Chapter 121 As long as this Romulus is not protected, he will be killed!!

Regarding Zhu Yue’s affairs, Luo A didn’t say anything.

Just like the giant god he didn’t say anything.

Because these things have to be looked at again, studied again… Then there is the distortion that brought Melie and Sand to the love song of this era, which Roa always felt would not happen only once, and the impact would not be the only one, let alone completely without reason.

But a lot of things are like this, so since you can’t figure it out, you can only collect as much intelligence as possible for the time being.

And today…

“Star Holy Sword.”

Roa held the hilt of the Star Holy Sword with his left hand engraved with the mark of Gundaruv, and then used the power of Gundaruv to feel the power of this sword.

He had passed the test of the Star Sword, so he also had a general understanding of the situation of this sword.

I don’t know if he passed the test, but in short, the Star Sword in his hand was still very different from the one in the old sword’s hand.

The thirteen restraints of that hand are limited by thirteen oaths.

That’s why there is a sense of round table liberation.

But the one in Roa’s hand did not have such a thing at all, and the only constraint was that the power of the ——— Star Holy Sword could only fully burst out when it was against the Star Enemy.

And the strength of this only one has reached the point where even if Roa wants to force it with the power of Gundaruf, he can’t do it.

But that’s totally enough for Roa.

After all, this is at least useful for the giant god he will deal with next, and it is also very useful.

In addition, in case Zhu Yue would become a future enemy, then this sword could also take effect on him.

But thinking about it, Roa was also a little confused.

Since this Star Sword is in this mode, it is in its own simulated memory.

Thinking of this, Roa recalled his simulated memory for a while, and then reacted.

In these simulations of his inheritance of simulated memories, he did not take the Star Holy Sword, and when he took the Star Holy Sword, once he inherited the left hand of God, Gundaruf, and once inherited the physique of One Piece, in short, he never took the memory, so there were no details about the Star Holy Sword in his simulated memory.

In addition, when dealing with Futigeng, the Star Holy Sword was far less good than the Holy Spear, so he was stuck here in Futigeng, and his attention was always on the Holy Spear, so he ignored the matter of the Holy Sword.

Even when he arrived at the giant god, he remembered the question of this Star Holy Sword again.

After thinking about this matter, Roa put away the Star Holy Sword, and even put Avalon away with him.

If you calculate it this way, he now has two Avalons.

One on Melie’s side, and one on her own side.

In this way, the problem of Avalon not opening long enough is greatly alleviated, after all, two Avalons, if you use them together, the duration is equivalent to doubling.


If there were two Avalons, then he would also have two Star Swords, but unfortunately Sand Strip Love Song has not found it yet.

Otherwise, when the time comes, you can review the martial art of holding a sword in both hands.

In the simulation of Luo Ah getting the label of martial arts wizard, he actually said that he had studied the double sword flow and the double gun flow.

After all, in that simulation, he also went to Heberia to get the magic sword and the magic gun, so if you convert it, he has two swords and two guns in that simulation, so naturally various combinations have been studied.

But the premise of the Double Holy Sword is that you must first find the sand strip love song……… Thinking of this, Roa sighed.

Mellie never heard of the Sand Strip Love Song, and she has always sent someone to find it, but the news is not known except that the Sand Article Love Song should be in Rome through the Princess Hunt.

But speaking of this, Roa was also on the way back along the placement of the Star Holy Sword, and set his eyes on Vivian’s body.

If you want to find a sand bar love song, say it…

“Vivian, how much have you recovered your prophetic abilities now?”

Roa had heard from Vivian that her prophetic abilities had not fully recovered, but now he wanted to ask something more specific.

“The general prophecy has been done, and now I predict the general future in more detail than last night, but to predict the specific context and all the details, this is a little difficult even in my heyday, after all, we prophets are inexplicably targeted by the future……… But as long as I can return to my heyday, I can see even a particularly concrete future. ”

Vivian’s feeling to Roa has always been that faint, the kind of flower that you can smell when you get closer.

Therefore, she usually speaks softly, and only occasionally when she is close can she see her active side:

But it is like this, when she talks about her prophetic ability in her heyday, she is like a blooming rose, quite confident.

If you are a person who has always been confident, then no matter how confident you are, others will get used to it.

But it is Vivian, who is usually more passive, who shows confidence in a certain aspect, that is more convincing.

“The general future is also possible, so I need you to use your prophetic ability to help me predict a person named Shatiao Song one by one, and she should be in Rome at this moment, and it is best if you can help me predict her location.”

Hearing Roa say this, although Merlin paused, he was not particularly surprised.

After all, Roa does not hide many official affairs from these people around him.

For example, the fact that he is Romulus, he did not hide Merlin’s intention at all, he has been looking for someone named Shajo Love Song, which Merlin also knows.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that this sand love song was in Rome, and the first prophecy that Roarjean Vivian helped him make was about this person…

There was nothing to say when there had been no news before.

But if there is Vivian’s prophecy, I really found it… The person who could make Roa look for so long and still pay so much attention, Merlin was really a little curious.

