Chapter 145 I am the center and the group of gods!!

Roa arrives at the Pantheon with Lucius in the evening.

Although Roa felt a little hanging about Lucius saying that she helped him let the wind go, he nodded hesitantly, but before entering the Pantheon, he asked Melie to help him watch it.

The Pantheon is a very special place for Roa.

Because although he had no memories or emotions for Rome, when he approached the Pantheon, the intimacy as if he had come home was present no matter what.

The moment he stepped into the Pantheon, he felt a rather warm breath wrap around him.

Later, when he completely walked into the main hall, he saw that the statues placed in the pantheon all appeared with their own power and might.

Whether it’s these forces, or divine power—all of them have no will.

The will that should have been on these idols has long since disappeared.

What was left behind was supposed to be incomparably equal to anyone, but it was such power and divine power that expressed something different when facing him.

“It is said that every emperor who comes to the Pantheon is protected by the gods… Although I didn’t see this scene with my own eyes, according to rumors, or at least the monkey outside, she said it herself, under normal circumstances, only one god’s blessing would fall on her. ”

“She herself is like this, but on your side, it seems that these gods are all responding to you, and there is no intention for you to choose one, then you may be the first emperor to be protected by the gods together.”

Mellie explained to Roa in her heart, and Roa nodded.

His attention was now on the power exuded by these idols.

He himself has the authority to protect the limit, but he himself has never been very useful.

Because this authority is not what you want to protect others, the type of protection you want to give requires you to have inventory.

It’s these protections that you have to study a little bit.

In the peculiarities of chapter six of the FGO, God knows how long that Lungomenard lived and studied for so long.

Or, if you become Lungomenad, then He has His own protection.

But Roa is different.

He didn’t know anything about it, so he didn’t use the authority to protect the end of the world before.

It is as if they are locked in a treasure trove full of gold coins, but because they can’t get out, they can’t spend a penny, and the poor are only the people who have money.

But now, Roa had found his way out.

Or rather·

——Finally someone opened the door of the treasure trove!

At this moment, these protections in front of him dazzled him, and there were all kinds of them.

He is also rapidly exerting the authority of endless protection, constantly recording the content of these protections.

Roa didn’t care if all these protections were going to be given to him.

Because after he burned it, if he wanted it, he would add it himself.

No need to trouble people at all!

And he can go back and give them to others after taking these protections.

This is the most utilized behavior.

However, as Roa learned more about these protections, he gradually realized that Melie might have guessed wrong.

These idols are urging their own power, as if they are not planning to give themselves all the protection in the pantheon, but these forces are converging in front of the statue of the god Romulus in the pantheon!

After the power of these god statues converged, the power emanating from the statues of the gods increased in one breath!

And after this force was strengthened, these forces were all pushed by this force and penetrated into Roa’s body!

Roa could feel this power not only to protect, but also to the Pantheon to protect itself, but in addition to the protection, there were other things that were more important to the Pantheon!

The real protection is only the protection that belongs to the god ancestor Romulus, and belongs to the protection of the gun!

Such a blessing fell directly on his arms!

Just as God’s own hands are his founding guns!

However, at this time, the Holy Gun Lungominyad appeared in front of Roa, and under this protective power, the Holy Gun, which was originally only a weapon for him, was completely integrated with him at this moment.

Feeling the Holy Gun merge with himself, Roa opened his hands and grabbed at the void on both sides, and two identical Holy Guns appeared in his hands.

And each one is no different from the previous holy gun Lungominiad.

Feeling this, Roa first dispersed the two holy guns in his hand and continued to urge.

Behind him, the thirteen holy spears opened like peacocks opening the screen, and Luo A could clearly feel that as long as he followed his thoughts, these thirteen holy spears could be directly projected and inflicted divine punishment on an area!

“If I had such strength when I fought against Voltigeng, then thirteen holy spears fell together, even the Voltigeng who incarnated in the form of a super dragon, I am afraid that I can nail it to death before it explodes itself.”


“You don’t need thirteen, you don’t need thirteen in one, maybe just one of these thirteen is enough!”

This protection has brought a particularly big boost to Roa.

However, a large part of this improvement comes from the Holy Spear Lungomenad, and among the three things given to him by the Pantheon this time, this protection is also the first and the most basic one.

And the second is – the crown.

It is not some kind of physical crown, but something that has to be said, as if it is the crown of the heroic spirit!

It’s just that unlike the more complex things like the crown, the role of this crown is extremely simple, and it can only be used once.

That is the same as the power that the crown heroic spirit bursts out when he gives up the crown, and when using this crown, Roa can also obtain a one-time powerful power, comparable to giving up the crown to burst out!

It was not clear how much this power had increased in that instant, but the only thing he could feel was that.

If he gave up this crown, then only once—he would be able to aim the Star Holy Sword at any enemy he wanted to aim at all!

This protection and crown have already given Roa a lot of surprises, and Roa also recorded the protection of the Pantheon with the authority of the endless protection.

Even if his harvest ended here, Roa was satisfied.

But there is actually a third kind.

That is these idols in the pantheon, giving all the remaining divinity to Roa!

It was as if the Pantheon had given the name Roa-Romulus.

It seems to mold Roa into a new god ancestor!

This belongs to the gods in the Pantheon of Rome, and all the various divinities are given to Roa, making Roana’s already huge divinity more and more terrifying at this moment!

Melie had said before that the world’s expectation for Roa was to make him the center of the gods.

But at the moment, Roa felt that he could already say. – I am the center and the group!

Before coming to the Pantheon, Roa had thought about whether these gods would communicate with him and give him something after he came to the Pantheon.

But now it seems that he is completely wrong.

The idols in the pantheon have long since lost their will, and they will not communicate with themselves, but even if there is a will on these idols, they probably will not be with themselves

Say something, ask for something.

Because what they have given has made everything they want to express quite clear.

Become a new starting point – the gun of the founding of the country.

Become the new king, the crown of the gods.

Become a new ancestor of the gods—the assembly of the gods.

No one said a word to Roa, but Roa understood such a thing.


“Rest assured, I will go down with this strength, go down with my country, go down with my people – I will start over with a new starting point, and then use this gun of nation-building to build a huge country that matches the crown you have built for me.” 」

“… Leave it to me. ”

“Whether it is the white giant or the wandering star, whether it is the fate of death or the vermilion moon in the sky… Leave it all to me, and I hereby vow to open the way to the future in the darkest of hours, and open up a new future. ”

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