Chapter 1009 Since you chose Roa, don’t be afraid to offend any Romulus!!

It was not for nothing that Merlin offered to attack the Goblin Forest.

Because you want a lot of life force, you can almost only find it from the Goblin Forest

But Merlin knew very well that the goblins fed on life force, so if you traded a small amount in the form of a transaction, the goblins might still agree

But there was such a large number of cases that needed to alleviate Vivian’s situation, and it was impossible for the goblins to go on hunger strike and sell their things.

Otherwise, the fairies in the lake would have gone to trade with the goblins long ago, where can they wait until now.

In this case, if you want to alleviate Vivian’s situation, you must use a little tougher means.

That is to knock down the goblin forest, and then then all these life forces will naturally be ours.

Although this is not in line with the concept of knights, Merlin also believes that Roa is not a rigid knight – it is really possible for him to agree.

Just for the greater good of the ——— he and the knights said when they shouted slogans.

So Merlin saw that Roa did not speak after he finished speaking, and he waited silently.

But Roa… It’s not about tangling.

He had thought that Merlin had deliberately paused before saying the main point, and that there must be a high theory waiting behind, and the result… It turned out that he didn’t know that the goblin was already cold!

Well… If you think about it, it’s not surprising.

It’s Merlin after all.

The Goblin Forest had originally shielded his clairvoyance, and unlike the fairies in the lake who could still let Merlin into the secret realm, the Goblin Forest was absolutely forbidden for Merlin to enter.

In such a situation, Merlin did not know that the goblin forest was cold, and that was not surprising at all.

Even this kind of thing can be said later…

Because it is blocked by the whole territory, it is completely derailed from the latest news on the mysterious side.

This is so Merlin!

Even he was in the secret realm of fairies in the lake before, and it was impossible for the fairies in the lake to not know the situation of the goblins, and even if the goblins were exterminated, they should know it, but they didn’t tell Merlin at all!

So after Roa heard Merlin come to such a sentence, he paused, sorted out the language, and then told the truth little by little.

“Just… Mei Linqing, is there a possibility, that is, there is no fairy forest now. ”


Originally, Merlin saw Roa thinking, and he thought that Roa was struggling with whether to send troops to the goblin forest.

But after he heard Roa say this, he was visibly stunned.

No more leprechaun forests?


“Is this the latest joke?”

Although Merlin could see that Roa hadn’t lied to him, he still subconsciously felt that this was not true………

But Roa really didn’t lie to him.

“Of course not, I’m very serious, the goblin forest is gone, the world tree has been removed, and the goblins have been exterminated……… Compared to these, in fact, what I am more surprised now is that you don’t know such a big thing, those fairies in the lake should know, they didn’t tell you at all. ”


Speaking of this, Merlin was a little embarrassed.

He confirmed that Roa was not deceiving people, and he also knew that such a big thing had happened, and the fairy in the lake must have known.

But ——— really no one told him!

“I don’t know at all…”

Merlin said this first, and then he got serious.

“Then king, do you know who destroyed the goblin forest and snatched the World Tree?”

Roa blinked.

“Then guess why I know so well about this matter, do you think it will be those lake fairies who don’t tell you after they know the situation, but instead come and tell me, or the Shadow Kingdom, which doesn’t usually come into contact with other forces, suddenly became informed this time?”

“Hmmm… Did you do it? ”

Merlin was even more surprised, while Roa nodded.

“To… The World Tree was dying, and then the goblins were going to pit us in the name of asking for help, so if they did so, then naturally I would fight back. ”

Roa had nothing to hide from the matter, and he told Merlin everything except the details about Mellie.

And Merlin, after hearing this process of Roa’s words, understands Roa’s moral bottom line better, and he also uses this as a premise to rethink.

The fairy in the lake is the most well-informed force.

They must have known about the goblins, and they must have known that the goblins were destroyed by Roa… Good fellow, he had wondered why Vivian was like that, and he had to prophesy some Romulus, and told him about it after he prophesied!

It turned out that those lake fairies knew that Roa had snatched the World Tree away, and planned to exchange such a gesture of goodwill for life force from Roa’s side!

My role in this turned out to be a messenger!

