Chapter 139: It is impossible that there is still a god king in Britain!!

Skaha laughed angrily.

Originally, although she scared Cuchulin, she actually didn’t plan to hit him directly – after all, she had already done it, and it was impossible to give him time to explain.

But now seeing Cuchulin’s righteous look… Are you still reasonable!?

Skaha threw the note in her hand to Cuchulin, and then another spear was also taken out by her.

Kuchulin looked at Skaha’s reaction and became serious.

But when he caught the note that Skaha had thrown over, he felt something was wrong when he looked at the paper on the side of the book!

As Skaha approached him, he opened his note.

And then…

(Table of Contents)

(Part 1: The Queen of the Dead of Terror)

(Part II: The Dominator of the Old Day)

(Part III: Creeping and Sneaking Chaos)

This directory alone made Kuchulin feel wrong, and after casually turning a few pages, he felt a blackness in front of his eyes, and the feeling of hardness before completely disappeared, replaced by a wave of hands at Skaha who was walking by.

“No, no, no! It’s not me-”

“I didn’t teach you to explain everything in soft language, so the warrior gave me the warrior’s method to solve the problem!”

Before Cuchulin finished speaking, Skaja’s gun had already stabbed over!

This forced Cuchulin to hold back what he was going to say, and could only hurriedly set up his own gun to block Skaja’s attack.

While Cuchulin was alive, he was no match for Skaja.

Even if Skacha is not in the Land of Shadows and is not the strongest state, Cuchulin is still not Skaha opponent.

Not to mention that he is still in a heroic state at the moment…

Skaha smashed Kuchulin directly with one shot and almost didn’t kneel, and then Skaja’s incomparably heavy gun formed an offensive like a rainstorm at this moment!

Roa can handle attacks like Skaha’s, but that doesn’t mean others can.

Especially after Skaha executes her own offensive, she can also use the double gun in her hand to directly engrave the rune in front of you from time to time, and directly launch the effect of the rune!

In such a situation, Skaha’s attack is very difficult for you to resist!

Even if you were holding a large shield, it would be impossible to block all attacks, including the Rune Rune.

Not to mention that Kuchulin still had a gun in his hand.

This caused that three hours later, when Skaha snorted coldly and turned to leave here, almost eighty percent of the entire basement was broken, and Cuchulin was lying on the ground like a dead dog, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and many of the holes on his body that had been pierced by guns were slowly recovering from the magic supply of the heroic spirit.

Seeing his interaction with Skaha, Marcus was still surprised that the guy who had been studying the Valiant summoning ceremony with him in the past few days knew this blue lancer, and judging from their attitude towards each other, this shadow was probably the Queen of the Shadow Country herself!

The impact of this incident on him was huge.

If Roa hadn’t sent him out of the basement early, he might have been affected by the battle between Skaha and Cuchulin in a daze.

Forehead… That doesn’t seem to be a battle, it’s almost like Cuchulin being beaten unilaterally………

This caused Roa to walk over to Kuchulin, who was lying on the ground, after Skaha left, first to help him recover from his injuries with his life force, and then to shake his head helplessly.

“What do you say you messed with her… Since you are her disciple, you should have known what the result will be if you annoy her. ”

When Cuchulin heard Roa say this, he slowly got up after recovering from his injury, first thanked Roa, and then looked at the direction where Skaha left, and sighed.

“Just because I am her disciple, ah, it’s not a question of whether I annoyed her at all, that old woman…”


With Kuchulin’s words, a red light flew in directly from the direction of the exit, directly pierced Kuchulin, and nailed him to the wall located behind him on the spot!

This is also to prevent problems with the summoning of the heroic spirits, so the basement after it is specially strengthened.

If you change to a house outside, I am afraid that this time it will be ordered for Cuchulin to go directly from this house to the next door!

Roa looked at the entire Kuchulin who was nailed to the wall and directly lost consciousness and the blood-colored spear that gradually turned into a stream of light like flames and slowly dissipated, and could only sigh helplessly and use his life force to heal Cuchulin again.

“If you don’t die, you won’t die… So, you have nothing to mess with her. ”

At the time Cuchulin was summoned, on this side of the Roman Palace, in the work area belonging to the Senate, a year in a blue hooded cloak

Light man, this time suddenly looked in the direction of Cuchulin.

“I didn’t expect to be able to make such a thing as a heroic spirit in this era, it seems that there is probably some great guy here in Rome.”

If Kuchulin was here, he would probably be very surprised to see the guy in front of him.

Because this guy’s face that seems to be hidden under the hood, but in fact it is not hidden at all, is exactly the same as him!

And the clothes on the other side, and the wooden staff that the other party had put aside, all these things Kuchulin knew—when he was called the Sage of the Forest, he was dressed like this, holding this staff.

If he was summoned as a Caster (magician), then he probably looks like this man!

But he also knows that this guy is definitely not him… Presumably only Roa could recognize it here.

This guy is the big dog of the law rank in FGO, and if he appears in this state now, he should probably be called his real name who used the vest of the law rank Cuchulin – the god king of the Norse god system, Odin!

“It’s okay to take a look, but now it’s better to report this matter in another way, and then…”

Odin looked in the direction of the palace.

He was clear about what His Majesty the Sword Emperor had run out.

He was almost accustomed to such things, but if that Cucchulin had been summoned as a heroic spirit, he might have to change his vest as well.

And this Roman emperor position is just right for him.

“Although Britain is now at war with Rome, if I become the emperor of this Rome, then many things will not matter, but the Huns…”

The reason why he will find a vest to jump out this time is on the Xiongnu side.

Otherwise, He would never have appeared in this day and age under any circumstances.

“The white giants also hunt the stars……… Originally, once every fourteen thousand years was already very troublesome, but I didn’t expect that this time it would speed up the speed of reincarnation, eh! Again and again, annoyed! ”

For the Huns, or rather for the white giants and predators, Odin was quite wary.

If he could, all he wanted to do was to prevent the Predator from reconnecting with the White Giant, the Star Ranger Soldier, in order to prevent the White Giant from appearing.

Otherwise, if the white giant appeared, it would not be something he could deal with.

As for Britain…

Odin didn’t pay attention to this side of the matter at all.

After all, even if he is not allowed to come in this world now, he can only be allowed to move around with his vest, and his strength will be greatly weakened.

But even so, he is still Odin, the god-king.

And how can a group of humans deal with it?

Even if that group of humans have the protection of the gods!

Because the human beings who have been protected by God are ordinary people at that time for the era in which he lives!

Therefore, Britain has nothing to worry about at all.

It’s impossible, a god king suddenly appeared on the opposite side, right? Impossible, absolutely impossible.

If God could really walk on the earth again, then he would not have come long ago, so why bother to use his avatar to move here.


“Don’t think about the British things, but change your identity first, and then think about what to do with the White Giant and the predatory star… Britain, weeds! ”

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