Chapter 133 She is the Sword Emperor Lucius himself!!

Although Roa is confident, as long as she talks to Mellie, she will probably lend Avalon to herself as a medium, and even she will not care too much.

But Roa wasn’t used to that.

He still went to talk to Melie before he told Morgan about it

Then Melie said yes and lent Avalon to him, and finally he told Morgan about it.

He didn’t say anything about Melie according to Melie’s own meaning, but Roa still told Morgan about this Avalon from a parallel world.

Even Melie even explained it to Roa.

But Morgan didn’t ask.

Morgan was a little stunned when he saw Roa take out Avalon.

And when she heard Roa say that this was Avalon from a parallel world, and did not say the reason, she first believed Roa, and then knew that Roa deliberately did not say that she did not ask.

This is the same as Morgan asking Roa for the Goblin Knights directly, and then Roa directly gave her without even hesitation.

They trust each other.

And this is not established after the relationship is established, but before that, there was a certain basis for it earlier.

So after Morgan took Avalon, he didn’t ask anything.

Roa, on the other hand, asked other questions.

“Morgan, you take Avalon to study the spirit base of the parallel world, do you need to go to the secret realm in this case?”

“Not necessarily.”

Morgan knew Roa was going to Rome, so she shook her head.

“I’m doing this in Camelot, and only after I finish studying the Lingji need to return to the secret realm for Melusin, Bagast and Bahan Shee to press the Lingji on it.”

“Well, since that’s the case, Camelot will leave it to you for the time being.”

Roa confirmed the actions of the Roma side, and confirmed the matter on Morgan’s side, and then he gave the work on Camelot’s side to Morgan.

He then returned to his alchemy workshop, completed the last few steps of the Golden Sword, and then took the sword out.

This sword was originally a sword located in the fairy treasury in the lake, in addition to using special god generation metal itself, resulting in this sword being extremely strong, sharp and has good magic guidance, the biggest effect is because it comes from the relationship of the god generation, so the mysterious nature on it can cut off a lot of magic in this era

In a few hundred years, thousands of years, then the mysterious nature of those modern magic in later generations will be even more shallow for this sword.

It can be said to be a sword that cuts through magic.

But after Roa’s alchemical blessing, this sword has a lot more than its original characteristics.

For example, this sword can release the mana with the holder when the bearer releases the mana, and this sword also has the effect of changing the mana attribute, so the attribute of the holder’s mana can be changed at will.

Even if you carry it, the effect of the magic will be changed.

And the sword itself can also store mana.

The mana stored in it, when activated, will put the sword into a liberated state, making it stronger, and even releasing the holder’s mana to increase it by a level – at the cost of constantly consuming the mana in it to enter the liberated state

Then if you inject a lot of magic into the sword in one breath, Roa also adds to this sword the kind that many knights of the Round Table have, that is, – light cannon!

A large amount of mana is injected into it, and this sword can transform all known elements, and then incrementally increase and reconstruct, and then use this alternative way to transform the input mana into a pseudo-real ‘ether’!

If this sword is to be evaluated as a treasure, then Roa believes that with this light cannon alone, theoretically the power of this treasure should have the level of A!

After all, Paracelsus’s magic swords have A, although Roa wants to make the philosopher’s stone is estimated to have to be studied again, but Roa does not think that the magic sword he has created will be worse than Paracelsus’s magic sword.

It should be said that his alchemy will only be stronger!

Because even in the simulation of the King of Alchemy, his alchemy has reached a peak, and he who holds a special label judges that his alchemy has come to an end in a sense.

The alchemy system of human beings is thoroughly eaten, the alchemy system of the fairy in the lake is thoroughly eaten, and its own system is complete, and even surpasses many forging gods in this regard…

If you can’t access advanced knowledge, the apex of this epic level label is probably the peak of the Forging God, and Roa’s current alchemy is the first-line level among the Forging God, even if you can go again, you can only go a little.

Unless he can draw a label with a higher evaluation next, such as [(mythical) God of Gold Practice] or a root-level label that he has never seen before.

He didn’t develop the philosopher’s stone because he didn’t want to develop it there.

