Chapter 108: Let’s Knock the Fairy Forest down!!

Roa still paid more attention to what Merlin said.

But this is not only because of Merlin, but also because of Shiro’s last words in the communication………

There must be a reason why Shiro made himself pay a little more attention to Rome.

It’s just that Roa didn’t know this reason before, but now that Merlin said this, Roa seems to be clear.

One by one because of the guy who was given the name Romulus by the Pantheon in Rome?

This guy is so powerful that even if Bai already knows, the power of Britain, he still persuades himself to pay more attention…

Thinking of this, Roa thought a little.

At this time, Merlin had been temporarily arranged by Roa to rest after what he had just said, and he was thinking with Melie about what Merlin had just said.

“Melie, what do you think of this Romulus situation?”

Hearing Roa’s question, Mellie responded after thinking about it for a while.

“Hmm… Just as I think you are also a twist point on the Overworld line, this Romulus is not surprising if it is a twist point. ”

“And Vivian, the fairy of the lake in Merlin’s mouth…… At least Vivian of our world is just a little strange, but very credible in terms of prophecy. ”

“Plus Merlin has the same clairvoyance as I do, and he can’t find that Romulus, and I naturally can’t find it… So I think it may be true that there should be a certain reverence for the unknown. ”

From White’s advice to the news Merlin brought back, to Mellie’s judgment.

After such a process, Roa nodded solemnly.

Although he also pressed about the giant god before, that matter is too far away in terms of time.

I will wait until next year to be able to simulate the second volume.

At that time, three times a day simulation, Roa felt that sooner or later he would find a way to solve the giant god.

But now this matter is different.

This matter is indeed unknown to Roa more, and Roa is now a little skeptical, among the completion conditions of the second volume given by the system, one is to read all the plots of the giant god king, and the other is to let him read all the plots of a mysterious person.

But the mysterious person may be a relationship he did not meet, so before the system update, it has always been??? status to display.

This guy is that Romulus?

If that’s the case, then maybe it’s really that feeling of an old enemy character appearing……… In the face of such a guy, I really have to pay attention to it.

And Romulus…

If he remembers correctly, the founding emperor of Rome was the crown gun! Or a crown gun that can wrestle with the almighty god Zeus!

The house fire that was given this name by the Pantheon……… It really can’t be underestimated.

Originally, Roa had actually loosened his mouth in the development of Britain recently.

On the one hand, he is ready to wait until the second volume of simulations begins next year before he will develop steadily, and on the other hand, the source of pressure is too far away, so he has time.

But now… Let’s tighten it a little tighter.

The Knights of the Summoning Knights will quickly transition to full body, the formation of the Knights of the Round Table will also be put on the agenda, and the matter of the Goblin Knights will also begin to study with Morgan………

Thinking of this, Roa let out a sigh.

And Melie saw that Roa stopped thinking about it, and then she made a sound.

“What, are you starting to get nervous?”

“A little really.”

Roa didn’t hide his meaning, but after admitting this, he changed his solemn appearance just now, and instead laughed.

“But it’s just a little, after all, he couldn’t hide all the time, now we have learned of his existence——— and since the lake fairy’s premonition knows his existence, then we may also be able to use the lake fairy’s prophecy to catch him out of the dark, right.”

Hearing Roa say this, Melie nodded in the look of Fluff.

This reaction to Roa was not surprising.

After all, after this period of contact, she also had a certain understanding of Roa.

If at first she hid on Roa’s side because she couldn’t do it, investigating the twist while looking for a sand love song.

Then during this time of contact, Mellie found a lot of shining points in Roa.

Roa was different from the Arthur she knew.

Roa is not always a brave man who can be positive and optimistic, and brave——— he is more like a normal person in many places, irritable when encountering tricky questions, afraid and nervous when encountering unknown things, and will make various preparations as much as possible when facing the future………

But that’s how he never gave up.

And even if he is irritable, even if he is nervous, after acknowledging these emotions, he can still pluck up the courage to face them.

Before, Melie had thought that a fool like Arthur who knew nothing about something was synonymous with bravery.

But now she has some new understanding of the word brave.

That is the guy who understands the fear, knows the consequences, but still faces the problem after encountering it.

The brave are not the prerogative of fools.

This is Melie’s new understanding.

As for whether she saw a lot of sparkles in Roa’s body, is there a bonus from the love of the sand love song……… Who can say this clearly?

Evaluation is very subjective and wanton, and so is love. There is no way to distinguish such a thing.

Even she did.

So Melie didn’t say anything at this time, just silently watched Roa deal with the work while also putting some preparations on the agenda.

Occasionally she would give Roa a little advice.

Sometimes Roa will agree directly, and sometimes Roa will ask her and discuss with her.

Even if she has this feeling in her heart, she will not take the initiative to attack like Morgan or Artoria.

Although she is now called Melie, she is also Merlin.

Compared to actively participating in something, she prefers to be an audience, at most a little involved in it, to increase the sense of substitution as an audience.

So for her, that’s enough. ———At least enough for now…

After dealing with some things and making some preparations, Roa went to Merlin and asked him if he could ask Vivian to help find this Romulus with prophecy.

Merlin did not deny this.

“Vivian’s prophetic abilities shouldn’t be a problem to find Romulus, but that’s something that can only be done while Vivian remains normal…”

Speaking of this, Merlin sighed.

“But now… It’s not just Vivian, it’s like a prelude to the fate of mortality, and the impact of very terrible things that will happen in the future is not only in the future. ”

“When the king was still alive, I knew many great prophets who could predict the future… It’s not that I’m so fake about the future, it’s about predicting the future. ”

“There are quite a few things that can do this.”

“But these guys are gradually withering away, as if the great trouble that will break out in the future has already killed these wise men who can stop trouble in advance, and even the guys with a very long life are withering and dying.”

“Vivian’s survival is a very powerful thing, but her state has always been very poor……… It would be nice to be able to predict once this time, I see Vivian’s state, this time may be her last prophecy is not easy to say. ”

“If we can find the guy who suspects that Romulus now, then if Vivian looks at the other person in person, Vivian should still be able to recognize the other party – but we don’t have such a candidate, and it is probably impossible for Vivian to start a prophecy.” 」


Listening to Merlin’s previous words, and then even Melie said to Roa in her heart, although Vivian in their world did not encounter such a situation, Merlin did not seem to be lying at this time – so Roa had to give up the plan to let Vivian help find that Romulus.

But Merlin also said “unless”, and then he was the same as a card, don’t say it!

Merlin’s face was very hesitant, but Roa asked anyway.

“Unless of what?”

Hearing Roa’s question, Merlin sighed.

“If there is a lot of vitality, then it can alleviate Vivian’s situation……… And if you want to get a lot of life force, then you either have to sacrifice a large number of people, and then with your alchemy level, you can naturally collect a lot of life force, or…”

Merlin naturally knew that Roa would definitely not be able to sacrifice a large number of people, so he also said what he was really hesitating about, and it was the option that Roa might have chosen………

“… You can send troops to attack the secret realm of the goblin forest, and if you knock down the goblin forest, then a lot of vitality will be there. ”

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