Chapter 117 I don’t understand the gold content of the King of Alchemy!!

For these treasures and treasures, although Vivian is also distressed, these can indeed be given.

For the treasure house, even if Roa moves the treasure house entirely, Vivian will feel a little distressed at most, but other than that, it will not have too great an impact on the fairies in the lake.

But those that are not in the treasury. That’s different in nature.

“Although I lost seventy pieces of goblin treasures to you, in fact, it was just the result of my forgetting to calculate for a while, because the goblins actually only have about sixty treasures.”

“And although most of them can be given to you, there are still three of them, and I hope you can leave them in the secret realm of the fairies in the lake.”

Vivian was sincere, and Roa was a little puzzled to see her like this.

“Now that you’ve been cured, you should have regained your prophetic powers… So you should already know my choice, or in your prophecy, I will promise you if you say so? ”

Roa was actually very confused about what Vivian had done in front of her before.

After all, in his opinion, Vivian had the power of prophecy.

When I didn’t have the ability to recover before, I was pit once, and now that I have recovered my prophetic ability, no matter how much today’s rhythm should be led by her.

But Roa didn’t expect that Vivian looked like she had no prediction of the future at all.

Or rather. Is this already the best mode of action she has chosen after predicting the future?

Roa couldn’t understand that.

When Vivian heard Roa say this, she shook her head slightly.

“My prophetic ability has indeed been restored, but my vitality has not recovered so quickly, so if I want to predict a more concrete future, it will take a while to recover, and the future is generally more vague.”

Speaking of this, Vivian was also a little puzzled.

She was not unpredicting, she had roughly predicted a vague future last night.

She obviously saw that she and Roa had that kind of relationship in the future!

But today after she brought it up herself… Why did Roa react like this?

Vivian said she was completely incomprehensible.

It is because the vague future that she had predicted so hard yesterday has not developed as she thought, so she is now extremely nervous.

“… Such a future is very vague, basically only a general direction, there is no specific process, in the future I predicted at that time, at least I hope that two of the three treasures you left behind should indeed be left by you, but I am not sure how this thing has developed. ”

“So even though I, as a prophet, say this ironically, I prefer to try it myself now than to believe in a vague future.”

With herself letting Roa marry herself, and then Roa directly rejecting her experience, Vivian is now not quite sure what the future will be.

Roa, on the other hand, nodded, and then motioned for Vivian to take her to see first.

The first of the three treasures that Vivian hopes Roa can leave behind is the huge tree located in the center of the lake.

“Although it is different from the world tree of the goblins, this tree is also very important for the secret realm of the fairies in the lake… This tree itself is not a natural formation, but an ancient alchemical life, which is the core of the entire lake fairy secret realm, so if this thing is taken away, then the secret realm of the fairy in the lake will begin to shrink, begin to shrink, and even destroy. ”

Hearing Vivian say this, Roa also looked at the tree.

It didn’t seem to be useful for him to take away this tree, so if he completely removed the treasure house left by the lake immortals, it would be necessary for this tree to stay.


Roa, who had not been interested in the tree at all, paused as he approached the tree, and then he walked over and put one hand on the tree.

Vivian saw that Roa seemed to be interested in the core of this fairy secret realm in the lake, and she hurriedly began to replenish.

“This tree was created a long time ago, and it is of no use except to maintain the fairy secret realm in the lake, and the tree itself is too old in the relationship, resulting in problems with some of its structures, otherwise you should have seen it before, whether it is the country of shadows, or the fairy forest, it is a large number of people and a huge territory, only there are few people in the fairy secret realm in our lake, and the territory is only this big lake and the surrounding circle.”

“The reason is because the tree that is the core is aging.”

“Although its mysterious nature has been enhanced because of time, its own aging has also led to the fact that the number of us fairies born in the secret realm has not exceeded a thousand, plus the territory of the secret realm is very small…”

Just when Vivian was trying to talk about the uselessness and shortcomings of this big tree, she saw a golden light suddenly appear on the big tree that had been touched by Roa!

At this moment, thousands of magic circles, large and small, appeared directly around them, each with a fairly precise pattern carved on it.

Then Roa looked up at the things, his hands quickly moved in mid-air, and then the magic circles were quickly rearranged by Roa, and then some of them were reconstructed, and finally he made the magic circles fly back into the tree according to the new arrangement.

Roa stepped back some distance after doing all this.

Then this big tree in the heart of the lake began to grow directly, and in the blink of an eye, it became three or five times larger.

Then the secret realm of the fairies in the whole lake began to expand, and the border that was originally clear at a glance was directly separated from Vivian’s sight at this moment.

Even Bai and Merlin were quite surprised to see this, let alone Vivian.

“This, this… If I am not mistaken, it seems that the big tree has been repaired, and even the size of the fairy secret in the lake has been expanded, and if this is the case, then the number of fairies in our lake should also be solved, right? ”

Vivian muttered first, and then she looked at Roa, who was walking toward her, and couldn’t help but ask.

“What exactly did you do?”

“It’s just a simple repair of the old thing that has something wrong, it’s not a big deal.”


But this is an ultra-ancient alchemical creation… Even the alchemy that the fairies in their lake have accumulated for so many years can’t do anything with it…

If you want to repair this big tree, according to the last words left by an old senior who was good at alchemy before, and now deceased, it must be at least two or three stages stronger than the alchemy of the fairy in the lake at this stage before you can barely try!

And an alchemist at that level will never be easy to cultivate!

How strong is this guy’s alchemy!

Vivian, who knew very well what else was going to be said, interrupted Roa before she could speak.

“Well, don’t be surprised by such a small thing——— this thing is the same as you said, it is indeed useless to me who owns the World Tree, so if you are willing to use all the remaining treasures in your treasury as remuneration and rent, then it is no problem to lend this thing to you.”

“So what about the remaining two, take me to see.”

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