Chapter 122 The Holy Woman refers to a woman with the temperament of the Great Saint of Qi Heaven!!

“Shatiao loves songs, age unknown, specific identity unknown, currently the assistant officer of the Roman emperor, the head of the court magician, the range of activities Rome (city), usually often wear a big robe, will cover their appearance, but from the details can still be seen, its real body at least looks like a little girl (in fact, maybe an old woman who has been hiding for I don’t know how many years)”

No, no, no… Roa, who has seen the setting of the moon, knows that if he doesn’t see the face, he can’t be sure if the other party is a little girl.

Well……… For this side, it may not be possible to see the face.

Sand Strip Love Song is very short, and the person who looks like a little girl may look like a little girl.

But to say that the other party is not a little girl possibilities……… From Mellie’s side, it can be learned that this is before the sand love song summons the old sword, so maybe it is really possible.

As for the last brackets… I really don’t know who wrote it, but I hope you don’t get found by the sandbar love song, and the other party won’t remember your vendetta…

Roa spat as she looked at the information Morgan had given her, which she had found about the love song of the sand.

“The strength is extremely strong, can easily get the approval of all the palace magicians, it is said that even His Majesty the Emperor is not his opponent, it is said that she can block His Majesty the Emperor’s sword with only one little finger (just a rumor, but she herself is said to be really a monster, its real body may be a giant or a gorilla, it is estimated that it is necessary to use spells to become a human or to pretend to be tender, so it will be what it is now)”

No, no, no, a little finger can block the sword of the sword emperor Lucius, this feeling is definitely not a rumor.

If it was the Empress of the Roots, she would be able to do such a thing, and even if she wanted to, something more terrible than this kind of thing could be done

Guys born to connect to roots are like this.

As for the same parentheses as before… Don’t let the sand love song find you, I mean it.

Seeing this, Luo A swept the information behind him directly, and then put down the information in his hand and let out a long breath.

“This is really… The other party is obviously the head of the emperor’s auxiliary official and court magician, but I sent so many people before that they didn’t even bring me a little bit of information from the other party… I don’t really know what to say. ”

Roa trusted Morgan’s information about him.

Because since Morgan can tell herself that this information is a surprise for herself, it means that Morgan must have repeatedly confirmed the information before giving herself.

So Morgan couldn’t have given himself false information, and if that was the case, he knew exactly what kind of sacks of wine and rice bags the people he had sent out were.

“It is true that although Sister Wang’s ability to gather intelligence is certainly more powerful, those guys should not know anything about it when they have arrived in Rome, and they are indeed derelict in their duties.”

Artoria sat on the couch, eating the dessert on the table at a super fast speed with a blank face, while calmly agreeing to Roa’s words

It didn’t seem like stuffing things in her mouth and talking were two things that required her mouth, which didn’t conflict with her.

Vivian, who was standing next to the table, kept running out of the room to get new desserts for Artoria, scrambling for a while, obviously frightened by Artoria’s eating speed.

Morgan heard Artoria say this, and after eating a small piece of cake that Roa had restored with alchemy, she simply put down the cutlery in her hand, and picked up the cup of black tea while agreeing with her sister’s words.

“Although I did have some elements of luck in obtaining this information, everyone still knows about Rome having an additional emperor’s assistant, and the news released by Rome has some smoke bombs, but if even this information is not brought back, then it is indeed necessary to retrain.”

Hearing Morgan say this, Roa no longer dwelled on the problems of those intelligence officers, he knew that since Morgan said so, then she would deal with this matter later

So he was now questioning Morgan.

“Luck? Is there anything unexpected in Rome this time? ”

Although Roa was dissatisfied with the fact that the intelligence officers did not bring back any information for him, he also asked Melie to use clairvoyance to find Sand Lovesong.

Although Melie’s clairvoyance could not see clearly the situation of some rooms inside the Roman Palace, he could see the access to the palace and most of the palace clearly.

In this case, she did not find the sand bar love song.

That just goes to show that Sand Love Song does seem to have made some preparations to hide itself.

And from the perspective of this highly targeted preparation, I am afraid that when it is distorted, not only part of the memory of the sand love song is transferred to Melie’s side, but maybe part of the memory of Meili’s side is also transferred to the sand love song…

Roa was thinking and asking about these things, and this matter was related to the person who was twisted and sent over with Melie, so Roa did not hide Melie’s meaning, and Fluff was lying on the table, and Melie was naturally listening to the situation here.

What Roa could think of naturally she could have thought of a long time ago.

However, for some of her memories being sent to the Sand Song side, Melie didn’t feel anything about it, because she tried to think about all the consequences, and it didn’t feel like a big problem.

