Chapter 135: The Secret History of the Queen of the Shadow Country!!


Lucius, the monkey, finally showed an extremely surprised look at this moment!

“You are King Arthur? It’s that Romulus!? ”

“Yes, I am, but I still prefer you to call me Roa Rester compared to Romulus.”

Lucius was even more surprised to see Roa admit it.

“Since you are King Arthur, why would you dare to come to the Roman territory after the war on Rome has been declared?”


If this is someone else’s question, then Roa doesn’t feel anything at this time, but……… What right do you Lucius have to ask me this question!

Roa’s mind thought so, but he did not say so: “I came to Rome naturally with my own ideas, such as I plan to go to the Pantheon in Rome, or I came to Rome to find people.” ”

Then there is…

At this point, Roa paused, and then looked deeply at Lucius.

“Just as you are curious about King Arthur, I am also curious about the current emperor of Rome, the Sword Emperor Lucius, especially after I learned that I was given the name Romulus in Rome, and then my whole family was exiled and intercepted, I became even more curious about that Sword Emperor.”

Hearing Roa say this, Lucius nodded repeatedly.

“So that’s the case, indeed, it’s normal for you to be interested in the Pantheon, as for coming to see the Sword Emperor Lucius…”

Speaking of this, Lucius also paused.

Roa thought that she would be like herself, and directly admitted it.

But in fact, Lucius sighed very regretfully when he talked about himself, looking like the Sword Emperor had died, and then his face showed obvious disgust.

“She doesn’t have anything to look at, but she’s just a pathetic guy bound to the emperor’s position, if you really want to see it, don’t buy a bird, put it in a cage, it’s completely enough to see this.”

When Lucius said this, he spoke obviously more than just now, and the speed of speech was not faster.

“And you have been exiled to Britain since childhood, so you must not know, our name on the Roman side, the normal format is first name plus clan plus surname, only the clan is not so large that it needs to be a clan name will be a name plus surname.”

“But the sword emperor Lucius because both parents are big nobles, big clans, and different families and clans, so before she became emperor, her parents quarreled about which clan name and which family name she wanted to hang, and the quarrel was so much that Lucius was directly called Lucius, and the clan name or the family name was gone.”

“And there are names on the Roman side, what kind of name is generally used by men, women’s words are more like my name——— Luaya, will be named after what Ya.”

“But although the sword emperor Lucius was a woman, she used the name Lucius – this is when she was not yet born, this child who could satisfy the interests of everyone at that time if she became emperor was directly named Lucius…”

“Just like this, the guy who was calculated when he was not yet born, and who has been in the arrangement of others all his life, should have nothing to be curious about in her life or bring surprises.” 」

Apparently, Lucius was rather dissatisfied with his life.

Even she, a guy who had no malice at all before, only showed some resentment here.

And this is also the only negative emotion that Roa and her contact with now, from her…

In addition, even if this guy is what she says, she is more often the kind of sunny, positive, optimistic mood that occupies the majority.

What a wonderful guy…

“Well, don’t say anything about the sword emperor Lucius – since you are King Arthur, then you must know a lot about Britain, can you tell me about it, I’m curious!”

Hearing Lucius say this, Roa nodded at her.

He really felt that there was nothing he could not say about him, and if the other party wanted to know, then today was the first day of coming to Rome, and there was nothing wrong with talking to her.

But Roa did not expect that when he nodded his head, he saw Lucius take out several books from his pocket with his eyes shining.

And the one on the top is… – glorious epic!

is the bard over there in Britain, write him a story!

Isn’t she asking herself if what is said in the story is true…

When Roa thought like this, he saw Lucius take the book out, stuff it back, and then flip through the other books, stuffing most of it back.

Only one copy remains.

It was a cover with nothing written on it, and Lucius had a lot of traces of alteration in it after opening it, and it didn’t look like a bard’s story, but more like something like a personal diary.

Lucius picked it up and flipped through it for a long time before showing Roa one of the pages.

“This is it–I heard that in the scope of your Britannia, or in the scope of Hypernia, is there a place called the Land of Shadows!”

“I see that this note I don’t know who wrote down a lot about the Queen of the Shadow Country, I’m quite curious!”

“It is written here that although the queen of the country of shadows looks like a person, she is actually a monster, is this also true? Do you in Britain really have a giant monster that seems to be written on this note? ”

Rome was no longer a godsend.

So many things that seem very common to the mysterious forces in Britain are already in myths and stories on the Roman side.

So it’s normal for her to feel curious.


“Then there will be war between Britain and Rome, and when you meet me, King Arthur, it has absolutely nothing to do with our British arrangements for this war…”


Lucius first realized, and then shrugged nonchalantly.

“It doesn’t matter what kind of thing is, anyway, I’m just a mercenary, and I’m not the emperor of Rome, so let the palace think about that kind of exhausting thing, no, no…”

Roa’s sight and smell felt Lucius’s completely unfalsified emotions, and even with his position, he couldn’t help but deny it in his heart.

But before he could speak, he saw Skaha come over, and she leaned her face towards the note in Lucius’s hand.

Then in a voice that could not hear emotions, he slowly read out the content written on it.

“… All of the above information came from the testimony of one of the disciples of the terrifying queen, and I assure with the dignity of a warrior that all of the above things are true. ”

“The queen of the Shadow Country once went into the deep sea alone, and then found a monster with eight huge soft feet and a large head like an island at the bottom of the sea, but when the monster saw her, the monster was scared away.”

“Those wise men and sages who have eyes that can see through the real are also frightened every time they see the Queen of the Shadow Country, and this must be something they see that we can’t see.”

“So don’t look at the queen of the Shadow Country as beautiful, but that’s just a means for her old thing who has lived for an unknown number of years to pretend to be cute… Tsk, I’m good at writing. ”

There was a smile on Skaha’s mouth, but Roa could tell that there was no smile in her eyes at all.

“So, Luaya, right… Do you know who exactly wrote this note? ”

Hearing Skaha ask, Lucius thought for a moment.

“I seem to remember someone talking to me about this, but I forgot… Well, so be it, I’ll take you to ask those who know! ”

Skaha nodded, then looked at Roa.

Roa lowered his voice at this moment.

“You can go, but it’s useless for you to know who wrote it now, right? Hearing that Roa did not refuse to follow, Skaha snorted coldly. ”

“No, I have a hunch that my disciples and I will see each other sooner or later… So let me know who wrote this stuff and circulate it everywhere, and when I see them again… Huh. ”


Hearing Skaha’s laughter, even Roa, a guy with a rather high divinity, felt a chill behind his back.

I don’t know who it is, but you seem to have to ask for luck…

Roa said sorry to the guy in his heart, and then nodded at Lucius:

“Well, let’s ask.”

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