any scars!

It was such a life force that seemed to be the same amount as a second life, but it was directly given to her by Roa to relieve fatigue.

Especially she has the power of the island, so what strengthens the body, invincibility to all diseases, longevity and the like, are all her original ones, as for healing… She is not injured now.

If I had to say anything, I probably only shed some blood when I first communicated with Roa the other day, and if this could be restored, it would be here.

As for the rest of the place… Completely unharmed, just a little tired.

This is no longer something that can be described in terms of luxury.

In the eyes of those magicians, this is simply a waste!

“It doesn’t matter, even if they do see what they think, it doesn’t matter to me.”

Roa is proficient in alchemy, so he naturally knows what life force is, but he doesn’t care.

The life force that the World Tree feeds back to him is endless.

In other words, he is completely different from those goblins, as long as the secret realm of Lungominiad is still there, then his vitality is infinite!

Life force may be precious to others because it is scarce.

But he has almost unlimited vitality… Wouldn’t that be scarce at all?

Even Roa was planning to wait for the gods to disappear, and use his life force to directly erase the disease from the land of Britain, and by the way, so that newborns in Britain could live a hundred years long and be physically stronger than ordinary people.

Morgan didn’t know what Roa was thinking.

But even if she knew, she probably wouldn’t say anything.

She knew that Roa usually had a number in mind when she did things, so she would enjoy the recovery of her vitality with peace of mind.

But when all the fatigue on her body was over, she felt Roa wrap herself around her from behind.

This made Morgan’s eyes widen directly.

“Today, forget it…”

Since Morgan and Roa had some communication, in the past few days, Artoria took leave, and Roa was basically with Morgan every day.

Morgan though has the power of the island.

But Roa has become a god!

After a few days, even if Morgan now feels that the fatigue on her body has been cured by the vitality, she still feels a little overwhelmed.

What’s more…

Morgan looked at a document that Roa had memorized after she came, held the document with one hand, and continued speaking.

“I still have a job today, and I’m going to have a surprise for you, so I’ll just do it today… Yes! ”

Morgan still didn’t fully convince Roa after all.

However, Roa did not force Morgan, but simply hugged her and talked for a while, and then Roa was driven away by Morgan on the grounds of disturbing her work.

Regarding the surprise she prepared for Roa, she didn’t say specifically, and Roa didn’t ask.

And this surprise is actually related to the document that Morgan covered before.

The reason why she was able to say the word surprise in advance was because she knew that even if Roa knew that she had prepared a surprise for him, Roa should still feel very happy when he actually saw this information.

Only now she could not be sure of the authenticity of the information, so she would have to wait until her people sent to Rome had fully confirmed that the information was true before she could tell Roa.

Otherwise, it would be disappointing if it were false news.

As for the specific information Roa is now gone, Morgan turned the document over.

“Although I don’t know why Roa has been sending people to find this person, I can see from his expression that the news of this person must be particularly important to him.”

Thinking back to Roa’s serious attitude when he was looking for this person, even Morgan began to be a little curious about this person in the intelligence.

But she still couldn’t tell from the intelligence that there was anything special about this person.

The only thing that had to be said was that the strange name of the other party seemed special to Morgan.

The format of the other person’s name was something Morgan had never seen before.

Her name is ——— Shatiao Love Song.

After Roa was driven from Morgan, he returned to his dormitory.

Because he was tired of being with Morgan for the past few days, he suddenly had to rest by himself today, which made Roa feel a little uncomfortable.

But he wouldn’t force Morgan on that.

As for the surprise that Morgan said…

Although he couldn’t think of it, since Morgan didn’t tell him directly now, it means that Morgan must have his own ideas in it.

If that’s the case, just wait.

Anyway, since it is a surprise for yourself, you will let yourself know sooner or later.

With this thought, Roa lay down and closed his eyes, intending to sleep.

As a result, he had just closed his eyes, and then he felt someone leaning over!

The darkness couldn’t obscure his vision, so he looked straight over and saw that ——— was Artoria!

When he saw that it was Artoria, Roa was relieved.

But soon he discovers Artoria’s purpose. It doesn’t seem so simple!

When did Artoria become so bold?

This was Roa’s first thought, but he soon sensed something was wrong!

Because of these movements made by the other party when they leaned over, these little habits, and this feeling… That’s not something Morgan has!

After a few days of understanding, Roa was already very familiar with Morgan’s little habits, so he was confident that he would not admit it this time!

There is no way to admit the mistake once, but how can it be admitted this time.

If this is Artoria, then he will eat this pillow in his hand on the spot!

This must be Morgan!

Spotting this, Roa suddenly reacted.

The first time he communicated with Morgan, he was like this because he recognized the wrong person.

If Morgan deliberately dressed up as Artoria, then he would not normally recognize it.


One is this the surprise that Morgan and I said?

Good fellow, what a surprise!

Roa, who felt that this was the surprise that Morgan had told himself before, was completely let go at this time.

Although there was a little episode in the middle, Roa thought that he had instilled so much life force into Morgan today, so according to the effect of life force, the recovery of some places was also taken for granted.

Wouldn’t that be even more exciting!

What a restoration of that misunderstanding!


What a surprise!

Roa had this thought, and then Morgan ‘didn’t speak, he didn’t speak, and silently enjoyed the surprise that Morgan had brought to himself.

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