Chapter 128 I declare war on Rome on behalf of Britain!!

“Let’s all come in.”

Seeing that these assassins stopped talking, Roa shouted casually.

Then beside him, Morgan, Artoria, and Shiro walked out first

Skaha was called back by him the other day, and he also came out this time

Then Morgan casually lit the alchemy lamp in the main hall, and the light directly illuminated these assassins and couldn’t open their eyes.

At this time, the door of the main hall was pushed open, and Kay walked in directly with many knights, and among these knights, Vivian, who had been contacted by Morgan before, also took Gneville and walked in with these riders.

Seeing this scene, the assassins who made their eyes gradually adapt to the light were a little surprised, only when the leader of the assassins noticed that these knights had come in and Roa was still sitting in the position where the King of Britain should have sat, he understood something…

The knights stood on either side, and Kay and Sir Hector also came to the front.

They stood on the left, the others on the right, and then they, Roa, and the knights looked at the assassins together.

And that’s not all.

After Kai brought people in, the next people to enter the main hall were the Six Kings of the South and the Six Kings of the North!

Behind them were many knights who were very famous in Britain!

Roa hadn’t called out to these people when he went to the Goblin Forest to slaughter goblins, but a few days ago, after Roa came out of the secret realm of the fairies in the lake, he gave me a death order, no matter what he had at hand, he would temporarily put me down and then give me the fastest way to come to Camero!

Even Merlin was.

It’s just that he didn’t plan to meet Morgan and hid in the shadows.

Roa, on the other hand, waited for these people to come in, casually took Fufu, who was rushing towards him, in his arms, and then gave Fufu a smooth hair while looking around among these assassins.

Even if the other assassins hadn’t looked away before, they also looked away after looking at Roa.

In the end, the only person who could look at Roa was the leader of the assassins, so Roa’s eyes stayed on him.

It put a lot of pressure on him.

So much so that at this moment, he forced himself to laugh and preemptively opened his mouth.

“Romulus… Or should I call you the King of Britain, I didn’t expect that just to catch us, you can mobilize so many people, it seems that even if we die, we will have enough face! ”

Hearing him say this, Roa shook his head slightly.

“If I don’t kill you, don’t say anything about immortality—I still need you to go back and help me bring a message to His Majesty the Emperor, so I will still let you go.”

Roa’s tone was flat, unchanged from beginning to end, as if he was greeting a diplomatic envoy or saying something innocuous at the moment.

It was in this tone that he said the reason for calling everyone here today.

“You go back and tell your Majesty the Sword Emperor, just say me, Roa Rester, of course, you can also call me Roa Mulus, and at this moment officially declare war on Rome on behalf of the entire British ——— as the King of Britain.”

If it was just to interrogate a few assassins, Roa obviously couldn’t have called so many people over.

Nor will the location be in the main hall of Camelot Castle.

This is where Britain used to entertain diplomatic envoys and where Britain used to announce important events.

Roa doesn’t intend to break that rule either.

So two things went hand in hand today!

“You, what do you say?”

Not only the leader of the assassins, but even the other assassins looked at Roa in disbelief.

The assassins were both amazed that Roa was the King of Britain and surprised that Roa dared to go to war against Rome on behalf of Britain!

The leader of the assassins was first surprised after Roa said these words plainly, and then as he asked questions, he began to pay attention to the knights around him with the afterglow.

The news of declaring war on Rome would surely cause riots among these knights…

That’s what he thought.

But these knights around did not have any special reaction at all.

As if it was really the assassins who overreacted, or they misheard, Roa was really just saying something particularly innocuous, or really just saying hello to them………

And Roa heard his words, his tone was still flat, and gave him a response.

“I didn’t remember, it’s no wonder, I did say it too formally, and it’s too hard to remember, in this case, you just need to remember one sentence, that is, ——— Britain declared war on Rome, you just need to bring this sentence back.”

Roa said very flatly, and even he followed Fleur’s hand, and the rhythm was not the slightest disorder.

This is something he had an idea about during this time, and studied it with Melie and Morgan for a few days, and finally got the answer.

Roa had this idea, mainly because he cowered in Britain during the last simulation, and was destroyed by the giant god.

Moreover, he also planned to contact the Xiongnu king in advance to see how the giant god appeared.

So Roa discussed it with Melie and Morgan.

With Britain’s current combat effectiveness, it is simply a declaration of war, and then in the name of declaring war, the Knights of the Round Table are established, and after recruiting a wave of people in advance, they will send troops towards Rome, cross Rome along the route, and fight in front of the Hun king!

Then directly take over the front on the side of the Hun king!

Although neither Melie nor Morgan knew why Roa cared so much about the Hun king, since Roa said that the other party would be a huge threat, it was not impossible to use this way.

Even they feel that for today’s Britain, this can be regarded as the best policy.

The reason is that they are strong enough.

And there are enough convenient alchemical creations. As long as it is strong enough, then there is no problem with this plan.

So the matter of starting a war was decided.

Morgan and Artoria had long known that White and Skaha would not have had any special reaction to this kind of thing, and Kay heard Roa say that he was going to declare war, and compared to the noise, the first thought in his mind was——— he guessed correctly! The king’s goal is really Rome!

As for the remaining knights…

You know, since Roa became king, except for Artoria, Skaha and Bai, not a single knight has been sealed.

And the rest of these knights are all knights of King Uther.

Among these knights, even the younger generation, such as Kay, grew up listening to the stories of Rome, and the older generation of knights participated in Britain’s war of freedom.

They are either originally hostile to Rome, or young, plus the actions of these assassins are not only seen by Kai’s people, since these young people came today, they all stopped by to take a look, after learning that this group of assassins are already the elite assassins of Rome, they are naturally not afraid of Rome.

Even if there are some cautious personalities who think more, they will not stand up at this time and say something, but will only remain silent and decide whether to suggest or believe after the silence.

The knights were like this, and Vivian, the fairy of the lake, would not be surprised.

The biggest reaction in the audience was probably Gneville.

She had subconsciously wanted to exhale, but when she found that everyone around her was unresponsive, she forcibly closed her mouth.

This also led to the fact that in the eyes of this group of assassins, these British madmen were particularly calm and calm about the declaration of war!

It’s like… Rome was no match for Britain!

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