If he only talked about alchemy, he did not think that Paracelsus’ alchemy could surpass his own.

In addition, even if the base of this sword is not a philosopher’s stone, the material of the god generation will not be bad.

So Roa probably expected that this triumphant golden sword should also have a level of A+ or so when converted into a treasure – unless there is a legend bonus, it cannot be higher.

This is already all his current alchemy can do with a single weapon.

If he could make it with a large position, then even something like an air fortress he could make.

After completing the golden sword of victory, Roa brought it to Artoria.

Artoria had obviously winced when she got the sword, and she hadn’t expected Roa to give her a sword, but when she learned that the sword had been forged by Roa herself, she smiled happily.

Obviously, compared to a good sword, she still prefers Roa’s own hand to transform it.

If she wasn’t the king, there was no need to hide the expression that belonged to the girl.

There is no need to hide the emotions that belong to young girls.

So after she tried the sword, she hugged it directly, and then Roa, who had planned to leave tonight, dragged on until noon the next day, and then pulled Skaja and Vivian towards Rome together.

On this trip to Rome, he did not intend to take many people with him, and even Bai was left by him.

Four people to be exact.

Vivian, Skaha and he and Melie.

Such a lineup is perfectly enough for Roa.

So the four of them set off directly, using the alchemy ship made by Roa, and it took more than a day to reach Rome.

At this time, the navy on the very edge of Rome had apparently just received information and began to arrange coastal defense.

And Roa, the king of Britain, had already come to Roman territory and arranged for Morgan to contact the intelligence agents here.

With them leading the way, this trip was obviously much smoother.

However, Roa originally thought that he had such a raw face, no matter how he said it, he had to hide it or something.

But he didn’t expect that these intelligence officers would take him directly to a large base that looked very hidden underground!

And the construction of this base is very luxurious!

Many places are estimated to be better renovated than Camelot Castle!

Roa did not expect that these intelligence officers could develop such a place in Rome!

The intelligence officers knew Roa’s identity, and after seeing Roa’s reaction, they quickly explained.

“Yase… My lord, this place was not built by us, but the holy woman of the battlefield, and the place arranged for us by the mercenary who was super famous in Rome. ”

“She also leaked to us the identity of the auxiliary officer last time, and this time she leaked the information about Rome’s movements to us, so I think her identity may not be so simple!”

First of all, he cleaned up his own problems, and then he analyzed the identity of the other party very seriously.

Hearing him say this, Roa smiled.

“So the holy woman of the battlefield, can you get in touch now?”

“Yes! Absolutely! She’s also at this base, waiting for us to take her to Britain……… As we reported in the intelligence, although I don’t know why, she seems to want to go to Britain. ”

The intelligence officer spoke very seriously and nervously, occasionally feeling that he had missed something and hurriedly added it later.

Roa saw this and patted him on the shoulder.

“Don’t be so nervous.”

“It’s just a meeting between black market merchants, even if I’m a very powerful big businessman, you shouldn’t be so nervous, right?”

“Yes, you’re right.”

The intelligence officer nodded repeatedly, as if he was already adjusting his state.

Roa, on the other hand, withdrew his hand and looked at Vivian while following him and continuing to walk towards the location of the holy woman of the battlefield.

Roa is not good at trickery and wit.

So since there is Vivian, a prophet, he is too lazy to touch the identity of the other party.

Let Vivian predict it directly!

Let Vivian predict a rough idea, then let Skaja and Mellie analyze it, and then see each other’s reactions for themselves, and then naturally they will know.

Roa thought so.

But he did not expect that Vivian had gone soft on her legs after the prophecy, and almost did not pass out directly, it was obvious that what she predicted this time was very large for her overdraft – of course, it may also be that after recovering from the prophecy, so the accumulated damage broke out in one breath.

This also puts progress on hold.

But it’s not a big problem.

Roa directly grabbed Vivian’s hand and gave her the life force, and when she recovered, Vivian revealed the identity of the holy daughter of the battlefield.

“The identity of the other party can be seen just by looking at it, and there is no doubt that it is not a mercenary at all—that guy is the current emperor of the Roman Empire, the Sword Emperor Lucius himself!”

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