Chapter 134 I Am King Arthur!!

“If I think about it like this, it is true, I felt that the holy girl of this battlefield felt a little familiar to me, it turned out to be her…”

Mellie reacted at this moment.

When she had read the information before, she had actually said that she felt a little wrong, but at that time she did not think about Lucius’s body, and she was not sure.

But now that Vivian has given the prophecy, she understands it all!

Mellie reacted in this way, and Skaja raised an eyebrow, obviously surprised too, and then she looked at Roa, who had lifted Vivian up.

“Now that you know she’s the Roman emperor, what are you going to do?”

Hearing Skaha’s inquiry, Roa pondered for a moment.

“Let’s go and see first, first see what kind of person she is, and then draw conclusions, and before that-since His Majesty the Emperor is interested, then let’s play with her.”

Roa thinks he still has something in terms of looking at people.

This confidence comes not only from his experience and experience of inheriting so many simulated memories, but also from his ability to judge hostility and emotions, and even briefly predict the future.

These combine to make Roa less prone to mistakes when looking at people.


These are limited to looking at people.

“You’re the one these guys have been waiting for, the one who can take us to Britain, my name is Luaya, what about you?”

Lucius looked around after seeing Roa being brought in, and although her eyes also stopped on Skaha’s body, they finally fell on Roa’s body, and walked over with a smile, eating a banana while talking.

“My name is Roa, Roa Rester, of course, you can also call me Roa Mulus, but the name behind is not very accustomed to it, if you have to call it, just the one in front, this is the name given to me by the person who raised me, and I have no intention of changing my name.”

Roa originally thought of a pseudonym, but after he knew that Lucius was here, he was useless, but directly said his real name.

Hearing Roa say this, those intelligence officers were nervous.

And Skaha and Vivian knew after hearing Roa’s introduction that Roa didn’t seem to plan to hide his identity as originally planned

Nor were they surprised.

After all, although Luo A usually looked quite harmonious in the eyes of his own people, in fact, this guy’s Wang Wei was terrifying enough to shatter the army and scatter the dark clouds, and just one look could shock people to the ground.

How could such a king continue to hide himself after learning of Lucius’s identity?

He obviously couldn’t allow himself to act as if he was bowing his head.

They all thought so, even Melie.

But in fact Roa just doesn’t care.

He knew very well that even if he said his real name, Rome would not be able to keep even one person on his side.

So he wanted to take this opportunity to see what kind of emperor this Lucius in front of him was.

The other person either pretends not to know, or is surprised, or whatever… These Roa can think of.

But what he didn’t expect was that Lucius’s reaction after hearing Roa’s name was…

“Eh, you actually have two names, it’s really quite rare, it’s really interesting~”

Roa’s sight and smell were telling him that the guy in front of him didn’t lie at all, so she patted Roa’s shoulder with a smirk, looking familiar.

“But it doesn’t matter, anyway, Roa, right—since you can take me to Britain, take me there!”

Seeing Lucius like this, Roa contacted Melie in his heart.

“Melie, this guy… Surely I felt wrong, she actually bypassed my temptations, but… Why do I feel as if she has no brains at all? ”

Roa was a little confused:

Melie answered Roa after a moment of silence.

“You don’t feel wrong……… Lucius is such a guy, otherwise I wouldn’t have always called her a red-haired monkey. She really wasn’t the type of person who could use her brain, whether she spoke or did things, depending on mood and instinct, otherwise Rome wouldn’t have looked like it was going to fall apart until Sand Loves Song became Rome’s assistant officer…”

Ah, this…

Then why did she become emperor!?

Roa couldn’t understand at all, neither to Rome nor to this Lucius, he felt that his experience was completely useless in the monkey in front of him.

Thinking of this, he simply let out a breath and opened his mouth more directly.

“Of course you can take you to Britain, but then there will be a war between Britain and Rome, even if it is not a regular military position, but you are a fairly famous mercenary on the Roman side, what are you doing in Britain at this time?”

Hearing Roa say this, Lucius raised an eyebrow.

“Because if you don’t go at this time, you won’t be able to go in the spring next year——— and then it will be winter soon, and it will be impossible for Britain to go to war with Rome in winter, so it’s okay to die cold.”

“If Britain wants to start a war in the spring of next year, then Rome must mobilize the strength of the whole country to deal with the Xiongnu now, only by defeating one first, and hurrying to adjust, then can we use a better posture to face the other so even for this, I must go to Britain first to see the situation.”


Lucius, who just looked like a stupid monkey, directly broke Roa’s idea perfectly.

And the coping methods she said are indeed the best for Rome today… These are also instincts to guide her?

For Lucius as a person, Roa didn’t understand it at all.

“So, if you want to go to Britain, you plan to investigate the situation in Britain in advance as a mercenary?”

Hearing Roa say this, Lucius, who was still seriously explaining just now, scratched his head and showed that silly smile as if he was a monkey again.

“Hehe, no, it’s just that I just want to see what kind of guy the king who dares to take Britain to war with Rome is.”

As if afraid that Roa would not understand, Lucius explained with dancing at this time.

“After all, you see, Britain and Rome are smaller in territory and shorter in history, and Britain was once part of Rome, right, and I heard that the king of Britain was exiled by Rome—for such a person, anyone would be curious!”

The words in Lucius’s mouth seemed to be all belittling Britain and belittling Roa, but Roa’s sight and hearing told him that this guy in front of him from just now to now, when he talked about Britain, when he talked about King Arthur, his heart was full of curiosity and interest, and even a trace of friendliness, without the slightest malice.

Sure enough, it was the same as Melie said.

If it is useful to people, it is completely useless on monkeys.

The rhythm is really completely disrupted…

Thinking of this, Roa shook his head, and then smiled at Lucius’s rather surprised gaze.

“If you’re only interested in King Arthur, then it doesn’t matter if you don’t go to Britain – because I’m the King Arthur you’re looking for, Roa Rester.”

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