Chapter 127 He is the Emperor Just Sitting Here!!

The destruction of the second team, these first team of Roman assassins obviously did not know at all.

In their minds, a group of people should have been tied to Gneville and began to retreat.

Knowing that Gneville’s disappearance could not be hidden for long, they also moved towards Romulus’ location at a faster speed.

It was night, and although some of the waiters were still working, they had thought that they should find Romulus in the resting place.

Even if the other party is probably sleeping at this time, it is difficult to say.

But when they followed the tracking device given to them by Sand Love, they found that their destination this time was not the rest area of Camelot Castle at all, but… The main hall of the castle!

That is, in general, the king only uses it when he gathers his men to announce important things, or to greet a visiting diplomatic team!

Also the place of the throne!

If you convert it to their Rome, it should be the palace hall! At this time, what is that Romulus doing here?

The leader of the assassins was a little puzzled, but after confirming that no one found out that he was waiting, he led the team to touch over, and pushed a gap in the heavy main hall door, and then went in with sufficient vigilance.

In this spacious and empty main hall, apart from a few pillars, there is nothing to hide.

Moreover, the guy who was pointed at by the tracker in their hands had no intention of hiding at all.

During this time, it was dark in Camelot’s main hall, and the assassins were specially trained not to be affected by this darkness.

But the man didn’t mean to hide in the darkness at all.

He was bathed in the only moonlight in the entire room shining in the open above.

And sitting in the seat belonging to the King of Britain, wearing a clean white armor and holding his head with one hand, silently watching them push open the door and walk in.

There was not the slightest surprise, as if you knew their arrival from the very beginning!

The assassins were nervous.

Although the other party did not speak or act, an inexplicable sense of oppression directly pressed on their shoulders!

Sensing this, the leader of the assassins spoke.

“Don’t panic… He can find out that we are also normal, you must not forget, this guy has the emperor’s protection! ”

Hearing the leader say this, the other assassins also nodded.

Roman emperors, with the exception of the first ones, were basically protected by the gods in the Pantheon after the Pantheon was established.

They didn’t know when this kind of protection began—but they only knew that the Emperor who had been protected, the Sword Emperor Lucius, was unquestionably powerful.

Therefore, there should be the same protection, this man in front of him, who has been given the name of His Majesty Romulus, he can find them, this does not seem to be an incomprehensible thing!

But that’s okay…

The leader of the assassins directly pulled out a dagger from his waist, without the slightest intention of continuing to talk more, but in the process of running towards Roa, he directly threw out the dagger in his hand.

In the face of such a dagger flying head-on, Roa still did not act, just narrowed his simple eyes, and then the dagger that flew over stopped directly in mid-air and fell to the ground!

Seeing this scene, the other assassins who rushed up with the leader felt their scalps tingle.

But their eyes were scattered to the leader at this moment.

They now have an understanding of Roa’s strength, but they also know that as long as they can disperse the protection on Roa, then the other party is just an ordinary person!

They thought so, and their leader showed the ring on his finger after throwing the dagger.

Along with the red rune lighting up on the ring, the ring in his hand was directly shattered!

The leader holding the ring could clearly feel that at the moment when the ring was broken, there was a force that he couldn’t see heading straight for the other party and hitting directly!

Seeing this scene, he smiled as he pulled out his dagger again.

“Even if you are a guy given the name by the Pantheon, without the protection of the emperor, you guy is just an ordinary person – a sinner who threatens the rule of His Majesty the Sword Emperor, go and die!”

In the process of rushing over, he set up the remaining dagger of his own, and spoke loudly and made exaggerated jumping movements.

In his shadow, the other assassins had already found their own positions, and directly flowed to various positions, approaching Roa together.

They are well-trained assassins, and generally speaking, even if some powerful warriors are found by them, they will never survive.

That kind of awesome guy, they don’t know how many they killed in Rome!


Just as they were on their way to Roa, Roa snorted softly.

With such a sound, even the wind, even the sound of insects from the outside world stopped in an instant!

The assassins, who were running forward, focusing all their attention on Roa, felt short almost before they knew it.

Only when the pain came from their knees did they realize that they knelt in front of the man without knowing when, and even lost the weapon in their hands!

And the leader of the assassins who jumped up before was pulled directly from the air and smashed to the ground, not only kneeling, but even his head was pressed to the ground.

He was the closest to Roa.

But even his head closest to Roa could not enter the moonlight that shrouded Roa from top to bottom, and could only try to raise his head in this position close to the moonlight, looking at Roa on the throne in disbelief.

Facing their gaze, Roa spoke.

“Although I don’t know who gave you the confidence to make you think that you can deal with me with a magic costume that repels protection, I can only say that her calculation was wrong, and I am different from what you imagined, although I was indeed given a name in the Pantheon, but I did not have time to be given protection in the Pantheon, and then I was driven away.”


Hearing Roa say this, these assassins who were either kneeling or lying on their stomachs looked at Roa with even more disbelief than just now!

If Roa had said the ring was useless or something, they probably wouldn’t have done so.

After all, it is not a shame to lose at the hands of an emperor with the protection of the Pantheon.

Can… The other party’s body is not protected!? That’s impossible!

The leader of the assassins subconsciously wanted to say these words, but in the instant that his gaze and Roa’s eyes touched, the words were held back by him.

Not because of fear, not because of fear, but the moment he and Roa looked at each other, his suspicions about Roa disappeared!

Such a man could not lie about such a thing!

It was the first time they had met, and they hadn’t even said a few words, but at this moment, the assassins had this kind of thing in their hearts

I can’t believe the idea!

This is the emperor who is recognized by the Pantheon!

If they had all felt that they and others had been absolutely loyal to His Majesty the Sword Emperor before that, they could not betray them no matter what, and they would never approve of the emperor chosen by the Pantheon.

At that moment, they understood what kind of guy the Roman emperor who was recognized by the pantheon and chosen by the gods!

It is clear that the current emperor is His Majesty the Sword Emperor, and it is clear that he has long been exiled.


Even without the throne around, this guy still gave them a feeling of emperor!

No matter where he is, whether he knows him or not, no matter what kind of identity he is… He is all emperors!

Nor was he the emperor he thought he was.

But all those who have seen his aura will not regard him as something else that the emperor thinks!

He seems to be a born emperor!

In front of him, these of them, who had long offered their loyalty to His Majesty the Sword Emperor, just came to kill the judge of the reverse thief, but at this moment they seemed like the reverse thief who came to assassinate the emperor!

Such a strong sense of contrast made them dare not say a word at this moment, and some even took their eyes off Roa, as if they had committed a great sin!

That’s why the leader of the assassins didn’t do that.

He was still looking at Roa, and even trying to look into Roa’s eyes.

Because only in this way can he deceive his heart and convince himself with lies:

Because actually… Even he actually recognized it in his heart!

This man was chosen by the gods and worthy of the name Romulus, a born emperor!

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