And although Vivian didn’t know these things, she couldn’t refuse Roa’s order, let alone refuse, so after nodding, she also began to prophesy.

Vivian, who entered this state, her eyes were half open, and the diffuse look like a starry sky in her eyes became more restrained, and at the same time, the expressions on her face all disappeared, and the whole person seemed to have become some kind of more high-dimensional existence, and her body was filled with incomparably deep mystery.

Then Vivian’s prophecy began.

“The existence called the Sand Song is indeed in Rome.”

“——— I saw her enter the Senate in Rome and find that the information of the Senate had been turned over by His Excellency the White Knight, and found the information about Roa’s origin.”

“She doesn’t seem to know that you are King Arthur, and feels that this Romulus will definitely be the enemy who threatens King Arthur.”

“She entered and exited the royal palace of Rome as if she were the emperor of Rome.”

“Then she learned from the Senate where she had sent someone to intercept you and did not get the news that you were also dead, saying that the team that intercepted and killed was completely wiped out by the White Dragon.”

“So to be on the safe side, Sandstrip Love Song made props that would lock in your family members based on some old things from your family’s time in Rome, and also came up with a lot of things, but I didn’t see the role of these things, and then the purpose was… Send assassins to Britain to kill the Beings named Romulus! ”

The reason she made with Rome was that such a man would certainly affect Rome if he stirred up the storm on the British side. In fact, she seemed to feel that this enemy, which was a great threat to King Arthur, must be eliminated early. ”

“She then arranged for the Assassins to go hunting for princesses if they had the chance to do so, whether this Romulus was dead or not, and especially named the princess named Gneville.”

“The other princesses live or die, and Gneville must be caught.”

“And this future time is… Two hours later!? ”

When it came to the last sentence, Vivian had clearly recovered from the state she had just made…

This time Roa only asked her to prophesy about the location of the love song of the sand, but she did not expect that this prophecy was so close now.

But this time there is enough other information, so it is not a big problem to get closer, after all, you can’t find her at a fixed time, and it’s not bad to know her range of activities, just go to find it, and don’t even have to wait.


After the end of the prophecy, whether it was Sand Tiao Aisong, Merlin, or Melie in Roa’s mind, her expression was a little strange, and only Shiro never responded.

To say why…

——That’s because the love for King Arthur of Sand Song can be felt through prophecy, but she doesn’t know that Roa, Romulus, is King Arthur!

They look like this, and Roa also looks strange.

He knew that Shatiao Love Song could see the future, but she felt that it was too boring to see through the future, so she didn’t watch it.

Otherwise, her side probably knew everything a long time ago.

But she was in the imperial capital of Rome………

It seems that after waiting for a while, after the assassins came, he would take a small number of elites to Rome for a trip.

He wanted to find the Sand Strip Love Song, and at the same time he also wanted to see why the Hun king at this stage had not died, and how he had brought out the white giant who had brought great disasters to the world many times during the Stone Age and the dawn of the Divine Dynasty.

Whether all this has anything to do with the stars.

And then the words… Since he is the emperor recognized by the Pantheon in Rome, he should be able to be protected by the gods like this sword emperor Lucius, right?

So if he had the chance, he would also like to go to the Pantheon to see the so-called protection

After all, after he became a god, he was very sure that he had not been protected at all!

If you want to say why you know—it’s because there is such a power as the protection of the name and the realm in his authority.

He is a god who can give protection to others, so he does not know whether he has protection on his own body or not.

However, he has not studied and understood this end of the protection, so this time he wants to go to the Pantheon in Rome to see the whole protection of others, it is best to learn it

Then come back and protect your own knights…

Roa is planning to come to Rome for a trip.

And exactly like Vivian’s prophecy, then Sand Song arranged to come to Britain to assassinate Romulus and continue the princess hunt by the way.

She explained the goal to the Assassins, who were initially reluctant because…

“My lord, that is the emperor who has been given the name of the pantheon and recognized by the gods… Although he has been driven away now, he must also have the same protection from the gods as His Majesty the Emperor, and we are not opponents in the face of such an enemy. ”

Hearing them say this, Sand Love, who was almost completely hidden in his cloak, put a ring on the table.

“Don’t worry, when you find him, show this ring—this ring will disperse the other party’s protection from the gods that only the emperor can enjoy.”

“And without the protection of the gods, the other party is just an ordinary person… You have no reason to fail. ”

Such a thing is given.

As for whether it will cause any trouble to the Sword Emperor… What does that have to do with her?

Or is it… It’s good to be able to cause some trouble to that wild monkey-like woman!

That must be more beneficial to the fairy tale prince. With this thought, Shajo Love Song left his things behind.

The assassins who got the ring laughed.

They were all assassins trained by the Roman royal family, and they would certainly not use this thing against the sword emperor Lucius, but they were more confident in this mission.

As long as the other party does not have the protection from the gods, then what if he is given the name of His Majesty Romulus.

Any existence that threatens the current emperor must be killed!

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