I wondered why I let those lake fairies let me enter the secret realm this time, although they resisted at first, they suddenly changed their minds!

When he told me the prophecy, he was even more kind, and even personally sent someone to send me out of the secret realm!

It turned out that I was pitted by them!

I have been deceiving people for many years, but I was deceived by these guys! The clown is actually me!

After learning all this, Merlin completely lay flat, there is nothing to say about this matter, today is a little late, and tomorrow Merlin plans to take Roa to the secret place of the fairies in the lake…

Merlin and Roa’s side finalized the matter, and then Merlin also made a long-range spell and went to say hello to the side of the lake fairy.

Then on Camelot’s side, the matter came to an end for the time being.

On the secret side of the fairy in the lake, they had been waiting nervously after sending Merlin away, until they saw the news, and then they breathed a sigh.

They felt very happy about what Roa planned to come over to talk to them, because if they could trade the vitality from Roa’s side, then Vivian would be saved!

But at the same time, they were a little worried about putting Roa, the executioner who destroyed the entire goblin clan, into the secret realm.

After all, the fairies in the lake are not much stronger than the goblins.

Although the individual is stronger, the number of fairies in the lake is very small, not even fifty, and if it is really calculated, it may be weaker than the goblin.

Roa can kill all the goblins, so killing them is not a big problem.

However, this matter was also Vivian’s decision, so the other fairies in the lake, although worried, agreed with it.

After all, Vivian has the ability to prophesy, and she is also highly respected among the fairies in the lake, and her words still have a certain weight.

And Vivian, who had lost the mobility of her legs and one hand, and completely relied on other lake fairies to use techniques to maintain her actions, smiled and made a weak voice when she saw them like this.

“Don’t worry… If I was hesitating before the last prophecy, there is nothing more to hesitate now. ”

“There has always been the shelter of the secret realm before, so we live in two worlds with humans, so naturally we can sit back and relax, but now that humans can destroy the goblins, it is obvious that the secret realm is no longer an absolutely safe shelter——— Britain has the chosen one, and Rome also has that Romulus.”

“There will inevitably be contradictions between the king of destiny and the emperor, and when the time comes, the secret realm cannot become a shelter, then we will definitely be involved in it……… Maybe this is part of the fate of mortality. ”

Speaking of this, Vivian sighed.

“So instead of being so passive, let’s take the initiative at the beginning.”

“We are closer to Britain, and this time the prophecy is obviously a sign of our joining Britain, but there is no way to bring us greater significance in Rome than the letter of submission, plus we don’t know enough about Rome, so we can only take this opportunity to join Britain.”

Hearing Vivian say this, the other fairies in the lake nodded, but there were still a few of them who were particularly worried, and at this moment they weakly asked Vivian.

“Vivian… But doesn’t that mean we have offended Rome and that Romulus to death…”

Vivian shook her head.

“It’s something that can’t be done, and that’s something I have to tell you in advance — we’re very weak in the absence of a secret place, compared to either of them, and we don’t have the right to be guilty of two in this situation.”

“So we must take the initiative to choose, and choose Britain, then don’t be afraid to offend Rome, and when the Chosen King comes, you must remember to make your position clear, since you have decided to choose, then choose more firmly, and you must not be unflattering on both sides.”

Vivian said that, and then she laughed when she saw the other goblins nodding.

“Remember to be firm, it’s best to say a few more kind words about the Chosen King in front of him, or even a few bad words about Romulus, in short, don’t show a vague attitude… And I, I guess the Chosen King must want to find Romulus, and for this he will probably treat me with the life force he snatched from the goblins…”

“But for the emperor who was given the name of Romulus by the Pantheon, it is very good to be able to predict the existence of the other party, not to mention that this may be part of the fate of mortality——— if I want to predict the other party’s message in depth, I am not sure whether this will work, then in this case, maybe I will have to go to Rome for some time in the future… After all, even if I can’t dig it out through prophecy, after the prophecy succeeds once, as long as I see the other party, I will definitely be able to recognize it. ”

“I may die in Rome, but even then you must stand firmly on the side of Britain.”

“Remember all this, the future of the fairies in the lake depends on you.”

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