Chapter 119 If you have a second Avalon, you can do it!!

The third treasure that Vivian mentioned was different from the first two.

Before, whether it was a tree or a needle, although it was very important to the secret realm of the fairy in the lake, in fact, there was no one watching around.

After all, as long as the needle was not alchemical to the level of Roa, it would be impossible to take it away or destroy it.

That tree is located on the island in the center of the lake in the middle of the big lake of the fairy, it can be said that it is the center of the secret realm of the fairy in the entire lake, all the fairies in the lake live around the big tree, that before all the fairies in the lake fall, it is absolutely impossible to be touched by invaders.

Naturally, there is no need for guards.

But this third treasure is different.

Its location itself is quite hidden, and the surrounding area is covered with a lot of fairies in these lakes that are either defensive or vigilant, and then after Vivian takes Roa through these enchantments, after walking through the passages made of branches of various trees, like the entrance to a huge sea of trees, Roa They also see a lot of fairies in the lake here as guards.


Originally, these lake fairies were very vigilant when they saw someone entering, but after seeing that it was Vivian, they were relieved and ran over.

“Vivian is really bitter for you, you have to stand so close to Merlin during this time, maybe you have not lived so long and have been in contact with Merlin for so long before.”

“It’s just that Merlin and Vivian haven’t seen each other for the longest time before, and they will be separated by us for a long time, and this time they spent hours together in such a close position, eh, poor Vivian.”

Hearing these lake fairies say this, Roa glanced at Vivian and Merlin, who were probably almost several meters away from each other……… Is this close?

And Merlin seemed to see Roa’s doubts, not only was he not ashamed, but came over and said this to Roa with a triumphant feeling.

“Wang, when I met Vivian before, those fairies in the lake had to separate me from Vivian a hundred meters up, at that time I could only vaguely see Vivian’s appearance, and the most familiar thing I was with her was only the voice——— but this time obviously everyone’s position was different!”

Merlin smiled proudly and was very happy.

Just like the group of lake fairies did not carry him when they spoke, he did not carry these lake fairies behind his back when he spoke, and they were angry that their teeth were itching.

For such interaction, Roa has also seen many times when he came to the secret realm of the fairy in the lake this time.

He also didn’t know how Merlin used to be this group of lake fairies, and the contradiction between the two sides was so great, but while targeting each other, these lake fairies were also different from those goblins, and left a line for Merlin.

This made Roa think that something must have happened here.

It’s just that he has no interest in asking.

He watched Merlin and the group of lake fairies confront, and then after Vivian arranged everything that should be arranged to this group of lake fairies, these girl-like elves stepped aside.

Then Vivian took Roa, Merlin, and White to the location of this last treasure.

“It’s actually very close here.”

“Originally, this thing was only inserted here, but later, the ancestors of our fairy clan in the lake set up such a big enchantment just in case.”

“And now, we’re inside the Enchantment…”

Vivian said as she led Roa through a stony tunnel through which it was as if she were walking through a corridor of space-time, feeling that space was constantly distorted in the process, and then connected with new space.

Logically, as far as the original size of the Fairy Secret Realm in the lake is concerned, the location reached by this promenade should be a very small cave.

But halfway down the promenade, Roa saw light at the end of the promenade.

After Vivian led them through the corridor thoroughly, the destination was not a cave, but a small lake.

The small lake can be seen at a glance on the other side, surrounded by trees, these trees grow very well, their branches crisscross the top of the lake, smashing the sunlight sprinkled from the upper position, so that the golden light falls like dust, so that the whole side seems to be emitting a golden luster.

Vivian came here, and then her hands shone brightly, and her heterochromatic pupils lit up, accompanied by three major incantations, and in the small lake, stones emerged from the water, forming a road that led directly to the center of the lake, and in the center of the lake, on the pedestal made of gold, there was a sacred sword made of gold and blue.

