Chapter 130 These two are the Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Hatchlings of Rome!!

Quintas Fabius Scipio.

This string is the name of the current first seat of the Senate.

Quintas’s family is the Scipio family, which represents the scepter, and their family has been a member of the Senate for almost all generations, and in recent generations they have successively become high-ranking people, and in his generation, he directly held the first seat of the Senate with the credit of the current emperor Lucius to the throne.

He and Lucius have known each other for a long time, and after Lucius generally ran away, the big things and small affairs on the Roman side were also handled by him ~.

But he’s also getting older.

So much work was left to him, and he couldn’t accept it himself, so he arranged the basic situation and blockaded the port to prevent Lucius from really running to Britain, and finally after arranging for people to find Lucius, he went to find the sand.

For the auxiliary officer of the sand strip Aige, very few people knew her in Rome. Even the only people who knew her name was Sand Strip Aige were Lucius and his Quintas.

Other close ministers, the guards and some departments directly under the emperor knew that this monster was a woman, and further down… The rumor that the assistant officer was a man in his thirties was the most widespread and most credible.

But Lucius and Quintas trust Sand Tiao.

The reason is that the guy who suddenly appeared in the Roman palace defeated Lucius head-on on the first day and showed his strength.

At that time, she had a way to directly replace Lucius as emperor of Rome, but she did not do so.

And after that, she did help Rome deal with a lot of problems, so that Rome, which had already begun to worry internally and externally, quickly calmed down, and even let this country that had begun to weaken gradually climb.

This is all the credit of the auxiliary officer of the sand strip love song.

Whether Lucius really knew these things as if the monkey-like guy really knew, Quintas didn’t know, but at least he knew the ability and merit of the sand-striped love song.

So this time, after he temporarily arranged the big things and small affairs, he also found a sand bar love song.

“Your Excellency, the assassins you sent to Britain have returned, and although they have found that Romulus, their mission has failed, and this is the information they reported.”

Quintas handed the information to Shatiao Aige, who nodded and took the information and looked at it.

Even if she heard that the mission had failed, she didn’t have any special reaction, as if the matter had nothing to do with her, but when she saw this information, when her eyes stayed on ———Romulus was King Arthur—this one, her eyes obviously widened and she made a rare sound of surprise.

Seeing her like this, Quintas also shook his head slightly.

“Even you’re surprised, so am I.” After all, none of us would have thought that Britain would dare to wage war against us Rome. ”

“But although they are self-defeating, we now have to deal with the Huns, and His Majesty the Emperor seems to be very interested in that King Arthur of Britain……… So what does Your Excellency the auxiliary officer think about this matter? ”

The first half of the sentence Quintas seems to be chatting about home, and then the old man who complains from time to time, until the last sentence he looks at the sand strip love song, and waits for her opinion.

What do I think about this?

Sand Strip Aige also sorted out his emotions at this time and put the information down.

Since His Highness has taken an interest in Rome, I will offer Rome to him and declare his loyalty to it!

That’s what Sha Tiao Aige thought in her heart, but she didn’t show it on her face, just smiled and opened her mouth.

“This is indeed a surprise, but there is not much we have to do or can do now, first to investigate British intelligence, and then to deploy troops and move food…”

Now this time is definitely not able to fight, I feel that no matter how to say it will have to wait until next spring, so the best way is to use the strength of the whole country to defeat the Xiongnu first——— Sha Tiao Aige knows this very well, but she deliberately did not say it.

In fact, if she wanted to, she could now suppress Rome directly, then open the gates and welcome the great Majesty King Arthur to his loyal Rome.

But she didn’t.

Because this is not Rome declaring war on Britain, but Britain declaring war on Rome so…

Since His Royal Highness wanted to invite her to play some small games, she was naturally interested in participating.

But even in the game, she must belong to the same camp as His Highness!

This also led to Shatiao Love Song deliberately saying this.

Even she thought about what she would say next if Quintas noticed the problem of time.

She did not intend to show too obvious, but wanted to hide in Rome as a traitor for the time being, so she planned to guide Quintas in this way first, preferably to guide him to connect with the battlefield of Britain and the battlefield with the Xiongnu, and then as long as Britain’s combat power exceeded a part of Rome’s military strength, Rome would be directly defeated, and there was no way to spare a hand to deal with one side with all its might.

Retreat to the collapse of the two lines, giving Britain and the Xiongnu a chance to establish a foothold, and advancing will not be able to fight at all.

It’s just to achieve such a situation as a traitor… Can’t rush yet, take your time.

That’s how Sand Song thinks.


“So it is, it is indeed the same as what His Excellency the adjutant said, although we now have to resist the invasion of the Huns, if we do not prepare at all, it is indeed a little too despised to look down on Britain, after all, they dare to wage war against us, and the king who led them is the king who was given the name of Romulus by the Pantheon, which is even more important.”

Quintas didn’t notice that winter was approaching at all, and even after thinking about it for a while, he took the initiative to continue the matter here under the gaze of Sand Tiao Love Song.

“And if we find a good position for grain stockpiling and choose the battlefield with Britain, then we may be able to directly follow the best road of Rome and rush to the battlefield on the Xiongnu side as quickly as possible after repelling Britain to participate in support, and the same is true for food——— as long as the two battlefields are connected, then we can save a lot of effort.”

Rome had built many roads in all directions with the city of Rome as the core a long time ago, so after Quintas confirmed his idea, the first thing that came to mind was to use these roads to link the battlefield with Britain and the battlefield with the Xiongnu, so as not to disperse Rome’s military forces too much.

He thinks his idea is smart.

And when Shatiao Aige heard him say this, he nodded repeatedly: “Indeed.” ”

“It is worthy of you, Your Excellency Quintas——— it is said that in the far east, in the early years, there were two wise men known as the Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Hatchling, saying that one person could win the world.”

“His Excellency Quintas is simply my Roman Crouching Dragon!”

In Quintas’s impression, Sand Love Song has always been a person who does not talk much, and there are no special emotional ups and downs, and there are strong personal abilities.

So now he was praised by the sand tiao love song, or gave such a high evaluation, which made him very happy, and smiled and waved at the sand love song.

“It’s nothing, I’ve lived for so many years, and I’m still a little knowledgeable——— but you, Your Excellency, have brought obvious changes to Rome after coming to Rome, if you want to say Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Hatchling, then Your Excellency you are this Roman Phoenix Hatchling.”

Speaking of this, this pair of Roman crouching dragons and phoenixes also looked at each other, and then they both smiled.

There is a feeling that His Majesty Lucius got the two of us, and the world was in his pocket.

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