Chapter 149 Where is 100% enough, 1,000%!!

After Odin asked the last sentence about the white giant, he didn’t ask again even after getting that answer.

Because he probably saw that Roa really had his own thoughts about this matter, not because he saw other god kings in his own territory, and he made a decision because he gambled for a while.

Since that was the case, then he had nothing more to say.

If Roa wants to carry out his plan, then execute his plan.

After all, at least for Odin, no matter how conscious he was, he was not sure that his chances of stopping the White Giant’s revival must be 100 percent.

And he looked at Roa like that, and estimated that if he asked this, he would suspect that Roa wanted to tell him that one hundred percent was enough, one thousand percent!

He didn’t know why Roa was so confident, and he couldn’t see where Roa’s consciousness was, but in his thinking, since everyone’s chances of winning were not 100%, it was unwise to have internal attrition, so let’s execute anyone’s, as long as there was really a plan.

But these questions he didn’t know the answers to, Melie was well aware.

The reason why Roa is confident about this, Melie feels should be Roana’s awareness from the beginning, knowing fear, understanding fear, and facing fear.

If you lose, you will lose everything, then you can only win, and you must win!

So when Roa took Lucius, who didn’t know why and became extremely honest, went back to Marcus, Melie chatted with Roa.

“Now that you know that the identity of the second Lucius is Odin, and the Pantheon has also seen it, then you should go to see Sand Lovesong.”


Roa has nothing to hide on Melie’s side.

“When Merlin brought people, I asked the people he brought to suppress the city of Rome first, and then let the intelligence forces spread the origin of my name throughout Rome.”

“Contact Morgan and Artoria at the same time, if the situation on the British side is not stable, then it will be necessary for Britain to put sufficient pressure on the Roman side, and use these to pave the way for me to completely control Rome.”

“When the city of Rome is controlled, it will be time to meet Sand Tiao Aige.”

Hearing Roa’s arrangement, Mellie didn’t think there was a problem, but she suddenly remembered something.

“It’s no problem… But what is the point of calling Merlin over? ”

Mellie wondered about this, while Roa laughed.

“Merlin has a talent that no one else can match in any way, and when I ask the intelligence officers to build momentum for me, I will let Merlin build momentum for Lucius…”

Speaking to Mellie, Roa also looked at this inexplicably honest Lucius.

“Since she herself is no longer going to use the identity of Lucius, and even hates this name, it means that this aspect can also be used.”

When Roa said this, Melie couldn’t understand it even more.

“Build momentum for Lucius? Why do you want to do this? ”

Seeing Melie like this, Roa smiled a little more obviously.

“It’s very simple, if I also assign some manpower to Merlin so that he can build momentum for Lucius, then I believe Merlin will be able to do a good job, but what if I don’t assign Merlin…”

Hearing Roa say this, Melie reacted! And Roa continued.

“If I don’t assign Merlin manpower, he can only go by himself, leaving aside his lazy parts, and he himself will go a little to the officials’ houses, the soldiers’ houses, the taverns and so on, and even I don’t think it will be necessary to wait until the end of next spring, when Rome will become more inclined to support me because of Merlin helping Lucius speak.”

“That’s my trust in Merlin.”

“Because I don’t think anyone can match his talent in terms of annoyance, plus his escape ability and survival ability are all superb, so I think this mission is the one that can best use his ability.”

Hearing Roa’s plan, Melie felt outrageous, but when she reached the point where she wanted to express her opinion, she found herself opening her mouth, but unable to say even a word.

If she hadn’t seen Merlin, it would have felt outrageous.

But she’d seen it……… Just, when she thought of Merlin, she felt that this plan was not only outrageous, but even a little ingenious!

Melie was speechless about this!

So she thought about it, simply skipped the topic, and then said what she wanted to say to Roa.

“Roa, you must pay attention to one thing when you want to meet Shatiao Love Song – I can feel that when the distortion occurred, I obtained some things from Shatiao Love Song, such as her information and so on, but Sha Tiao Love Song not only obtained the Star Holy Sword from my side, it should also have some of my memories…”

Melie hesitated, but in the end she still didn’t get part of her love for King Arthur from the Sand Tiao Love Song, but she also had a part of her memories and ideas that were divided by the Sand Tiao Love Song.

Just a simple reminder.

She knew that this would be enough to make Roa pay attention. And that’s exactly what happened.

After listening to Melie’s instructions so seriously, Roa nodded and really thought about the problem.

Seeing Roa like this, Melie was a lot more relieved.

But what she didn’t know was that what she was worried about, the change in the sandstrip love song, was not the same as she thought.

If the prince who only exists in fairy tales is converted to reality, short-term contact is fine, but long-term contact will make people gradually break the dreamy feeling that only exists in fairy tales.

The Sandstripe Love Song was like this for King Arthur.

As the twist takes place, Mellie gets her message and part of her love for King Arthur from her side.

And Sand Strip Love Song is from Mellie’s side to get the Star Sword, part of Mellie’s information and… Mellie’s memories of Arthur of the world she was in!

From when Arthur was a kid to when he was growing up…

As she looked at these memories, she felt that her heart, which had been ignited by the Holy Grail War, had cooled down again.

Because she followed Mellie’s memory, she found that the so-called King Arthur was not the prince of the fairy tale she expected.

So at that time, she joined Rome and helped Rome to adjust all the internal and external troubles before.

Originally, Sha Tian Aige felt that he was also going to live that kind of life here without accidents, incomparably warm.

Until, she learned about King Arthur in this world.

Even if she was disappointed in the King Arthur in Melie’s memory, when she saw the information of King Arthur in this world, Sand Song still paid a little more attention.

Then she took the glorious epic about the Knight of the Morning Sun and looked at it.

It was from this time that Shajo Aika felt that his enthusiasm was rekindled!

From that time on, little by little, I got news about the other party.

Pacify the nobility, open the trial, suppress the north, defeat Piktavia, repel the White Dragon……… Only recently did I learn that the other party was Romulus, and he also declared war on Rome.

This pile, piece by piece, made Shatiao’s passion for love songs rekindle.

And this time it was not for King Arthur, not for some fairy tale prince.

She felt…

– I fell in love with the man named Roa Rester, or Roa

Mullus real people!

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