Chapter 152 From the beginning I knew you were Lucius!!

Merlin’s power was evident.

At least in the city of Rome, the fame of Lucius was soon raised

You walk around the street and ask a random Roman, who promises not to say a bad word about Lucius.

And outside the city of Rome—especially where the guards couldn’t control it—it wasn’t impossible to see someone nailing Lucius’ name on the trees.

Although these Romans did not know Merlin, Merlin’s appearance was passed on among them.

And Merlin was in Rome, directly turned into the emperor’s eagle dog!

With this layer of identity draped over his body, Merlin’s flattering part is played to the fullest.

Initially among the people, Merlin soon found that these Romans were going according to his plan, and he did not say a word bad about the emperor, and he began to plague the army, officials, and even the nobles!

But these people are different from those people, and they don’t really do it if they don’t fit into the people

But I couldn’t catch Merlin every time, and then Merlin found him in other ways… In the end, the guys were so annoyed that they could only start trying to summon Merlin.

Naturally, some of these guys did not agree with Merlin’s opinion, and the guards did not dare to arrest them.

But Merlin took advantage of these officials, soldiers and nobles at this time to summon his own opportunity to understand them, and directly divided them into diehard loyalists and rogue factions, and then the guards did not dare to arrest, those diehards dared!

Merlin swaggered around the upper echelons of Rome in the name of Lucius. Some people questioned him and fooled the past with illusions.

For a while, his identity as an eagle dog also began to penetrate people’s hearts. Even this matter made trouble to the Senate, to the side of Quintas.

But Merlin didn’t see Quintas, Quintas couldn’t do anything with Merlin, he couldn’t find Merlin at all, and he couldn’t catch it.

At this time, it would be good to say if Lucius was there, but Lucius was not there, and he couldn’t find the emperor to come out and explain this matter!

In the end, he could only turn to Sand Stripe Love Song in this matter. But Sand Love Song has known about this for a long time.

Even she learned that the so-called Lucius eagle dog was Merlin. It was hard for her not to guess that the turmoil was the plot of His Majesty King Arthur.

So Shatiao Love Song pretended that he couldn’t help it, expressing helplessness. For a while, the whole of Rome was stirred up by Merlin!

Such a situation saw that Kuchulin, who was the one in the palace, was stunned.

At first, he couldn’t understand what Roa Jean Merlin meant when he preached Lucius, and he felt that this behavior was actually unnecessary.

But after seeing Merlin’s power, Cuchulin knew why he was a warrior and Roa was king.

Melie was also a little surprised to see this growing trend.

Marcus secretly suggested several times that Lucius go back, but Lucius just wouldn’t go back.

It wasn’t until Lucius said that Rome was clearly better suited to be administered by Roa, who was originally the emperor recognized by the Pantheon, that Marcus finally stopped advising Lucius to go back.

Because Marcus understood at this time.

Although this time in fact the incident was that Roa, the exiled Emperor of Providence, returned to take revenge, the rebellion he launched was supported by Lucius, the current emperor!

If this is calculated, it is actually His Majesty the Sword Emperor intends to give way to His Majesty Luoa, but the rebels of the Senate, who once exiled His Majesty Luoa, do not agree!

Therefore, the two Majestyes can only make this decision at such a time!

After understanding, Marcus also changed the previous look of the whole person crisp and numb, directly became extremely energetic, often proposed various ideas to Roa, and the whole person’s waist bar was straighter.

This is true even at this meeting today.

He knew that Roa’s troops had reached the outskirts of Rome, so he also began to advise Roa to take the city of Rome directly, and then plot the whole country little by little.

But Roa didn’t agree.

Marcus and Lucius couldn’t understand this, but Skah, who had never spoken at all, opened his mouth at this moment.

“Don’t worry, Roa is just waiting for an opportunity.”

Hearing Skaha say this, although Marcus and Lucius wondered, they could only nod.

And Vivian, who had long been summoned back by Roa, was also dressed in a maid outfit this time, standing behind Roa, seeing Marcus and Lucius like this, she opened her sky blue eyes, closed her own blood-red eyes, and smiled to make up for Skaja.

“The two adults don’t need to worry, since Merlin was sent by His Majesty, then His Majesty must have planned the best time.”

Hearing Vivian say this, they nodded and said nothing more.

Roa, on the other hand, continued to discuss the matter with Melie in his head after a simple regular meeting.

Although sending Merlin out to get such a result, such a thing Melie did not expect at all, but after the results gradually began to show, the follow-up details of this plan were filled in by Melie, and Roa studied with Skaha and Vivian, and even contacted Morgan by remote communication.

Then the plan was really finalized.

At first, they were not quite sure about the turmoil that Merlin could cause, but after seeing is believing and confirming Merlin’s ability, then Vivian, who is the prophet, was the first to propose – if it was Merlin, then he could trigger a better time!

The proposal was later approved by others, so Roa and they are now waiting for this.

Vivian looked at the general future several times in the process, and even asked Roa to replenish her life force once.

She also basically planned the future.

So on the third day after the end of this regular meeting, in the rather astonished eyes of Marcus and Lucius, they found that Quintas, in order to suppress this situation, had introduced a false Lucius in connection with the other senate ministers!

This is different from the one played by Odin, let alone Mellie, even Marcus, the former leader of the Magic Troupe, can see that this guy is fake!

But if no one makes trouble, then this fake is enough to suppress the current turmoil.


“Well, the opportunity we have waited for has finally come.”

Roa laughed, as did Vivian and Skaha. And at this time Marcus also reacted.

“So it is… If we go back with His Majesty the Sword Emperor at this time, then these rebels of the Senate will be finalized to rebel! They even launched a fake Sword Emperor His Majesty! In this way, as long as we go back with His Majesty the True Sword Emperor, then these rebels will no longer be…

He first said this excitedly, and then he was stunned.

Because he looked at Roa and their expressions without surprise, he suddenly reflected, it seems that he and Lucius never seemed to have said that Luaya was Lucius………

He was, and Lucius looked at Roa in surprise.

“Am I exposed? When did you know I was Lucius!? ”

Looking at Lucius like this, in fact, Roa really wanted to ask – why do you think you are well disguised?

But Roa didn’t say that in the end.

Instead, after casually sorting out the incriminating evidence of the senatorial ministers and those Roman nobles, Lucius answered his questions.

“From the beginning.”

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