Chapter 124 Kai feels like he understands it all!!

After learning that Rome had sent the Assassins, it was not Roa who was most closely waited, but Kai.

Kai is the captain of the Camelot Patrol, and Roa is also putting him in charge of taking over the affairs of the Order, which is a reasonable arrangement for Roa, after all, even if the Knights of the Round Table are established in the future, it is rare to find Kai, who is good in strength and has a certain management ability.

Especially after there may be no Argün, then someone like Kai is more suitable.

And for Roa, the alchemical equipment and even alchemical potions used by the Suzheng Knights and patrols all came from the world’s top alchemist.

Plus it’s just two troops, whether it’s him or Shiro or Skaha, Morgan……… These people can wipe out this team alone if they go out at will!

Even Artoria can do it if she works with Vivian.

In this case, the difference between giving Kai and not giving Kai is really not much, and he himself is too lazy to care, so it is better to give it all to Kai.

But the same thing in Kai’s opinion is completely different in trust!

After all, Carmelo’s garrison now consisted of only the Knights and the Patrol, and now that Roa had given him both teams, he had given him the entire Camelotte troops!

What a trust!

In the face of such trust, even Kaidu, who is a little poisonous for example, can’t say a word.

He can only act silently, intending to show his loyalty to the king through his own actions!

But under normal circumstances, he really had nothing else to do other than train the troops, patrol and help Wang promote those alchemy equipment.

This is Camelot, after all.

Who else can threaten Camelot in Britain today?

Therefore, for this time Rome sent assassins over, intending to assassinate the king, Kai was extremely important.

Although Roa told him to let the Assassins in, saying that he would face them personally and capture them alive, Kai made a lot of arrangements.

He had no problem with the king’s orders, after all, the facts had long proved how brave and wise Roa, the chosen king, was.

He was the king who never missed, so this time it must be correct.

But even so, Kai made a lot of arrangements, and planned to keep a surveillance watch from the moment the Assassins entered Carmelo!

Kay knew it would be hard to do, but he planned it anyway.

After all, these people are assassins, and if they really do something, then Kai will not forgive himself!

Therefore, although the task that Roa assigned to Kai was simple and difficult, it was enough to put people in and then protect the people from being disturbed.

But in fact, Kai raised his mission level to hell difficulty.

At least that’s what Kai thought.

Although this thing is difficult, he dares to do it!

All this seemed to him as if the king had said at the beginning, that if he is a coward, he is not worthy to follow the king at all, all for the future, for the greater good!

So he specially selected some people who were good at hiding in the shadows from the Knights and patrols, trained them, and then pulled out a team alone, and always kept watch for the elite assassins from Rome.

Before the other party arrived, Kai thought of at least a hundred other sneak schemes, each of which was very subtle, and each one was very consistent with the four words of Roman elite.

And then…

When the other party really came, Kai found that the other party actually swaggered in from the main entrance… Although they seem to be mixed in the crowd, and they have prepared documents that can hide from the guards, if you look closely, you can clearly see that the labels belonging to Rome on these people are not completely hidden…

If Kay hadn’t asked the guards to let people in, maybe the guards would have drawn their weapons directly, and then there would have been a sentence – are you blind to us, Romans!

This first step of the other party made Kai not very understandable, and then it was even more…

Swaggering in and not to mention, it is almost equivalent to investigating the intelligence of Camelot Castle……… And then the latent ability of these guys is not good

Several times on the other side of Camelot’s castle, Britain’s most elite archers saw them, and if it hadn’t been arranged, they would have shot these sneaky Romans long ago!

This made Kai more and more disappointed.

But he did not let down his guard, thinking that this was a Roman disguise.

But he followed him for five or six days, and finally after watching these assassins enter Camelot Castle, he realized for the first time that ——— times had changed.

Rome is no longer the Rome that Britain heard of when it first changed.

At least these few assassins… The level is so poor!

But what Kay doesn’t know is that Rome can’t be blamed entirely for this.

The god generation on the Roman side has ended early, and now the assassins in this world are at this level, after all, normal people can’t see the signs on your body clearly at night from thousands of meters, and they can’t use a distance of hundreds of meters as an absolute defense circle…

In order to guard against these Roman elites, Kai even frantically expanded the range circle to 1,200 meters in the length unit reset by Roa!

For Rome, which has long been no god, it is completely unimaginable that humans can do such a thing:

In addition, this group of Roman assassins deliberately showed the Roman symbols on their bodies at the beginning, in order to make the British side of the rat thrower dare not act.

That’s why they look like this.

It’s just that they are good, and Kai is good, and they still don’t know what a huge difference is between having the protection of the gods and the protection of the gods.

Times have indeed changed.

Britain is no longer the same Britain it was, and Rome is no longer the Rome it once was…

The Roman assassins who ‘sneaked’ into Camelot’s castle, almost under the watchful eye of Camelot’s forty percent troops, were still cautious, and with silent laughter on their faces, they mouthed each other about the garbage and stupidity of the Britons!

Then the already confident assassin leader was even more confident at this point.

After entering the castle, the position of this Romulus and the Gniveld was first confirmed, and then directly divided into two teams, each with different props.

A team set out for Romulus, a little farther away, and it didn’t matter if the team caused a riot, because they would run after the kill.

The second team is to find Gurniver nearby, this side is to be captured alive, must not be discovered, so as not to bring unnecessary trouble to the first team.

When retreating, the second team went first, and then the first team tried to escape on its own.

In short, it was such a plan, the leader of the assassins took the first team himself, and then handed the second team to his men, and then these Romans, in full view of the British knights, divided their troops when they were few, and planned to do two things at the same time………

For a moment, these British knights, their fear of Rome was dispelled a lot.

After all, the Romans… Although it sounds powerful in the mouths of the older generation, now it seems… That’s what it looks like!

And when Kai saw the reaction of these knights under him, he suddenly realized.

——So that’s what the king meant!

The king must have known for a long time that these Romans could not turn over any big waves, so he deliberately gave such an arrangement, so that our British knights could dispel their fear of Rome!

And the king’s purpose in doing this…

Thinking of this, Kai thought of Roa’s appearance holding up the sword in the stone at the sword drawing ceremony.

First to dispel fear, then to counterattack Rome, right?

Kai, who has felt that there is nothing to do in the recent period of time, and has been a little confused in military training, finally woke up here.

– It turns out that the king’s goal is not only Saxon, but also Rome! I get it, I get it all!

At this moment, Kai consciously understood the king’s deep meaning, and felt more and more that Luo A was unpredictable!

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