Chapter 118: The Sand Strip Love Song has been found!!

There are three treasures in total that Shelter An doesn’t want Roa to take away, the first is a tree located on the island of the lake, and the second one… It’s a needle.

This needle is not even in the secret territory of the fairy in the lake, but in the big lake outside the secret of the fairy in the lake.

This needle is the gate of the fairy secret place in the lake.

In contrast to other people who want to enter the secret realm who need to constantly search in the lake, Vivian came to the side of the lake, reached out and checked the direction of the lake, and then the needle at the bottom of the lake flew out and fell into her hands.

“If you want to talk about treasures, this must also be a treasure… But this thing is the gate of the fairy secret realm in the lake, and it is also set up with a mechanism that needs to be found from this lake to trigger it, and it itself cannot be taken too far away from this big lake, even if it is left outside the lake, it will reappear in the lake within ten hours. ”

Vivian first introduced this thing to Roa, and then hurriedly added a sentence.

“Other than that, it’s completely useless.”

“We are always welcome if you want to enter the secret realm, so this needle…”

Vivian won’t say anything about it, because Roa has already snatched the needle from her hand.

Then, just like when Roa touched the tree before, a light appeared on this needle, and then many magic circles came out of this tiny needle.

There were more than the previous big trees, more than 2,300 magic circles! Seeing this scene, Shaw Vivian couldn’t help but hold out her hand.

“This needle was commissioned by a certain forging god by the first generation of fairies in our lake during the god dynasty, compared to the previous big tree, this…”

Vivian originally wanted to tactfully say that this thing should not be touched casually, but the scene that appeared in front of her quickly stunned her.

Because this time Roa did not directly modify these magic circles, he did another thing.

That is, he held the silver needle in his right hand and spread it out in his left hand.

His eyes had been wandering quickly on the more than two thousand magic circles on the side of the silver needle and on his empty left hand, a ring lit up, and the materials he needed were taken out of the ring with his thoughts, and then Roa also began to replicate these magic circles.

More than two thousand magic circles, in the blink of an eye, he copied a lot.

Basically, it was only ten minutes of work, and the materials that Roa had taken out before had turned into a needle in his left hand, but the fairy in the lake was a silver needle, and his one was golden.

And those magic circles were perfectly reproduced by Roa.

However, Roa was still a little dissatisfied with this, and then modified the arrangement of many magic circles on his golden needle, and changed the structure of some of the magic circles, and added a lot of special spells that he had studied in the simulation of the Alchemist King.

Roa then closed his eyes and let the magic circles return to the inside of the two needles.

“For you, you keep this silver needle, I have this enough.”

Vivian was visibly relieved to see that Roa was not going to take the silver needle away, and the moment she got her hand, she sent the silver needle back to the bottom of the lake, and looked at the golden needle in Roa’s hand, and wanted to stop talking.

When Roa saw her like this, he explained it to her.

“This golden needle works about the same thing as the silver needle, but it has a spell engraved on it that only I know, so only I can use it – but in the same way, this golden needle doesn’t need this big lake, as long as I want, I can enter the secret place of the fairy in the lake anytime, anywhere.” 」

If she heard the first half of Roa’s sentence, she was still relieved and didn’t feel anything, but when she heard the second half of the sentence, she was obviously a little worried.

However, she didn’t use Roa to say anything about this worry, and quickly suppressed it herself.

After all, she knew that she couldn’t ask for more.

Roa had already taken good care of them without directly using his powerful alchemy to rewrite the silver needle and take it away, and they were now not qualified to say anything to Roa again.

So now this is the best result, but they should thank Roa.

Vivian herself convinced herself of this question.

Then Vivian, who no longer dwelled on this issue, also had a deeper understanding of Roa.

You know, this silver needle was originally created by a certain forging god, a true god creation!

But this is such a thing, in ten minutes or so, Roa reproduced an almost identical one, and can even be optimized at will according to his own ideas…


Vivian felt that Roa could no longer be described as a genius in alchemy!

It’s the god of gold training!

Vivian didn’t say the idea, but even if she did, Roa probably wouldn’t deny it.

He is indeed God now.

And after getting the divinity, his other attributes were all upgraded, and even alchemy and martial arts were improved to a certain extent under the blessing of divinity.

This equalization plus point has caused him to not know what kind of god he is now.

I’ll have to wait for Meili’s research to come out.

Maybe it’s not easy to say that it is the god of gold training.

Well, don’t be stunned, go to the last one.

Hearing Roa say this, Vivian reacted and nodded silently.

Although she still felt relieved that the tree and needles had not been taken by Roa, it was also the result of what she had seen in that general prophecy before.

Although she didn’t know why she and Roa should be closer in that prophecy, in reality it was not…

But in short, the tree and the needle were indeed left behind, as prophesied

But this last piece…

In that prophecy, it was clear to Veyne that the thing had been taken by Roa

For this last one, Vivian is not distressed, or although this thing is nominally owned by the fairy in their lake, but in essence, they themselves can’t use it, they are here to watch the thing, and wait for the person who can get it, the guardian who will come.

So if Roa can pass the trial, he should be allowed to take it.

It is…

Vivian was slightly curious as to how Roa had passed the trial.

When Roa was still conducting trials in the secret realm of the fairies in the lake, Morgan, who was sitting in Carmelo in place of Roa, temporarily stopped dealing with the work at hand after receiving a message.

She read the message from start to finish, and Morgan laughed.

“The surprise is ready, let Roa tell him when he returns from the fairy in the lake.”

“The intelligence has confirmed that it is true, that sand strip love song ——— I found the past.”

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