Chapter 141 I have seen this time, called the real and false Monkey King!!

God’s name is often meaningful, and God generally has his own function.

For example, the god of forging, the god of fire, the god of thunder, the god of wisdom, and so on.

There may be other titles besides these, but there must be one of the most essential ones, representing the expectations of the world when you appear as God.

Of course, you can live without the world’s expectations of you, and you can fight against your destiny.

But even so, the world’s expectations of you will not change.

So Mellie had told Roa as early as when he had just become a god that names matter, and the expectations of the world are equally important.

After learning Roa’s name, Mellie has been trying to figure out what the world expects of Roa.

It made sense to Roa, and she herself was very curious.

So she usually hides in Roa’s dreams, but she actually made a lot of attempts.

She found that Roa’s name reacted to many things, such as light, such as guns, such as beasts, such as armies, such as war, protection, gold and even countries………

These things are very good with Roa’s phase.

If there was only one of them who had a good relationship with Roa, then Melie would have already confirmed what kind of god Roa was.

But it’s all good… That’s not right.

Can’t the world expect the same thing as a kaleidoscope?

So at that time, Melie actually said that she had a guess, but this guess Melie couldn’t try herself, so Melie never told Roa.

But when Roa said that she felt that the miscellaneous people in the Pantheon, who had lost their will, were just like dead tigers and were kind to the meaningless divine power exuding deterrent power around them, Melie was roughly sure.


She voiced her long-held conjectures.

“You who have a good relationship with many things at the same time, after feeling the power of these willless gods, you will feel kind—not an ordinary god.” 」

“The world’s expectation of you is not for you to become a god of forging, a god of light, a god of war, a god of war, and the like.”

“The world expects you to be their king.”

“Although I don’t know why the world sent you such an expectation at the end of this countdown to the god generation, if so, then there is the best explanation for your ridiculously huge divinity.”

“Because you did not become a god named Lungomenid according to the choice of the holy spear, but at the same time that the world chose you, it gave you such an expectation—the god-king Roa Mulus!”

“This is the expectation that is destined to make you the center of some god group.”

“This is the expectation that is destined to leave you with legends.”


The world has given you a pass to the Hoshinoi Sea… This last sentence Mellie did not say to Roa.

Because she knew that even if she said it, Roa wouldn’t care, or even put it behind her.

Just as Roa was only slightly surprised when he heard her say that the world expected him to be a god king, nothing more.

No one can be so calm after learning this kind of news.

Melie believed that even a god-king like Zeus and Odin would never be as calm as Roa when he learned such news.

This is often the case with protesters.

If fate goes along with you, then you will pander, and you will resist against yourself.

But Roa is clearly not such a guy.

He was not a rebel either.

Melie has long known this.

It was as if she had seen in Roa a brave brilliance different from Arthur’s.

Roa, who knows everything, knows fear, but still intends to face it bravely, is still the same at this moment.

Fate says that the end of inevitable destruction is next, and Roa does not care.

Fate says he will be their king in the future, and Roa still doesn’t care.

Whether it is in line with it or against it, in the end, its own fate is still at the helm of itself, and nothing has the right to replace itself.

Whether it is God, the stars, or even the roots! This is Roa’s enlightenment.

He will be wary of the future, he will be in awe of the difficulties, he will admit what he is not good at and humbly accept the advice of others——— the existence named Roa will live like this.

Many people refer to all this as the arrangement of fate. Roa, on the other hand, prefers to call it his life.


“Since there is no harmful expectation, it is really a relief.” He said this to Melie, and then he patted Lucius next to him. ”

Now that there are still people in the Pantheon, he does not plan to enter the Pantheon at this time to find out.

Although it is not impossible to break in, he is obviously not in that hurry.

So now…

“Let’s go, come back in the evening.”

Roa was about to leave.

Lucius, on the other hand, still did not respond after being slapped twice by him.

Seeing her like this, Luo A was a little puzzled at this moment.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“No, it’s just… I seem to have seen a person at the door of the Pantheon……… At this moment, Lucius’s eyes widened. ”

Although she and Roa were not close to the Pantheon, Lucius, who had been protected by the Pantheon, could obviously easily cross this distance with her gaze.

It was because she could see clearly that she was so surprised.

Roa, on the other hand, crouched beside her and followed her gaze as well.

There are indeed people at the door of the Pantheon.

It was a guy with red hair, a red cape, and a lot of aura

The guards of the Pantheon were very respectful when they saw her, and she seemed to be giving them a lecture.

This man……… Who is it?

Roa was a little puzzled, but in his heart came Melie’s extremely rare voice with surprise.

“Roa, that man is where I observed Rome with clairvoyance many times.”

What I have seen is not the false appearance of this disguise with some special magic ceremony around you, but the appearance of the real Sword Emperor Lucius!

Oh, it turned out to be the Sword Emperor Lucius……… Well!?

Roa first knew the identity of the other party, and then his gaze moved to Lucius beside him.

That is Lucius, who is this monkey?

Just as Roanna was wondering, Mellie spoke again.

“Vivian’s prophecy is still very accurate… So since she said that this Luaya was Lucius, she should be Lucius. ”

“As for the one at the door of the Pantheon at this moment… What makes me most incredulous is that if the other party is using magic to disguise himself as Lucius, then it should not be that even I can be deceived…”

“But I just didn’t see any signs of magic from the other person’s body.”

“So when we rule out the impossible, then the remaining one, no matter how hard we believe it, can only be true.”

“Roa, pay more attention, Rome today – there may be two sword emperors Lucius!”

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