Chapter 142 This is really and fake Monkey King, then I will go crazy to steal Tang Monk meat!!

“What are you looking at that Sword Emperor doing? Didn’t you just say that you can’t get along with us kings, emperors and the like? ”

Although Roa knew the identity of the person next to him, he did not say anything at this time, but simply looked at Lucius next to him.

Lucius turned his head to Roa after a moment’s hesitation.

Originally, Roa thought that Lucius might be surprised, surprised, angry and so on after seeing the other self… But the expression on the monkey’s face now is obvious, that is, the expression of can’t stop laughing!

Thinking of this, Roa remembered what Lucius had said on the road…

It seems that this guy really doesn’t mean to deceive people at all, and if she has the chance, she really wants to throw the throne directly to others.

“No, I just look happy!”

This is what Lucius thought.

As for seeing another self or something – she knew very well that it would take a little to escape that cage, and if she could escape and become a free person by just changing her face and changing Lucius, a name she didn’t like, then she was willing to sacrifice for it!

Roa’s sight felt the unfalsified emotions in Lucius, and even hummed an unknown ballad as he pulled him away from this side

Seeing her happy look, Roa complained to Melie in his heart.

“Melie, isn’t she at all afraid that the other one will do something angry after she takes the throne? Or did she not think about it at all? ”

Melie heard Roa’s words, was silent for a while, and then gave the answer to this question in the tone that Roa occasionally uses.

“Just, is there a possibility… You don’t know anything about how this guy behaves on the throne next to you? ”


Roarang paused, and then quickly gave an answer.

“Looking at her childlike appearance, I can probably think of something, but the work that should be done will still be done, and she should at least listen to the Senate, although I have not seen the situation in Rome specifically, but every time the intelligence officer gives a report, it will say that Rome’s national strength is thriving……… So even if she ran out alone now to become a mercenary in anonymity, her own ability as an emperor should be OK. ”

“You see, didn’t she see Morgan’s plan at a glance before?”

Hearing Roa’s answer, Mellie sighed.

“Aren’t you completely unaware – when you began to investigate Rome, by that time Rome’s current adjutant, that is, Sand Love, had already arrived.”

“Before the arrival of the sand love song, the whole of Rome was about to fall apart, all because the sand love song came to save it.”

“The one next to you fights with the Senate every day on the throne, and because she has been protected by the emperor, none of those people in the Senate are her opponents, so that when she often has to introduce some outrageous policies, the Senate can only say one thing and do another, so as to ensure that there is no big problem…”

Roa was nothing when he heard Lucius fighting with the Senate every day as emperor, after all, it was normal for the emperor to quarrel with the group of ministers, as if he and Morgan and Melie were rarer.

However, when he heard that Lucius and the Senate were fighting, Roa was a little uneasy.

Then Melie said a few typical policies that Lucius was going to introduce – what the people of the whole country must eat bananas, grow bananas, what in order to enhance the physical fitness of our people and restore the glory of Rome at its peak, so everyone must be able to climb trees, and change the system that has not been changed for a long time………

So much so that the ministers of the Senate said the classic saying that they should not have said – the law of the ancestors is immutable!

In this way, he fought a tug-of-war with Lucius.

Finally, Melie concluded.

“The other Lucius I don’t know for the time being, but this Lucius next to you is really not a good emperor – her only advantage is that people are just stupid, not bad, and after the specific actions of the Senate, she ran out of the palace to look at the situation of the people, and after learning that it was indeed her mistake, she would not insist anymore, and she would admit her mistake.”

“When Shatiao Love Song came, I guessed that she couldn’t even fight, so after being picked up by Shatiao Love Song a few times, she completely became like this… At every turn, he ran out and took risks, and almost everything related to the state was handed over to the Senate and the sand love song. ”

“I can only say that although I don’t know why Sand Song became an assistant in Rome, nor why she helped Rome, but if I know a little about her, Rome was like this during Lucius’s reign, and even if you change to an emperor more capable than Lucius, Rome can only be like this.”

“After the arrival of the sand love song, Rome has long been not the emperor who has the final say, nor the senate has the final say, but what the sand love song agrees to actually implement.”

“This monkey should know this, so she doesn’t care about the follow-up impact at all.”

Hearing Melie say this, Roa seemed to understand.

But he watched Lucius look left and right on the street, the whole person was extremely relaxed, extremely happy, and seemed to forget that he was Lucius…

Well……… Just as Melie said…

“What! You said you saw His Majesty the Sword Emperor in the Pantheon!? ”

Marcus looked at Roa, then at Lucius next to Roa… For a moment he was a little confused about the situation.

First of all, he could be sure that this one next to Luo Ah must be His Majesty the Sword Emperor!

Because His Majesty the Sword Emperor had these dresses handed down from the Roman monarchy and gathered all the magicians and some characteristics of Rome at that time, or he personally handed them to Lucius…

And Lucius is like a monkey… Cough, it is the extraordinary temperament of His Majesty the Sword Emperor, and it is definitely not something that others can imitate!

So this must be true! Then the other one is fake!

Thinking of this, Marcus was anxious.

But he looked at Lucius himself who was not anxious at all, which made him anxious.

But before he could sort it out, he suddenly heard Roa and Skaha and Lucius speak directly.

“Seeing that sword emperor Lucius today really touched me a lot——— thinking about it, this Roman throne should have been mine.”

“So, it’s time to get everything back!”


Marcus visibly paused.

Skaha glanced at Roa.

“That’s not what you thought at first… Is it because you two saw the Sword Emperor today? ”

Both Skaha and Roa knew Lucius’s identity, so she specifically mentioned Lucius, apparently talking about it.

Roa, on the other hand, shook his head slightly after hearing Skaha ask this.

“I’m not going to make a decision like this because of something so simple… But if you have to say it, you are right. ”

As Roa said this, his gaze fell on Lucius.

He would have made this decision suddenly, not only because there were now two Sword Emperors in Rome, but also because he had heard Lucius’ own confession and saw Lucius’ reaction after seeing another self.

He really had no intention of fighting Lucius for Rome at this time.

After all, it’s hard to fight.

Now there is still the matter of the giant god and even the traveling stars, and he is not idle to spend hard time with Rome in this regard.

That’s why the previous strategy would be like that.

Instead of taking Rome directly, it is better to first scare Rome, and then deal with all the things on the side of the giant god yourself, and then if this side wins, then use the front you have opened up to smash Rome at any time.

Even if it loses, without itself and others to block the giant god, Rome will have to face the giant god, as long as its side is prepared, it is completely offensive and defensive.

But this is only possible.

After all, Roa plans to wait until the winter has dragged on before testing the Huns, when his simulation system is updated, and he can start the simulation of the second volume.

For Roa, the strategy is fairly clear and the purpose is extremely clear.

And Rome simply did not have the ability to cooperate with the giant gods to attack Britain on both sides.

That’s why the previous strategy was finalized.

But since there are two Lucius things like this in Rome today, plus Lucius himself does not want to be emperor… Then his own identity as Romulus also has a certain degree of operability.


He was stunned by Skah, Marcus stunned, and Lucius opened his mouth to say his answer in a happy gaze.

“Take Rome first!”

“I didn’t think that way before today, but from today on, it’s good to get back what belongs to me.”

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