Only where the holy sword is located, there is a light falling straight from the sky, bathed in this light, this holy sword seems to be loved by the world, the most shining jewel on the earth.

“Star Holy Sword… Of course, you can also call it the Oath and the Sword of Victory—it is one, but in fact these should be regarded as two treasures, the Holy Sword of the Star and its scabbard, Avalon, which is the last treasure of our fairy in the lake. ”

Seeing this, Roa was not surprised, he walked to Vivian’s side, and then asked her questions.

“The previous tree you said you didn’t want me to take away because that tree is the core of the fairy secret realm in your lake, and the needle you said before you didn’t want me to take away because it was the gate of your fairy secret realm in the lake—but why don’t you want me to take this holy sword?”

Hearing Roa’s question, Vivian shook her head.

“If you can pass the trial of the Star Holy Sword, then you take it away, this is what our fairies in the lake are looking forward to.”

“But if you don’t plan to pass the trial of the Star Holy Sword, but only plan to get the approval of this sword…” Although I can’t stop you from taking it away, in my heart, I don’t want it. ”


Roa was a little interested in Vivian’s statement, and then Vivian explained.

“If you can pass the trial of the Star Holy Sword, then what you get will be the Star Holy Sword, which is undoubtedly armed against the stars after facing a special enemy and completely liberated, and it is a special equipment created by the stars to deal with foreign enemies.”

“But if you don’t choose the trial, but just hope to get the approval of this sword—then after you get this sword, you can easily destroy the mountains and cities with its glory alone, but that’s all, you can’t exert the power of this sword without passing the trial.”

After saying this, Vivian turned around and looked at Roa.

“However, the trial of the Star Holy Sword, except for the earliest time at the dawn of the god generation, it is said that someone used this sword to fight against an external enemy called the ‘White Giant’, and no one can pass the trial again.”

“However, during the dawn of the God Dynasty, this Star Holy Sword may not need to be tested, but took the initiative to choose to fight against the ‘white giant’, but now it is different.”

“In the process of guarding this sword, even I have seen many people who choose to participate in trials, all of them are brave, all of them cannot become heroes – but they all failed.”

“And although he won’t die after the defeat, he doesn’t even have the qualifications to be recognized by the holy sword.”

Roa smiled.

“So this trial is complicated?”


Vivian shook her head.

“The content of this trial just seems very simple, it is simply to let you walk step by step from this road after opening the trial, walk a hundred steps, and then come to the front of the holy sword, that’s all——— but in the process, around the road, there will be the energy of the star holy sword to constantly attack you.”

“Such an attack can still be blocked at first, but after a maximum of fifteen steps, no one can block it, and according to the rumors of our fairy in the lake, even the gods will fail after walking the last fifty steps.”

Speaking of this, Vivian seemed to feel a little depressed, so she opened her mouth to add a little.

“But there’s also a ridiculous or joke here… While speaking, her hand also pointed in the direction of the holy sword. ”

“The legendary holy sword’s scabbard, that is, Avalon, has the most powerful defense ability in the world, which is beyond the reach of even the self-detonation of the ‘white giant’, and it is an absolute defense that the brilliance of the star holy sword cannot break, if there is Avalon, then it should be able to directly pass the trial of the holy sword, but Avalon can only stimulate the trial when it is with the holy sword, if not, it is just recognition, and if you get the approval of the holy sword first, then there is no way to open the trial again… Maybe this is because the star also thinks that the power of this sword is too strong, so let’s make a joke with us. ”

Hearing Vivian say this, Roa smiled.

“In other words, as long as you can find the second Avalon, you can pass the test steadily, right?”

Vivian was amused by Roa’s words, and she thought Roa was joking with her, so she nodded her head at this moment.

“Almost, if it’s Avalon’s defense, then if you have the second one, you can indeed pass the test.”

Hearing Vivian say this, Roa summed it up with Mellie, the guy who did hold the second, the Avalon of their world, and then he nodded.

“If that’s the case, then let me choose trial.”

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