Chapter 153: Why Did Your Majesty Rebel!?!!

For such a thing as nobility, Roa hammered it to the end.

But what to do with these men in the Senate and the officials was not decided by Roa in the first place.

Roa gave them a chance.

That was during the time that Merlin was doing things, Roa went to gather the incriminating evidence of these guys with all his might.

If they really didn’t make any big mistakes, they could be stripped of their titles, leaving their lives behind—and even continuing to serve as officials.


They let Roa down, even Lucius.

These Senate ministers are not without merit, but their merits are far from worth their fault!

They initially put Lucius on the throne, and they put up with the behavior of monkeys like Lucius, because they wanted an emperor like Lucius who did not manage the government and did not have a very smart brain.

Because only in this way can they develop their own careful thinking. If there had been no love song of sand, Rome would have fallen apart long ago.

Even with the love of sand, the Senate still made its position as strong as an iron barrel.

Even this time Britain declared war on Rome, the army saw that there was a problem with the decision-making of the upper levels, and could bear it, and did not dare to jump out and tell the truth.

Even if Quintas made the wrong decision, they didn’t dare to say it, they only dared to implement it.

Then Odin’s short time as emperor, no matter how correct his decrees, would be disgusted by the people of the Senate.

Not a single pass, even if it is correct! So.

– Roa sentenced them to death. Or rather…

They simply did not leave themselves a way to live!

The troops Merlin brought to Rome were the Knights of Suzheng. Kai even came along.

Originally, according to Roa’s expectations, the Suzheng Knights should suppress the entire territory of Hypernia at this time, and they may not be able to come over, so let Merlin just bring an elite over, and he did not specify which army he wanted.

After all, Britain had the protection of God, Rome did not.

Britannia’s equipment was also updated with alchemical synthetic metals, and Rome did not either. Then suppress a Roman city, just find an elite.

But what Roa didn’t expect was that the Knights of Suzheng suppressed Hypernia I—it only took three days!

At that time, Roa wondered, there are so many people in the Hypernian countries, don’t say they are people, even if there are so many pigs, let you Kai take people to catch them for three days, he doesn’t seem to be able to finish catching ah!

But after Kai came, Roa listened to his report and understood.

Kai first learned from Merlin what the piercing spear meant to Heberia, and then asked Merlin to directly summon the kings of the kingdoms of Heberia under the name of this.

After that…——————————————

The so-called Hybernian United Army was crushed by the Knights of Suzheng in the front!

These alchemy potions are basically used to level 3, and occasionally there are level 4 supreme knights, although they are still one level away from full equipment of level 5 and full equipment, but it is still no problem to fight the Hybernian United Army!

Thousands of fights tens of thousands, such a huge gap in numbers was won by Kai in the first battle, and even hunted down the Hybernian United Army.

In another three days, three battles and three victories, the countries of Hypernia surrendered!

So this time when Merlin said that Roa needed an elite force on the Roman side, Kay and the Suzheng Knights jumped out directly and said that they were coming.

The rest of Britain’s elite troops naturally disagreed.

Therefore, because of this quota, there was a good fight in Britain, and finally after everyone recognized that the Suzheng Knights were indeed the first elite of Britain now, Kai came with the Suzheng Knights.

Kai with the piercing magic spear, plus the Knights of Silence.

Under the cover of Merlin’s illusion, such a team quietly parachuted to the vicinity of the city of Rome!

The result of this tactics is a dimensionality reduction blow to the entire city of Rome!

The city of Rome was not without legions, but they had no idea that someone would raid the city of Rome, and they were taken almost in a few pictures.

Those who intended to resist to the death also surrendered after seeing Lucius.

They were taken, then the remaining nobles and officials, naturally had no ability to resist at all.

Basically, after Quintas introduced a fake Lucius to suppress the turmoil, the city of Rome was taken.

On the palace side, when the people of the Senate learned that it was the British forces that had disintegrated the Roman garrison, there was also a disturbance on their side.

“British… Damn, why did those Britons fight here!? ”

One official, who could not see the form, was still saying this.

But if he was usually catered to by everyone, no one catered to him this time.

The meeting was first silent after this phrase, and only then an official said such a thing…

“Don’t be so rude, even if it’s another country, we shouldn’t be so barbaric – what a damn British, that’s King Arthur and his army.”

After learning that the British forces had suppressed the entire city of Rome, and that they could not do it either to ask for help or to escape, at this meeting, Roa quickly changed from the damned Britons to King Arthur and his army, and finally advanced to the great His Majesty King Arthur, the Chosen King, the Roman Emperor recognized by the Pantheon, and his invincible army!

That was the only outcome of this meeting. As for the others…

These ministers and officials had no intention of desperately resisting. When people hit the doorstep, then vote!

Hurry up and drive the next one, don’t waste your time!

They quickly discussed such a conclusion, and the sand was silent about it.

And the legions stationed in the palace heard that the upper echelons discussed such a thing, of course, they were not convinced!

They are going to hold on!

The legions stationed in the palace and the court magician regiment all stood together, and they planned to directly ignore those people in the senate and simply defend it!

Even if all the members die in battle, they will never surrender! They laid out the defense with such conviction.

Each of them was firm in their convictions and had absolutely no intention of betraying Rome. Then·

“You senate rebels, even plan to resist to the end! Well? ”

These defenders had the idea of fighting Britain with all their might, but in fact they were waiting for not the Knights of Suzheng, but the garrison of the city of Rome.

And these guys who seem to have betrayed even bite back when they see them!

Just when they were angry and puzzled, and they were about to shout out – you group of traitors, what are your spirits, but they saw a few people coming out of the team here.

The leader is Roa Zero. And the one who followed Roa…

– Isn’t that our emperor, His Majesty the Sword Emperor Lucius!? No………

The courtiers are about to fight to the death, why did Your Majesty rebel!?

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