Chapter 125 Get out of the way, you disguise Princess Gneville, do you deserve it?!!

Vivian looked at Gneville, who was still working, and couldn’t help but sigh a little.

Just as Roa thought, she did make another prophecy after she had prophesied the Sand Song of Love, and this time her prophecy was to confirm one thing.

That is when she predicted Roa, what she predicted was whether it was true that she would reach an intimate relationship with Roa.

As a result, the predicted result this time is exactly the same as the original!

But even if it was to become this so-called maid, she begged Roa to come……… And in Roa’s own words, Roa also painted her cakes!

Say that you will be the maid chief of the maid team in the future, responsible for managing all the maids and so on…

Logically, she Vivian, the only prophet of this generation of lake fairies, became a maid in order to become a maid chief?


How did the prophesied self reach a relationship with Roa!? At first, when she was in the secret realm of fairies in the lake, she thought that Roa was not close to women!

As a result, people are not very good to Morgan and that Artoria, very gentle, where is not close to women, this is simply resisting her!

When she first realized this, Vivian was still puzzled.

She thinks that her appearance is no worse than that Morgan and Artoria, why can they do it, but not herself?

But when she was arranged here and saw Gneville, she found out

Good fellow, there is also a person here who looks similar to himself, and according to Morgan, this is still Princess Gneville, and the people are now burning the fire in the room!

Calluses on your hands!

Thinking of this, Vivian sighed, then stood up again and walked towards Gurneville.

She burns the fire, and she can’t watch her burn the fire!

Now Guerneville because of the relationship between the fire, the face is all gray, looks black, and the hands are calluses, and also wearing the clothes of the waiter, the hair is also tied very casually because of the work, and some messy……… On the contrary, because I am a fairy in the lake, these things will not be close to me, so I am still very clean.

If someone who didn’t know this maid costume came here and asked him to find Princess Gneville, I am afraid that he would not think that he was a princess!

Eh, people are like this, what else can they say, let’s burn the fire together!

Vivian had thought it would be like this for the time being, but when she was just about to come over to help Gneville, a group of people directly broke into the room.

When they saw them, Vivian and Gneville both froze.

“Don’t move! Our goal is Princess Gneville, be honest if you don’t want to die, otherwise-”

While speaking, these assassins all drew their weapons, and their eyes were very cold.

If the previous Gneville saw this scene, she would definitely be frightened and shout.

But after coming to Camelot Castle, working here for a while as a waiter, and occasionally chatting with these waiters, now Gneville is no longer the princess with flowers in her head.

So at this time, she sighed, put down the things in her hand, blocked Vivian directly, and then whispered to Vivian when she was close to Vivian.

“You leave, their purpose is me – I am Gneville, but they won’t let you go if they want to capture me alive, so wait and I will find a way to drag them, you run!”

Hearing her say this, Vivian glanced at the Roman assassins and paused.


She seems… No need to run!

Just these few ordinary people who don’t have any god protection on their bodies……… I didn’t just use some hint of magic to solve it.

But just as she was about to say something, Gneville thought she was hesitating, so she warned again, and took the initiative to walk towards the group of Roman assassins.

“Don’t worry, they won’t do anything to me, I still have my value, so you go quickly!”

She whispered to Vivian, and then looked at the Roman assassins in front of her and raised her voice directly.

“I’m what you’re looking for…”

She walked some distance and walked directly to a Roman assassin, but before she could say her name, the Roman assassin who led the second team pushed her aside.

“Get out of here! You don’t look at you like that, look at your black face, look at the calluses on your hands, you look like you often work, you want to disguise Princess Gurneville, you don’t look in the mirror either, do you deserve it? ”

This time, Sand Love Song gave them a tracking device.

The tracking device for Romulus is particularly fine because it has the other party’s family belongings.

But the tracking device for Gneville was very blurry because it didn’t have those things.

But it is also possible to track the location of the other party, such as now, the target is two——— which is similar to the degree of Sand Love.

After all, in her opinion, the number of people you lock up is less, if there is a woman who appears next to this Gneville, then maybe she is also a princess, what nobleman, in short, it is good to catch them back, not afraid of catching more, afraid of catching less!

She only instructed———Pick a beautiful catch!”

For Sha Tian Aige, if it is her who comes today, then even if she does not know, it is not a big problem to grasp it all.

But for these assassins, that’s different.

Tying one and tying two, the difficulty is completely different.

Especially after that, they have to run out of the castle and join a team, which is still Britain, and they are still playing away.

It is particularly difficult to bring one more burden.

And if there were two guys standing here who seemed to be princesses, then maybe they would have been caught under the uncertainty of the move.

But the two here, although one looks OK, but just finished the fire, his face is ash, his hands are full of calluses, judging from the action of just standing up and throwing things down and kicking to a suitable position – this is obviously a skilled waiter, often doing the kind of work!

But will the princess burn a fire in the dormitory?

Apparently impossible!

And look at the other one, wearing a dress that I don’t know, but it looks beautiful at first glance, with a clean white headdress, it doesn’t look like it is worn by a working person.

And even in the room, the body is spotless, plus the blessing of the heterochromatic pupil on the appearance, and that unique temperament.

Who the princess is, at a glance!

So these assassins passed directly by Gnevel and Vivian without knowing what to say, and came to Vivian.

“Princess Gneville, please come with us!”

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