Chapter 150 belongs to the Great Crown of the King of the World!!

Lucius was really a little frightened by Roa, who was serious in front of Odin.

So honestly not to mention along the way, it didn’t take long for the guy to go to sleep after returning to Marcus.

It wasn’t until Lucius woke up the next day that Lucius saw Roa again—she saw that Roa still had a slight smile on his face, looking no different from before—that the monkey breathed a sigh of relief.

However, she found that Roa was now holding his back and looking at a map that he hung on the wall, so Lucius came over and asked ~ Roa with some curiosity.

“Is this a world map? But this map is not the same as the world map I’ve seen before…”

Lucius said as he pointed to the east of the map of the world that Roa had hung.

Among the many chaotic tribes, there is a huge position that presents a kind of blankness, as if there is something in this position, but it is not recorded.

“This position is not quite right, this position, below the very small part of the East Slavs, shouldn’t it be the Great Qin……… And Qin’s territory is not so small…”

Lucius put his hand to the west again.

“I remember that this side is also Qin’s territory.”



Roa wasn’t surprised to hear Lucius say that this world map was different from the one she saw.

Because Attila had been moving between East and West for a long time, Rome had been blocked by Attila a long time ago, so it had been lost to the east for a long time, and the map was a little old and normal.

But… Qin? That’s too long…

Roa remembered that Rome and Han should have known each other.

“Qin? How long ago was that? ”

“It’s been a long, long time…”

Lucius thought for a while and finally gave such a vague answer.

Hearing her say this, Roa was a little helpless, but about this matter, you can’t expect a monkey to remember the chronology……… So go ask Marcus later.

Or wait until you have suppressed the city of Rome and find it yourself.

Roa thought so, but it was at this time that Odin’s voice sounded.

“Rome’s map of the east is the map of two or three hundred years ago… If you want to know what’s going on in the east, I do. ”

Now Odin had reverted to the appearance of the Sage of the Forest that he had originally used, so that he was now leaning against the door.

“Two or three hundred years ago… How many generations of emperors of the Qin Dynasty were there at that time? ”

Roa thought for a moment and asked.

“Qin Dynasty, just an emperor.”

When it comes to this, even Odin sighs a little.

“That First Emperor lived from the end of the Divine Dynasty to two or three hundred years ago, but when I went to investigate the information about the white giant some time ago, I found that the map in the east had become what you have now…”

“Whether it was the First Emperor or the huge Great Qin, no one knew what had happened in the last two hundred years, and the whole had disappeared, leaving only a wreck of steel and electrical circuits.

The depiction of the location is blank, because there is still the shielding device of the first emperor in that area, so the observation means cannot be effective for that area.

Speaking of this, Odin also sighed a little.

“I went to see it after discovering this, at least according to my judgment, the Great Qin should not have perished, but that the first emperor used some special method to lead the people of the whole country to soar.”

“They may have flown out of the star’s range, or they may have simply made a world line jump or something like that—but in any case, they didn’t die, they left.”

“Even for us gods, humans are like weeds, but even I, the god king, have to admit that weeds can’t be tough to that extent, let alone that the first emperor seems to have done what even we gods can’t do.”

Odin’s gaze fell on Roa’s body, if there was a point.

“We guys can only hide in a prison called the Star Inner Sea, and the First Emperor can lead the people out of this huge vortex, and we don’t know what else will happen in this world that people can’t even imagine.”

Hearing Odin say this, he knew that he was looking at himself, but Roa did not have any special reaction, just stared at the world map in front of him, and responded to Odin’s words rather plainly.

“Since you can’t think of it, then wait until the time comes to see for yourself, anyway, for you, hundreds of years, thousands of years, these times should be meaningless.” 」

It was initially surprising to learn that the First Emperor had actually lived from the end of the Divine Dynasty to two or three hundred years ago, but after hearing that Great Qin had left, he also stretched out his hand and gently touched the east side of the map, without speaking.

Odin didn’t speak anymore, and so did Lucius. Only Mellie’s voice rang in Roa’s head.

“If you want to go and see the sea at the end of the world like the previous conquering kings, then I can only tell you that the stars are round.”

Hearing Melie say this, Roa smiled.

“Isn’t that good, if it’s round, it means that we set out from Britain, arrived in Rome, solved the white giant, and then went all the way east, to take over the territory vacated after Daqin left, and then continue to cross the ocean, then we will reach the new continent you mentioned.”

“And when the New World is also taken by us, then we will return to Britain then.”

“Then we may have achieved something that no one has been able to achieve, something more powerful than just traveling around the world for a week.”

“Build an unprecedented crown on the map, a great crown belonging to the king of the world.”

Hearing Roa’s words, Melie was obviously surprised.

“Becoming the king of the world, it really doesn’t seem like something you’d say… But since you said that, it means that you have some ideas of your own. ”

Melie knew very well that Roa would not go all over the world in order to become the king of some world.

Of course, he couldn’t have done this to prove that the earth is round. So since he said that, there must be his reasons. And it is.

“It’s not so much a complete idea as I just have a little bit of a thought… Mellie, I discovered something this time that we didn’t realize before. ”

“The so-called god dai protection, in a sense……… It’s also a kind of protection, right? ”

“I can’t protect the world, but if I only protect my territory at this time, then as long as I become the king of the world, under my crown, the glory will be eternal and will never fade again, what do you think?”

… Every.

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