Chapter 123 How can Britain compare with my Rome!!

After talking about the sand love song and arranging part of the follow-up work, everyone did not leave.

As for the reason…

– That is, Artoria is still eating a snack.

When Roa reproduced the needle in the Fairy Secret Realm in the lake this time, he saw a very interesting pattern in the magic circle of the needle, so he used this pattern after he returned, and then the cream cake was restored by him.

Obviously, Morgan liked it, and so did Artoria.

Even now that it was already the end of the meeting, it was time for Artoria to go to sword practice, and she didn’t go.

In her opinion, this is a very simple truth.

Hunger is the enemy!

How can you practice a sword well when you are hungry!

And… The sword can be practiced at any time, but the cake is placed here, and the taste will change after a long time, so it is more important to eat the cake!

She turned this logic in her heart, and then she chose to eat cake.

Roa and Morgan looked at each other, and they both saw what the other meant, so they didn’t leave after the meeting, and planned to wait for Artoria to finish eating the cake before dispersing.

So during this time, Roa and Morgan chatted without a ride: “What is the situation with this Vivian?” ”

Morgan looked at Artoria once again brought a lot of cakes, and then Vivian, who was standing on the side, took the time, and she began to ask Roa.

Of course, Roa had already told Morgan about Vivian.

But Roa only explained to Morgan about Vivian, but did not say that he would give Vivian such a job.

The precious prophet was now wearing a black-and-white dress with white lace, a white headdress that seemed to be lace on top of her head, and black silk socks similar to hers on her feet.

Morgan had never seen this dress before at Carmello, and she had never heard of any such job as a maid arranged by Roa for Vivian.

That’s why she asked about Vivian.

“You asked about this maid outfit and the maid…”

Roa had not intended to make Vivian a maid, but he was a very serious prophet in the first place to give Vivian, just staying every day, and you can prophesy when you need to prophesy.

But Vivian herself disagreed.

She seems to have made another prophecy after she had finished the love song of the sand, and then she had to stay with Roa’s work.

Roa had intended to speak to her directly——— you have no right to refuse at all.

But at this time, Roa let those who improved their clothes through alchemical equipment arrived, and in addition to making the costumes requested by Roa, they also created a set of clothes.

This dress is a maid outfit.

So after seeing this thing, Roa simply let Vivian be this Camelot, and even the world’s first maid.

It can be said to be a whim.

So he picked what he could and casually told Morgan about the things here.

Morgan nodded at this, and then thought slightly.

“It turns out that maids are also similar to the nature of waiters, but the content of the work seems to be more oriented to life……… In that case, a problem I was thinking about could be solved.” ”


This time it was replaced by Roa who was curious, and Morgan explained it to Roa.

“Didn’t you say before that all the attendants in this Camelot Castle are arranged by me.”

Indeed, there was this that Roa said it at the time of the Council of the Six Kings of the South.

“At that time, I recruited some credible waiters, and then I found out that among these waiters, there was a guy who was applying for a waiter’s job as a princess of the royal family…”

At this point, Morgan held his hands and shook his head helplessly.

“At that time, that Gneville had to stay and work at Camelot Castle anyway, and even King Liaode Kuan was agreed by her, so I let her stay for the time being, and thought that this princess with a head full of flowers might be tired of running away after a few days.”

“But from that time until now, she still works as a waiter in Camelot Castle, and has never complained, and she has done her job better and better, and she has concealed her identity and got along well with other waiters.”

Ah, this…

Roa didn’t expect that Gneville would be in Camelot Castle all the time, let alone that she would always be doing the work of those waiters.

This really didn’t match his impression of Gneville at all.

If it wasn’t for Morgan telling him, maybe he would have thought that Gurneville had bought off the people around him and was making up stories to lie to him.

But Roa didn’t bother with anything about it. If she wants to be this waiter, then let her be.

This is the freedom of others, and it has nothing to do with themselves.

But since Morgan suddenly mentioned her, Roa thought about it for a while and followed Morgan’s thoughts.

“So you’re worried that she’s also at Camelot Castle, and then those assassins come to assassinate me with a princess-hunting mission that threatens her, right?”

Morgan nodded.

“Didn’t you say that those assassins took the props that the sand bar love song gave them, and many of them are not clear about the effect, even Vivian’s prophecy can only predict one or two things when it can only be roughly predicted, and it is too detailed to know all the preparations of the other party – since the other party can make props that can track you, is it possible that the other party can also create props that can track Gneville?”

“If I were an Assassin, I might have split my arms if I had been confident that the two biggest targets were all at Camelot Castle…”

“Although she can also leave a knight to protect her, but her current status is a waiter, leaving a knight to protect, such a conspicuous move is obviously what she does not want – but if Vivian is allowed to protect her temporarily, it doesn’t matter, after all, Vivian is also a waiter now… Oh, maid. ”

“What do you think?”

Hearing Morgan say this, Roa thought about it.

Let Vivian go and watch Gurneville… After all, Vivian has now been restored to her physical condition by the life force, and as a fairy in the lake, her fighting ability is also unimaginable to ordinary people.

In addition, Vivian’s spiritual sense is extremely strong.

So even if Rome really sent some fairly elite assassins, or even with props that could hide their breath——— it would be impossible to escape Vivian’s spiritual senses.

In this case…

“Just do what you say.”

While Artoria was eating the cake, Roa and Morgan finalized the matter and changed the format of the plan to catch the assassin alive

Apart from Roa’s desire to face the Assassins himself, Morgan initially disagreed on the grounds that the Tao had some unknown functions, and there was no disagreement in any other place.

Even what Morgan initially disagreed with was later persuaded by Roa: Camelot’s side finalized the plans and waited for the assassins to arrive.

The assassins of Rome came quickly.

The boat for those thieves was made by Sand Stripe Aigo, so it is not at all a problem for her to continue to take out the same boat now.

These assassins from Rome sailed such ships and soon arrived in Britain.

Then the assassin in the lead looked at the tracking props in his hand and smiled.

“The tracking props that Lord Adjutant gave us show that Romulus and that Gneville are in Camelot Castle – the two of them really chose the safest place for themselves.”

The assassins from Rome did not care or fear the enemy’s presence at Camelot’s castle.

Because in their opinion, Rome and Britain are too big, Britain is too small, it is a small country at all, and Rome is completely incomparable!

As Romans, they looked down on these small countries in their hearts.

So what about the royal palaces of even these small countries? Rush!

It’s all you can break in!

Even if it is discovered, will the king of Britain dare to say nothing!

They represent Rome, how dare they say no to Rome!

In the case that Britain does not dare to intervene, a person who will be deposed and protected and a well-nourished princess is not difficult to deal with at all!

So now, as the leader of this group of assassins, he made the most confident plan in his heart.

This time, because Sand Love Song gave them props for tracking and gave them several, they didn’t remake Gneville’s photo for them.

After all, these are assassins trained by the Roman royal family, they don’t need bounties or the like, and they are also organized and planned, so if they just issue tasks, they can find people, and Shatiao Love Song does not give them any new bounty orders.

Therefore, the assassin at the head was the same as Morgan thought, in the case of already looking down on Britain, he directly divided the team in two, and even the Roman logo on the robe was not hidden.

Then they walked directly towards Camelot Castle in the form of two teams.

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