As for the question of getting some emotion from the sandy love song… This problem is also not big, before you get this emotion, there are only two emotions that really belong to you, one is similar to the world’s Merlin, who will want to see the psychology of the audience, and then there is the ultimate emotion called fear that almost all living things will have, and it seems to be anchored from the beginning.

And these two, no matter which one is assigned to the sand bar love song, it doesn’t matter.

She wasn’t worried about it at all.

Like Roa, she was more curious about what happened to Morgan’s luck

After all, she had also read the intelligence, and the level of detail of this information was really not like it could be obtained by personnel outside the palace alone.

She had also been lazy in the investigation of Rome in recent times because there were too many things, and some time ago she had been staring at Rome with clairvoyance, looking for traces of the Sand Strip Love Song – although she did not know what method the Sand Article Love Song used to hide, but for the matter of the newly appointed emperor’s auxiliary officer, she only knew its existence, and did not know the intelligence to this extent.

Even in the folk message, this assistant officer should be a man in his thirties, and the transmission is very credible, so Melie did not suspect the body of Shatiao Love Song.

In her impression, this assistant officer should at least be a man… So Melie is also curious about how Morgan got this information.

And Morgan put down his teacup and laughed.

“Originally, I simply sent intelligence troops to investigate the news, but under an accident, the people I sent accidentally met a very famous mercenary among the mercenaries on the Roman side——— that is, the person who was called the holy woman of the battlefield by the mercenary community in Rome.”

Speaking of this, Morgan also picked up the information on his side and waved at Roa.

“Roa, do you see the parentheses on this information that seem to be annotations, this thing is the annotation given by the holy woman of the battlefield, although I have made certain changes to the information on our side after verification, but the original version is indeed what she told us.”

When Morgan first talked about the holy woman of the battlefield, Roa easily had a very traditional, Western image of the holy woman in his mind.

Holy, beautiful, plus a suit of armor and a single ponytail and so on.

Until Morgan said that these brackets were written by the other party…

The corner of Roa’s eye twitched and read the contents of these brackets again… I don’t know why, the words written by this holy woman of the battlefield seem to be able to make sounds, the kind of people who giggle all day long, and then go up and down like a monkey.

After realizing this, Roa’s image of the holy woman changed almost immediately.

Not to mention stepping on a somersault cloud, at least the weapon should be a stick.

If it weren’t for the fact that there was no Journey to the West at this time, Roa would have wondered if the Journey to the West culture was exported to Rome, and then this so-called holy woman refers to a woman with the temperament of the Great Saint of Qitian, so it is referred to as a holy woman………

Roa was thinking, and Melie’s side was also in thought.

She had naturally heard of this holy woman on the battlefield for a long time, and Mei Li had nothing to say about the other party’s monkey-like personality and being called a holy woman.

After all, the current emperor of Rome, the sword emperor Lucius, is no worse than her!

Maybe Rome worshipped monkeys in this era?

But I know, but Mei Li didn’t expect this battlefield saint to be so familiar with the situation in the palace.

Even more familiar than himself, a person with clairvoyance.

Looking at the past like this, this guy’s identity is probably not simple…

While Roa and Mei Li were pondering the question about the holy woman of the battlefield, the holy woman of the battlefield had already followed the secret passage that had been protected and only the royal family knew, and went back from her temporary residence towards her dormitory.

In the process, she unlocked all kinds of magic tricks on her body, from the original appearance of blonde hair to a red hair, and the hair that was tied into a single ponytail was also let go by her at will, allowing it to fall naturally.

In terms of appearance and body shape, it seems to have grown a little.

After that, at the end of the secret passage, which is also located near her dormitory, there is no ladder here, just a tree, the lower part of the tree is in the secret passage, the upper part is outside the window of her dormitory, and the place where the tree connects with the ground is set by magic, and only the emperor is qualified to enter this protected secret passage: as for how to go up?

She used both hands and feet, like a monkey, from under the tree directly to the top of the tree, and then found a time when no one was there, and jumped directly from the window into her bedroom.

A set of actions are flowing, and it is estimated that even if the monkey sees it, it will be ashamed of itself.

“Speaking of before I became emperor, when I was in my hometown, I was always reprimanded by my father that I was like a wild monkey climbing trees, but now it seems that the secret passage is built like this, which means that among the previous emperors, there are obviously guys who are as good at climbing trees as me!”

She smiled triumphantly and casually changed into the clothes belonging to the emperor and the red quilt… Cough, it was a cloak, and then she tied her hair simply, and then she sat down in the position where the emperor handled the work.

As for why·

Because she is the emperor of Rome, the Sword Emperor Lucius!

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