Chapter 137 Let me see who is being summoned!!

Roa really didn’t expect that in Rome during this period, there would be magicians who began to study what heroic spirits were summoned!

However, on the way to his magic workshop by Marcus, Roa gradually understood the plan in his introduction.

Marcus had always liked to investigate various ancient ruins.

This time is not long after the gods.

Although most of the messy things in the God Dynasty either sank into the Star Sea or really disappeared, many ancient things still remained in those ruins.

So Marcus was simply curious about this seemingly visible but completely different era from today, and then the idea of summoning ancient heroes was naturally born.

This plan even allowed him, who could have worked in the court magic group for a few more years, to retire early and has been preparing for it.

That’s the progress…

“I’ve always wanted to find a few helpers, but it’s rare for people to be interested in these things… My research on many things alone is not ideal, which has led to the slow progress now. ”

“But I’m probably convinced that such a model should be feasible——— but I don’t know if I can really see the day when the heroic spirit is summoned while I’m still alive.”

Marcus sighed a little.

“If only I could see it… And if I can leave the technique of summoning heroes before I die, then in case something goes wrong in the future Rome, the later magicians can also use this way to summon the great heroes and great emperors of Rome in the past to solve the crisis. ”

Hearing Marcus say this, Roa visibly paused.

Because he remembered that when he simulated the giant god, the Roman side seemed to say that they had a plan to deal with the giant god, but it was not completed because of time.

It can’t be this, right?

At that time, Rome would not have planned to summon heroic spirits to deal with the giant gods……… It would be naïve to do that.

The heroic spirits of Rome’s native countries naturally have a bonus in the native, especially in this era, and the bonuses of those famous Roman emperors will definitely be even more terrifying.


The giant god is related to the predation of traveling stars.

Behind the reappearance of the white giant, there may also be a shadow of predator stars… If there were no Star Holy Sword and the First Holy Sword Envoy, then the White Giant and the Predator Star would have destroyed everything as early as the dawn of the God Dynasty.

That was still the case then.

Summoning the Spirit of the Hero in the Present………

I can only say that if you summon the god ancestor Romulus in the posture of a crown, then it may be good to say.

After all, the ancestor of the gods can fight with the almighty god Zeus in the strange zone, and the opportunity for the appearance of the all-powerful god Zeus in the strange belt is that in the process of the Greek god fighting with the traveling stars, Zeus moved smartly and then merged.

So if you crown the god ancestor, you may be able to do something.

But the crown position is not so easy to summon ah, basically except for the old director in the FGO who didn’t know what to do and summoned Solomon to the Holy Grail War, the other crown positions basically appeared only when the beast appeared………

So summon the heroic spirits against the giant gods.

This probably won’t work.

Roa was thinking about these things, but Skaja was a little interested in Marcus’s research after reading it.

After all, although she had a premonition that she and those disciples would meet again sooner or later, if she could summon a few in advance and fight them if she had nothing to do, wouldn’t that be nice!

So Skaha also went through the research materials of Marcus, and then put forward his own opinions on a considerable part of them.

Although Skaha is a warrior, she has a very powerful magic level who holds the wisdom of the magic realm.

This led to a lot of advice and practical improvements she gave that were transformative for Marcus.

At one point, it even gave Marcus the feeling that he had just come up with an idea, and then Skaja was the magician who was ready to execute it.

The more she spoke, the more Marcus went from trying to understand and add his own advice at the beginning, into a direct record, and then everything was based on what Skaha said.

And Lucius, who knew nothing about magic, was standing by Roa’s side at this time.

“I don’t know anything about these magic things, but if I can really summon the heroic spirits, then I kind of want to see who planted that big tree next to the palace!”

“The big tree next to the palace?”

Roa was a little puzzled, and Lucius didn’t realize that what he said was far from what a mercenary should know, so he nodded directly.

“Yes, there is a big tree next to the Roman Palace, this big tree directly connects to a royal secret passage from the inside of the palace to the outside of Rome, basically only the royal family will know, and it must have been built by a certain generation of emperors, so I am curious, who planted this big tree here – hehe, can think of using a big tree as a staircase to make a secret passage, this person must also be very good at climbing trees!”

You just don’t act, do you?

Roa was stunned to hear this, while Lucius didn’t realize that he had exploded and was even talking about it.

“If I can summon the other party as a heroic spirit at that time, then I really want to compare with the other party – see if I climb the tree faster or if he climbs the tree faster or if he climbs the tree faster, called a wild monkey by my family!”

Listening to Lucius say this, Roa fell silent and looked at her silently

He thought Lucius was just excited and broken, and after a while she reacted.

But the truth is…

She was completely unaware of it.

It didn’t take long for Skaha and Marcus, or rather Skaja, to complete the Heroic Summoning Ceremony, and then simply ran to the side to sleep after eating a bunch of bananas.

At this time, she didn’t realize that she had exploded.

Roa, on the other hand, sighed slightly, and then ignored her, but slowly walked to Skaha and Marcus.

It seems that Skaha has finalized the general framework of the Valiant Summoning Ceremony.

If you think about it, there seems to be no problem.

After all, in the Mizo family where the Holy Grail War was held in Fuyuki City, Einzberen came from this land, and if Rome was not divided, then theoretically Einzberen was the Roman family.

So now the Valiant Summoning Ritual was born in Rome……… No problem?

Thinking of this, Roa looked at this ritual that already had a similar appearance and sighed a little.

If he remembers correctly, it seems that this thing has something to do with the Third Law… However, it seems that there are other ways to summon heroic spirits without using the third method, so if you think about it, it may work?

Roa only knew a lot about alchemy.

I basically understand other things, but I don’t actually know much.

So when he looked at the ritual that Skaha made, he couldn’t say anything at all, he just could simply understand it.

However, when he saw that this ritual was a completely random summoning type, he asked casually with some puzzlement.

“Why can’t you use those items left over from the heroic spirit’s life, that is, the holy relics?”

Hearing him say this, Marcus’s eyes widened, and even Skaha was a little surprised.

“Yes, you can still use this method!”

Just when Roa, who had seen the Holy Grail War, casually mentioned it, Skaha seemed to have opened a new world.

After that, their conversation began to involve Roa, and Roa also told part of what he knew about the Grail War.

What native heroic spirit bonus, what spell, what magic maintenance, what royal lord, what wish to make the heroic spirit respond, etc…

These things that can be said casually to Roa, the crosser, are all original concepts that sound to Roa.

This made her nod her head repeatedly, and then she sorted it out herself and added it separately.

When all was said and done, the Heroic Summoning Ceremony was probably finalized, and Marcus casually asked.

“By the way, the ceremony is finalized, so what is the choice of the original holy relics?”

Hearing Marcus say this, the smile on Skaha’s face became a little cold, and then she put the notebook in front of Marcus.

“The first holy relic… That’s it! I’d rather see who will be summoned!” ”

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