Chapter 132 Meroussin, Bagust and Bawan Hi!!

Rome did study the censorship of messages very well.

But this research is limited to the non-god generation, in terms of preventing magic communication… Rather than preventing, it is better to say that there is no magic communication in Rome now, and even the royal magic troupe in Rome does not have such magic.

And in order to prevent communication from being obstructed, Morgan also deliberately worked on these communication magic.

Such magic communication is actually fine even if you dive into the secret realm of the fairy in the lake to communicate outward, let alone Rome, which is completely defenseless about it.

Even if you report it, Rome may think you’re crazy.

Standing in Rome you can contact Britain, isn’t that kind of thing only in legends?

It is impossible in reality!

So they didn’t know that the response was finalized on the palace side in the morning, and then it was learned by Morgan’s spies in the afternoon, and finally the information about Rome’s maritime defenses and the position of the cantonment appeared in Morgan’s hands in the evening, and was handed over to Roa by her own hands.

What is efficiency, this is efficiency!

In the Roman army and navy there are still generals who have not received news, Roa has already received the news!

On average, Roa gets the news a day to two faster than the executive department in Rome!

So when he saw this information, especially the time marked above, Roa sighed a little.

However, after sighing, he did not say the content of the news for the first time, but set his sights on Morgan.

“You cultivated goblins over at the World Tree, and there are results?”

Hearing Roa say this, Morgan nodded.

“Let’s just say there are results……… At least the newborn primordial goblins named Melusin, Bagast, and Bahan Shee have been created. ”

“And I also changed the original characteristics of goblins that can only survive by sucking life force, so that they can eat human food to transform life force, and the price is that their meal will not be small——— and then change their original ‘pure’ view of good and evil, adding humanity to them.”

“Among them, the goblin named Bagast is taller, and her own physical fitness is exceptionally excellent even among goblins, which is the type that can fully exert the life force of a goblin who holds a lot of life force, and I have also increased the amount of life force she can store.”

“The goblin named Bahan Nozomi was greatly enhanced and retained by me that the part of the original goblin that was good at magic, and then I saved her some life-sucking properties a little, so that she can turn this move into a skill, which can directly extract blood from the enemy’s wounds during battle and transform it into its own life force.”

After talking about the first two goblins, when talking about the third, Morgan paused.

“The third goblin is a little more complicated… Before, when we searched those noble treasures, we didn’t find some dragon scales, dragon horns and dragon blood and other things in the treasure house of the great southern nobles. ”

Listening to Morgan say this, Roa nodded, and Shiro didn’t tell him now that he had stuffed his treasury and Saxon treasure into the treasure house of that nobleman, so that Roa didn’t know how those nobles got these things, but there was.

And it was taken away by Morgan some time ago.

“I used those dragon scales, dragon horns, and dragon blood for the production of the last goblin, if the goblin named Bagust is the ultimate embodiment of the goblin’s use of life force to strengthen the body, and the goblin named Bavan Xi is the combination of the goblin’s flourishing magic skills and the characteristics of sucking the life force, then the last, also the goblin named Merussin, is a special individual that I made by fusing the characteristics of the dragon, which can be called a ‘dragon goblin’.”

“Needless to say, the goblin herself has a strong physical quality and magical talent, and then she also has the posture and power that belongs to the dragon.”

“The dragon’s heart strengthens her magic and vitality with her breath.”

“The invisible scale armor greatly increases her resistance to magic and attacks.”

“Dragon’s wings allow her to fly high in the air.”

“She can be said to be the strongest of the three goblins, and presumably the strongest one in the history of goblins.”

Morgan said this, and Roa nodded repeatedly.

Although the principle is probably different, the three goblin knights named Bagust, Bavan Shee and Merousine match the characteristics of the three goblin knights in his memory of the FGO.

So after Roa listened to the information of the three goblin knights, he asked again.

“Morgan, although I have entrusted you with the matter of making goblins out of the World Tree, can you tell me what plans you have for the other goblins besides these three goblin knights?”

Roa didn’t want to watch Morgan come up with the kind of leprechaun in FGO’s anecdotal belt.

Even if the goblins made by the World Tree can solve the problems of those goblins in the strange belt from the root, Roa doesn’t even want to see those guys.

Even if he had the opportunity to invade that strange news belt in the future, he wouldn’t mind doing something!

And Morgan obviously didn’t expect Roa to ask this.

Before, she was still wondering if the characteristics of the white dragon displayed by Melusin would dislike Roa, but she didn’t expect that Roa didn’t care about this at all.

“The follow-up goblins……… Because we first made goblins with the purpose of the Goblin Knights, then it is natural for future goblins to incorporate the beautiful things that belong to the knights into their souls…”

“However, when I made the original three goblins, I used the branches and leaves of the World Tree, and when making Melusin, I used a lot of extra materials that can only be found on dragons, and such treatment will not be available in future goblins.”

“Even because the goblins born in the future will not have the same strong vitality as this primordial three, I do not plan to specialize them, but plan to balance them and strive to make each of them have stronger physical fitness, higher magical adaptability and beautiful chivalry – this is my plan.”

At this point, Roa saw Morgan smile.

He knew that Morgan wasn’t going to make any Six Clans or anything like that, so he nodded.

Morgan saw Roa like this, and she continued to speak.

“By the way, Roa, if the Goblin Knights are formed in the future, can you hand over the Goblin Knights to me?”

It is impossible for anyone other than Morgan to say this to Roa:

Because it can be seen from the potential of the Goblin Knights, in addition to the special knights of the Round Table, the Goblin Knights are very likely to be the ace troops of Britain in the future.

Ask for this before the ace force is formed, and Morgan can do it.

Because she knew that Roa would not suspect her at all.

And Roa also said it after Morgan said it, he didn’t even hesitate, and directly nodded and agreed.

“Okay… Or in fact, I originally planned to entrust the Goblin Knights to you to manage, after all, there is no one in Britain who is more suitable to lead the Goblin Knights than you. ”

“But what you said before, do you have any ideas about the problems encountered in the production of the Goblin Knight?”

Although Roa is also very optimistic about the future of the Goblin Knights, he is not

Blindly looking forward to it now, there is still paying attention to the problems that Morgan mentioned in the first place.

And hearing Roa say this, Morgan sighed slightly.

“To be honest, not yet… After all, the spiritual base of the heroes of our world is difficult to move, there will be side effects, and it is not easy to find a match, if you have to say, you can only think of a way from a parallel world or something……… But we don’t have a medium to connect to parallel worlds, and in this case, it is basically stuck. ”

Morgan is also a little helpless.

But Roa paused.

Connecting with a medium in a parallel world, Morgan is indeed hard to find.

But he has a way, or rather… Mellie has a way!

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