Chapter 131 I’m still quite smart!!

Is Quintas stupid?

He is not stupid, if he were really stupid, then he would not be the first to become the first of the Senate, but his family has been a member of the Senate for generations, and he is still an aristocrat, and his ignorance of many things is also certain.

For example, he does not know how to fight, and he does not understand what winter means for the battlefield.

This led him to make the decision he has made directly—and because he has been sitting in the first seat of the Senate for many years, plus Lucius is still such an emperor, his position is as stable as an iron barrel.

He said that he wanted to do this, and even if he understood that it was not particularly good to do so, he did not dare to say anything, so he could only obey it.

And there’s another problem here.

That is, the assassins were frightened by Roa, so the attention was basically on Roa, and those who did not see Roa were killed by cover

This directly led to the fact that the Roman side still does not know what the situation is on both sides compared to Britain and Rome today, and even those who can really fight are not very worthy of Britain.

In the eyes of those who can really fight, since the senate is powerful, then endure!

And this matter of arranging the stationing of troops…

Then as long as Rome can defeat Britain with such a two-headed attack, it is not a complete bad idea.

So Quintas’s arrangement was thus given, and no one stopped him.

But Quintas is not stupid, so he still has a good job elsewhere except for being kidnapped by the sand stripe love song.

For example, the blockade of ports, such as the search for Lucius, such as allowing the emperor’s exclusive intelligence forces to spread directly, began to prohibit any intelligence from the Roman side from flowing to Britain.

These orders of his were also very well given.

When all this was done, Quintas could breathe.

“The troops have made arrangements, the grain and grass have been arranged, the orders have been issued, and the problems of intelligence have been well controlled… Britain and the Huns ——— hum, just solve you in one go! ”

Rome’s control of intelligence is still very strong.

If not, it would not be possible for Mellie to hide in the Roman Palace even if she was completely unaware of the sand and love songs.

Of course, there are reasons why the sand love song shields Mellie’s clairvoyance, but if Rome’s management of intelligence is poor, Mellie can still get the news from other clues.

So after Quintas arranged, the Roman side first put an end to the spread of intelligence that was too large, then blocked the various seaports, and began to break intelligence officers into the grassroots.

Under this strong control, it directly led to the actions of Rome, and even the intelligence officers arranged by Morgan in Rome did not get any information at all

Because in Rome at this moment, the classes were separated, and the real news could only circulate where there would be no problems, and the rest, even if they only knew a little, were divided by tasks, centralized, and specially managed.

The average person in Rome did not even know that Britain had gone to war against Rome.

Although Morgan’s intelligence officers knew about the war, they were completely unclear about the arrangements on the Roman side, and there was no channel to learn about it.

Lucius, on the contrary, soon knew

Because when Quintas arranged these things, she was still hiding in the trees within the palace and eating bananas.

So she also heard about these arrangements of Quintas, but she didn’t care much about them, and only after Quintas arranged all the people looking for her and the intelligence officers were all arranged, she sneaked out of the palace directly and found Morgan’s intelligence officers.

So that at least the first wave of search arranged by Quintas is useless.

Neither in the search for Lucius nor in the search for the British mole was useless.

“You’re from Britain.”

When Lucius approached Morgan’s intelligence officers, this was the first thing he said.

When these intelligence officers heard someone asking them such a question, they had planned to take action, but after seeing that the person who came was Lucius, they gave up their intention to attack.

After all, although they did not know that the guy in front of them who had disguised himself with magic was the current emperor of Rome, they also knew exactly what kind of strength this battlefield saint had.

This made them give up doing it, and instead put on a wry smile.

“Miss Luaya, don’t scare us… We are all black merchants not so much from Britain as from the sea. ”

While speaking, the intelligence officer opened his cargo bag and took out the contents inside.

“You see, these things come from all kinds of places, some from Britain, some from Rome, and some from other places…”

This is not that the intelligence officer is lying, but true.

These things were all taken from Carmelo by Morgan before sending them out.

Some of them were collected by the nobles in their early years, and some of them were robbed by the Saxon barbarians, so it was perfectly feasible to take these goods as proof of identity before reasonable people.

Lucius, who goes by the pseudonym Luaya, does not know these things.

However, she didn’t suspect anything, just simply raised her eyebrows.

“Well, I originally wanted to ask, if you have a way to go to Britain, then I still want to go to Britain, since you are not from Britain, then forget it.”

Hearing Lucius say this, these intelligence officers paused, and then looked at each other.

They were not all the intelligence agents Morgan had arranged in Rome.

So even if they are discovered, there are others who will not be discovered.

In this case… They’re willing to take a gamble.

Instead of being stuck in the current position, it is better to inquire through this holy woman of the battlefield.

Wait a minute.

The leading intelligence officer stopped Lucius, and then in her somewhat puzzled gaze, he lowered his voice and said the news from his side.

“Miss Luaya, although we are not from Britain, if you have to go to Britain, we have a way, but relatively, what can you give?”

Pay what…

Lucius thought about Quintas’s arrangement, and then his eyes lit up.

“I don’t have that much property, but I’ve heard that Rome, because of Britain’s declaration of war, would seal off the whole territory, not allow any intelligence to circulate, and lay out a lot of defenses over the waters leading from Britain to Rome… Since you are black merchants, if you are left in Rome for a long time because of the war, you will definitely lose money, and you may not be safe. ”

“Well, then, you will find a way to get a ship that can go to Britain, and I will point out these Roman defensive points at sea, and stay in Rome with you.”

During this time, I will arrange a place for you to take refuge——— so that you can go to sea to do business, and you can escape to a safe place, and I only need you to send me to Britain.

Lucius looked at the few ‘black merchants’ in front of him with some hesitation, and obviously a little moved, quite proud.

In her opinion, this is almost equivalent to changing these black businessmen to help herself without paying anything.

It’s like winning twice!

Already won hemp!

Thinking of this, Lucius thought that Quintas usually says that he is like a monkey when he is angry, although it is no problem to fight, but he does not use his brain at all…

… Hmph, who can’t use brains, I’m not quite smart!

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