Chapter 144: We are invincible ahead!!

“Now that the strategy has changed, so have the things to do – I’ve just contacted Britain via telecommunications, and then Merlin will bring some people over, and we need to do a little bit before Merlin comes.”

By this time Cuchulin had woken up, and he was sitting in the corner of the room furthest from Skaha, and listened silently.

Several other people nodded at Roa’s statement at this time.

Skaha thought it was okay, and Lucius had even come up with the idea of entering the palace.

As for Marcus… He was already numb!

He didn’t know if he was numb when he learned that Roa was King Arthur who had declared war on Rome, or that His Majesty the Sword Emperor was helping King Arthur rebel against him!

It’s numb anyway!

And he also learned from Roa that Roa was the one who was given the name Romulus by the Pantheon, which also made his original little resistance completely disappear.

After all, he was not the same as those in the Senate.

The people of the Senate are more profit-oriented.

But he is a magician, and he cares about interests differently than those in the Senate, and the recognition of the Pantheon, chosen by God or something, is very important.

If he hadn’t been taken away by the Senate, he might have chosen to support Roa at that time…

But it’s too late to talk about the past.

At least now, after he had heard that Roa was Romulus, he had stayed here for the time being, and had no intention of denouncing Roa.

After all…

He looked at the emperor who was talking about things in a serious way, the emperor recognized by the gods, Roa, and the current emperor Lucius, who nodded to Roa’s strategy on the side, and could still put forward his own ideas from time to time… For a moment he didn’t know which side of Roman orthodoxy was!

The chosen emperor and the current emperor are on their side, so is it possible that it is actually the palace and the senate that rebelled?

Marcus is using such thoughts to hypnotize himself.

He was like this, and Cuchulin had planned to say nothing, ready to wait for Roa to do whatever work they arranged for him, and did not intend to express any opinion, so as not to off Skaha again without saying a word.

But he didn’t expect that he would reduce his sense of existence like this, and Roa still looked directly at him.

“Kuchulin, I may have to trouble you to do one thing next.”

“No problem.”

When Roa spoke, Skaha also looked over, which made Cuchulin, who was ready to complain a few words before taking over the task, simply straighten his attitude and agree.

And Roa nodded at this time.

“Well, since you have no problem, then next we need to send someone from our side to blend into the palace as a traitor, and this person I am going to send you.” Well!? ”

Kuchulin, who was still very honest, finally couldn’t hold back at this moment.

“Wait! If I were sent on a mission that required a battle, it would be nice to say, but when I was a traitor… I’m not very good at this, and I don’t have any talent at all! ”

Cuchulin didn’t say anything wrong.

And he would have to say it even under pressure from Skah.

After all, he is such a person.

Even if he complains on the lips, he will do his best to help you do whatever he promises.

So in the same way, he will say things that he is really not sure about in advance.

But Roa shook his head.

“No, believe in yourself, you have this talent.”

I have this talent, so how did I not know?

Just as Cuchulin stood up and was about to explain, he saw Roa take out a search warrant.

The search warrant was drawn in a way that is estimated to have been brought to Rome by Sand Strip Love Song, similar to modern sketches, and also using the same coloring process as the princess hunting drawings brought to Britain by the thieves.

This also restores the blue-haired man on this search warrant to the fullest.

Let Cuchulin watch it and hold back what he had prepared.

After all…

The official that Rome was looking for suddenly disappeared turned out to be exactly like him!

This is not a talent then what is a talent!

And judging from the information on the search warrant, this person’s personality is also the same as him… The costume and staff also resemble what he had worn when he was known as the Sage of the Forest…

Looking at Cuchulin, he shouted – isn’t this me! Is there such a coincidence in this world?

“At that time, Kuchulin, I will trouble you to go to the palace in disguise like this, and help me keep an eye on the situation of the Sword Emperor over there – at the same time, everything is based on your safety, if you perceive danger, you can get out.”

Speaking of this, Roa is also a little more serious.

