Chapter 138: Summoning of the Heroic Spirit!!

“Arranged here, and then in this position, that rune will be engraved there.”

Skaha worked for a long time in an empty basement before constructing the huge magic circle that was now on the ground:

Compared to the kind that Roa saw in anime in her previous life, Skaha Magic Circle is more detailed and has more of her personal style.

There are a lot of rune runes and traces of Norse magic inside.

Then Roa saw Skaha put the handbook in the center of the magic circle, and then she closed her eyes, and the whole magic circle lit up.

This is the difference between magic circles induced by runes and other types of magic circles, many of which are triggered, not spells, so they don’t need to be triggered by chanting multiple verses.

So along with the magic power of Skaha, it was injected into it, and the alchemical equipment that Roa had made in alchemy in the past few days to store life force and convert life force into magic power was directly connected with the magic circle – and then the blue light emanated from it, and after those runes were all effective, a series of three mana fluctuations directly diffused out.

Along with the beam of light rising in the center of the magic circle, a black shadow gradually completed the construction in the light.

“Oh, let me see who it is.”

After completing the magic injection, Skaha stared at the black shadow at this time, not knowing when her two guns appeared in her hand, and she could see that she was already eager to try!

Roa, on the other hand, is the same as Marcus, and both of them are looking forward to who the heroic spirit who has been summoned for the first time is.

As for Lucius…

She went to sleep as early as when Skaha set up the magic circle.

After all, this magic round light research took a certain amount of time, and it was quite troublesome to arrange, the monkey couldn’t wait for this, just now he kept jumping up and down, and after finding that no one took care of himself when he jumped up and down, he simply went to sleep.

“… I heard that you can grant my wishes? ”

Before the light could completely dissipate, the black shadow had already spoken.

“Well, forget it—even if you can’t fulfill my wishes, it’s more fun to be summoned back than to stay in that boring place.”

“It would be even better if I could find a few qualified opponents in this era and let me fight hard~”


As he spoke, the light dissipated more and more, and he was coming out of the light that was gradually dissipating.

By this point, he could almost see Roa clearly, and Roa could see him clearly.

Then the blue, blood-red lancer took a posture that he thought was handsome, and introduced himself before he could see who his summoners were.

“Lander, Kuchulin, heeded the call and…”

Before he could finish speaking, the light dissipated for the most part.

And he also saw his summoner clearly…

Roa and Marcus are both on the sidelines, and the one who really started this magic circle is Skaha!

So as soon as Kuchulin came out, he saw her and immediately held back the second half of the self-introduction he had originally thought of.

If it was under normal circumstances, Kuchulin would not be so afraid to see Skaha.

But he clearly saw that something was wrong with the expression on Skaha’s face!

As a disciple of Skaha, he was not beaten by Skaha, so as soon as he saw Skaha like this, he knew that this was the prelude to Skaha’s hands!

Therefore, this big hero who still laughed in the face of death and laughed at the crow on his shoulder was frightened and took two steps back at this moment, looking as if he planned to run back to refuse this summoning while the light had not completely dissipated.

But alas, that can’t be done.

At this moment, the radiance of the magic circle completely disappeared, and the room returned to that dim feeling, just like Cuchulin’s heart at the moment.

“Wait, wait… I don’t remember where I provoked you again, and I’ve been dead for many years, what hatred can’t be written off after I die!” ”

Valhalla was given knowledge of the era when it came, and this pattern was added to the Valhalla Summoning Ritual at Roa’s suggestion.

Cuchulin knew that the present era was no longer his own time, so he could not understand why Skaha was the way he was.

He has been dead for so many years, what obstacles can not be passed!?

And… If he had known that the person who initiated this summoning was Skaha, how could he possibly have gone to compete with those division brothers for this quota!

That’s right.

Although Kuchulin looked like a light cloud and breeze after being summoned, in fact, he was just not like this!

The handwriting used this time is only related to the book cover and Cuchurin, and the pages in it are actually written by various disciples of Skaha.

And many of Skaha’s disciples have the qualifications to become heroic spirits.

So this time the summoning was sent out to all of them almost simultaneously:

There are many people who want to accept this summoning application.

After all, everyone is bored over there, and everyone wants to come and see.

Cuchulin stood out in that fierce struggle, and this is how he finally seized this opportunity!

And then he worked hard to get something… What a beating? He can’t accept it!

Kuchulin roared in his heart, but when the words came to his mouth, probably because of the change of times, the tough words in his heart were softened the moment they touched the air.

“I, I at least need to know why…”


Skaha put away the gun in one hand, raised it in the direction of Cuchulin with one hand, and then the ‘holy relic’ handbook that was placed on the ground before flew directly into Skaha’s hand at the same time as a rune of Lune lit up at Kuchulin’s feet.

“Are you familiar with this thing?”

Hearing Skaha say this, Cuchullin knew that this must be a key prop, and he looked to this side with twelve points of spirit.


Even if those god generation technologies on the book cover have disappeared with the loss of time and the end of the god generation, Cuchulin is stunned to rely on some details on the book cover to recognize this thing!

It can be said that it is a strong embodiment of the desire to survive, and an extension of the continuation of the battle! After recognizing it, Cuchulin seemed to understand why Skaha looked like this.

This book is strictly written by him and two other wise men, and he summarized the runes he learned from Skaha and the research of the runes by those two wise men, and wrote it out to leave the rune manual for future generations!

So this old woman is blaming me for passing on the knowledge she taught her without saying a word to him?

No, she’s not such a superficial guy

That should have been the manual I left behind caused big problems in this day and age

The more Kuchulin thought about it, the more reasonable he felt.


He frowned slightly at this moment, and spoke to Skaha quite seriously.

“Ah, I do know this thing, but if you blame me for this, I don’t accept it.”

“I still don’t think I was wrong when I wrote this!” If I had to do it again, I would still choose to write it out! ”

“This is my gift to future generations, and it is also a kind of admonition to future generations! At this point, Cuchulin had already taken the few steps he had just taken back and pointed at Skaha with a straight face. ”

“I’m not wrong!”

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