Chapter 126: Gneville’s Growth!!


Looking at the group of assassins from Rome in front of him, Vivian sighed, swiped at the person in front of him with one hand, and then the Roman assassins standing in front of Vivian turned into golden dust, as if ashes dissipated in the light, disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Seeing Vivian’s actions, the assassins immediately took out their own weapons, and also took out the props that Shatiao Ai Song gave them when they left Rome, and they were careful to guard against it.

Although Rome has now ended its divine generation, Rome still has a large number of magicians.

There are so many that they can even form a court magic troupe.

Therefore, these assassins cultivated by the Roman royal family naturally have a considerable understanding and understanding of magic.

However, Vivian’s performance of this hand made them extremely vigilant.

It is because of understanding that I am more afraid.

In their understanding, magic requires various ‘activation conditions’, or spells, or movements, or eyes… And the fewer and simpler these things, the worse the power of magic should be!

Only those big magic tricks that require long spells, very tedious rituals, and even the entire magic group to go out together to deal with different parts of the big magic are very powerful.

Can directly evaporate a well-trained warrior… Such magic tricks can be simplified to the point that they can be done with a wave of the hand!

None of them had ever seen such a magical achievement in the head of the palace magic troupe!

But you still need to wave your hand…

Just as these assassins thought so, they then saw the light in Violet’s eyes that were watching them——— reflected the reflection on their side!

Only then did they realize that they couldn’t move now.

Golden light burned on their bodies.

And they are also doomed to be burned in this light, and not even a single residue will be left!

Just that wave of the hand just now aimed at all of us!?

Or is it… To launch such a magic trick on the group, all she needs is a look!

Why is there a magician of this rank in such a remote, poor and backward small place as Britain!

The other party’s magic level has far surpassed that of Roman magicians! Maybe even reached the magic level of Lord Auxiliary! Your Majesty… You must be careful…

They knew very well that their will could not be conveyed, but even then they carried such thoughts at the last moment when their lives were burned.

They now realized that Britain might be different from what they had imagined.

But reality will not give them another chance to repent.

These Roman assassins all disappeared in this light.

Morgan’s mission to Vivian was to keep Guinevere safe, and as for these assassins – kill if you want, don’t kill if you don’t want to, anyway, Kai and the other knights are surrounded outside, and even if these assassins escape from here, they can’t escape the siege outside.

So Vivian didn’t care about killing these assassins, but she looked at Gneville, who was still sitting on the ground, and she walked over and stretched out her hand.

When not facing Roa, Vivian still doesn’t have any strong emotional swings, whether it’s when helping Gurneville with work, or just starting it

When she was killing, or when she was now reaching out to Gnier——— her expression never changed, and her tone was always the one that could still make people hear a little emotion in the plain.

Looking at Vivian like this, Gneville, who was pulled up by her, was a little stunned

And Vivian thought she was scared, and she was comforted while looking at her.

“Don’t be afraid, I was originally sent by the king to protect you, you were safe from the beginning, even if you don’t believe me, you must at least trust the king.”

“You are the safest in Camelot Castle.”

Vivian was not comforting, so she said so, and Gneville reflected it at this time, nodded to Vivian, and then showed an incomparably clean smile with this dusty face.


“But Vivian…”

Speaking of this, Gneville hesitated for a moment, and then she spoke to Vivian quite seriously.

“Can you teach me the trick you just did?”

Gneville said this first, and then after the question was uttered, she probably felt that she was asking too abruptly, so she also looked at the ground, and then casually picked up a sword that the assassins were holding just now, and looked at Zangvian again.

“Or rather… You are a guard sent by the king, so can you use a sword? Can you teach me? ”

Hearing Gneville say this, Vivian was also a little stunned.

Is Gneville stimulated by the assassins just now?

Just when Vivian thought so, Gurneville thought that Vivian had been embarrassed not to answer, so she looked at Vivian again.

“Can’t you?”

“If it doesn’t work, then forget it, I’m just on a whim, and I may have been scared by those assassins…”

Gneville scratched her head, and then realized that she still had a sword in her hand, so she casually threw it away, intending to find a random topic to turn the matter over

But Wei Shuan reacted at this time and spoke.

“It’s not that it can’t be done… Just why should you learn how to fight? ”

“Are you afraid that this will happen again?”

“If that’s the case, I don’t think you need to worry, after all, this is Camelot Castle, you are the waiter here, the king will keep you safe, and if the king can’t deal with the enemy, then I think even if you learn how to fight, it will be useless…”

Hearing Violet say, ‘It’s not impossible’, Guenvier gradually put away the smile on her face and made herself look more serious.

Since she knew that it was not her own request that embarrassed Vivian, then Gneville also said it.

“It’s not because of fear… But I found that you, His Royal Highness Morgan, His Royal Highness Artoria——— I found that all of you women who are qualified to stand by the king’s side are not princesses living in castles, but each one is very powerful… Well, at least a lot better than me. ”

“I came to this Camelot Castle to become a waiter, which I asked for, and I also know that at the moment when my identity is revealed, no matter how much I propose that you do not treat me differently, I should still secretly get the care of His Highness Morgan and the King——— so that I will work harder and harder than others in the work of the waiter.” 」

“I intend to approach the king little by little in this way… Therefore, before I successfully approached Wang, I felt that I would learn and adapt to everything I needed as much as possible. ”

Speaking of this, Gneville smiled again.

“If I can also fight, then I can help the king even more.”

Gneville has indeed changed a lot since she first met Roa.

But the nature of man does not change so easily.

It’s just that Gneville’s original carelessness is gradually turning from light to dark, and in her heart full of sunshine, these sunshines are also beginning to concentrate in a certain direction.

She was still the princess with flowers in her head, only now she seemed to understand when she should bloom.

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