“Although you came down as a heroic spirit, since you stand with us, then you are my recognized comrade-in-arms. We will trust you in such a situation, so please trust us too. ”

“You don’t have to be strong, because as long as everything is done step by step, then we will be invincible.”

Hearing Roa say this, Cuchulin, who was going to say something, laughed at this moment.

“Ah, I see.”

He spoke casually, but Roa knew that he listened.

So he also nodded to Cuchulin, first arranged this, and then went around a simple logic, temporarily diverting Lucius’ intention to kill the palace head-on, but it revived her interest in handsome thieves, so she had to follow when she went to the Pantheon tonight.

Other than that, Roa has made arrangements.

In order to take Rome quickly, you need to use your Romulus identity, so you need Merlin to come and bring these intelligence agents to work——— it is best to go to the Pantheon and get something, if you can bring some “miracles, it is better.”

And after using this identity, as long as it is winter, the British troops equipped with cold protection equipment can definitely take Rome directly with the fastest speed and the lowest price!

Just as he and Kuchulin had said.

As long as everything goes according to plan, then wait for victory to come.

Roman Palace.

Odin endured a day in the palace!

All day!

Just when he was expecting that in two days, he would be able to change back into his vest, and then use three days as an excuse to say a little bit about the white giant and start planning……… The people below came to tell him that he had been found!

Or rather, the identity he made with Kuchurin’s vest was replaced by someone else!

At first he thought it was fake, but he looked at it in the past……… Good fellow, it’s not that you have been replaced by someone else, but that the owner of the family has come to the door!

Isn’t this Kuchulin himself!

Even if he didn’t want to admit it, he could only admit it with a forced smile at this moment.

Then Odin found out when he returned to the dormitory.

He came out of the Xingnei Sea this time, and one of the only two vests seemed to no longer belong to him!

At least if he wants to use the power of Rome to stop the arrival of the white giant, then this vest may not work!

After all, Cuchulin will come here… It can’t be that he wanted to be loyal to Rome on a whim, right?

He replaced his original identity, and if you want to say that he didn’t come here out of curiosity because he saw the search order, Odin didn’t believe it!

So either he simply killed the other party before Kuchulin caused trouble and sent him back to the Hall of Heroes, but it was difficult to do… Even now, he is still stronger than Kuchulin, but if he does not kill, and then because of this incident to lead to Skaha, then the situation is not easy to say.

He is not a real person, and most likely he is not Skaha’s opponent! If he was sent back to the Star Sea in this way, it would be worth the loss.


I also pretended to be like that Lucius and simply ran away?

Then wait for the real Lucius to come back, no problem!

Such an impact is minimal, it is difficult to borrow the power of Rome…

You know, the best result he had expected was that he would secretly let the white giant descend and fail, and then disguise himself as a situation where either the Huns had broken Rome, or Rome had defeated the Huns—so that he would not have any problems returning to the Sea of Stars:

Otherwise, once you bring some kind of sin that is rejected by the stars, then you will not be able to go back.

At that time, the British side will usher in a certain fate, and if you can’t go back, you will inevitably be liquidated together!

That’s not going to work…

Odin thought this first, and then he suddenly had an idea.

Or simply pretend to be thorough, so that Lucius, who ran out, found that he was replaced, and then she would definitely want to kill him back.

When she returned, she exposed that she was fake.

Then he can hide his own affairs as Odin in this way, and reveal part of the matter of the white giant, so that Rome can also play a role in preventing the white giant from coming!

The more I thought about Odin, the more I felt that this method was feasible.

It was these days that he was going to constantly use the rune of Lune to find the location of the real Lucius…

“Eh, I hope I can find her soon, otherwise this will cost me how many days in prison, and Odin, who was forced to go to prison, is quite helpless.”

But he didn’t expect that his side had only searched for the first time, and then he had already found Lucius’s location.

Because the location is not far from him, it can even be said that it is very close!

Although he didn’t know why, the real Lucius was setting off for the Pantheon through the night!


Odin, who did not want to continue to go to prison, walked directly in the direction of the gate.

“I’ll block her now!”

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