Chapter 105: Roa’s Real Name!!

The next morning, looking at the morning sun, Roa felt a burst of relief.

At the moment, ‘Morgan’ is still sleeping, even if she is asleep, there is still a trace of exhaustion on her face, seeing such a Morgan, Roa also put his hand on her head and gave her a lot of life force.

Help her recover.

With the infusion of life force, Roa saw that the hair on the top of her head was still shaking after she fell asleep, as if she was happy because of this incident.

“Even a place like Dumao is exactly the same as Artoria, how did this happen, is it restored by magic?”

Roa was only particularly proficient in alchemy, not in other places.

So he couldn’t see it, and he couldn’t possibly ask Melie about that kind of thing.

“Hmm… Ask Morgan when she wakes up. ”

Roa said softly, and then after the treatment was finished, he also walked towards the study.

“Looking at Morgan yesterday, there should be a lot of work, after all, the North has just signed an agreement with Camelot, and after knowing that I control the World Tree and have the ability to create goblins, Morgan now needs to draw up a specific plan for goblin knights.”

“Then with so much work, yesterday I guessed it was because of my problem, so I came over in the evening to surprise me…”

Thinking of this, Roa pushed open the door of the study.

“I really can’t help her perfect the goblin knight’s plan, but for other jobs, I can…”

As Roa pushed the door open, he saw Morgan sitting in the study, constantly dealing with the mess.


Seeing Morgan sitting here, Roa visibly paused.

Morgan, on the other hand, heard the sound of the door opening, and saw that it was Roa coming, so she smiled and greeted Roa.

“I still get up at this point as always, but I thought you would go to breakfast and come over, but I didn’t expect you to come over.”

He had planned to come over early to help ‘Morgan’ take care of all the work.

But now the words…

“Morgan, let me ask, do you work in the study all night?”


Morgan heard Roa ask this, and although he was a little puzzled, he still gave the answer.

Roa, who heard Morgan say this, felt a little confused for a moment.

If Morgan had been sitting here last night, it would have been the real Artoria last night… But why does Artoria act so much like Morgan?

No, it can’t be described by an image anymore, it’s exactly the same!

Thinking of this, although Roa also felt unlikely, he still leaned over to Morgan’s side and whispered a question.

“Morgan, have you been in contact with Artoria during this time?”

“Nothing… My silly sister has been shutting herself in her room all this time, taking the books I gave her before to learn some messy knowledge… I went to her halfway through and planned to have a good chat, but she seemed to decide that she wanted to learn all the content in those books, so she directly rejected me…”

Hearing Morgan say this, Roa looked over.

“What kind of book?”

Because Roa asked, Morgan, who once again recalled the contents of those books, turned a little red at this time.

She was also too embarrassed to say the content of the book, so she simply shook it casually, and then she took out the copies of the books lent to Artoria.

She was a little embarrassed, while Roa took the books one by one, flipping through each one.

Only… It’s all some theoretical knowledge, and it’s still very vague, just like the kind of emotional experience that he has seen in his previous life that online writers who have never been in love have talked about in books…

Just look at these things… It would have been impossible to restore Morgan’s movements to that way.

That is.

One Artoria must have known about him and Morgan, and even peeked!

And I watched it quite meticulously, I didn’t miss a single action, and even those small details were learned!

Ah, this…

As soon as he thought that when he and Morgan communicated, there was a small audience next to him, and Roa raised his plan to sweep around with his sights and smells in advance next time!

As for now…

“… Morgan, sorry to disturb your work, I still have something to do, I’m going back first———Well, it’s about Artoria. ”

Originally, Morgan was a little helpless about Roardu coming to the study, but she was still planning to leave her job to herself, but after hearing that it was about Artoria, she paused.

“Artoria? Speaking of her vacation seems to be over today, this time she is also coming to the end of the matter? ”


Roa took a breath, then told Morgan all about last night.

What Roa can think of, Morgan can naturally think of.

Although Morgan was initially a little surprised that Artoria would also take the initiative to attack, she quickly turned her attention to the fact that Artoria actually peeked at her communication with Roa!

And not only peeked, but also learned, not only learned, but also learned quite meticulously!

This, this, this…

Even Morgan, who has been with Roa for the past few days, so he is obviously not as shy as before, his ears are red now.

And then she didn’t ask anymore,… He simply blushed, lowered his head, looked like he wanted to immerse himself in his work, and waved his hand at Roa.

“Then, you go quickly, goodbye!”

When Roa saw Morgan’s look, he nodded silently, and then went back to find Artoria!

About something, he also wanted to ask Artoria’s.


Although Morgan had said everything she had said before, now that it had happened, Roa still had to go and make it clear to Artoria.

Roa was here handling his family affairs, while on the Roman side, Bai was looking at the information in front of him, planning to return to Camero.

“The task assigned by the king is completed.”

“The suppression of the goblin is complete, and the search for the king’s origins is completed… This task is also accomplished. ”

Bai looked at the information from the Roman Senate that she had copied in her hand, and she had thoroughly understood what the surname of the branch that had been driven away by the Roman side was.

Even she knew why this one was exiled after the sword emperor Lucius was decided to become the next emperor, and then intercepted by the Romans on the way to exile.

Not because of what the team did wrong.

And even more not because of standing in line and not taking sides.

There are very complicated reasons for letting the current sword emperor Lucius become the emperor, and Lucius was the only emperor who could meet the interests of all camps at that time, so she was pushed to the position of emperor.

As for what the hell is going on with this one…

It was only because they took the king to the pantheon to bless him after he was born, and then caused the miracle of the pantheon, so that the king was given a name before he was named.

That name, the king’s real name, was a Roamulus.

If translated into the Roman accent of the king’s homeland, the name will be pronounced exactly like another name when the first name and surname are joined together.

And that name is ——— Romulus!

The name given by the miracle caused by the Pantheon in Rome is exactly the same name as the founding emperor of Rome!

That is to say, compared to the current sword emperor Dian Sius, the king should be selected by the Pantheon, the real emperor of Rome!

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