Chapter 154: The Holy Spear of the Military God Mars!!

These legions and court magicians stationed in the palace had long been dissatisfied with the decision of the Senate and those officials to surrender, so when they saw their own emperor in the other party’s ranks, they were naturally willing to listen to what Lucius had to say.

If you let Lucius come in real life, then she probably won’t say it in the face of this situation, but the current Lucius is a magic controlled by Melie.

So under such circumstances, this Lucius, who Melie created with illusion, quickly told the matter clearly, so that these soldiers directly knew the truth of the whole thing.

Melie’s illusions and eloquence surprised Lucius, who was beside Roa, disguised as a saint of the battlefield, but it was the soldiers on the opposite side who were even more surprised than her.

They were surprised that Roa was given the name Romulus by the Pantheon.

I was also surprised that the exiled Roa turned out to be King Arthur.

At the same time, some of them, belonging to the legion stationed in the palace, did not know that Lucius, who was now located in the palace, was fake.

But they didn’t know, but the people of the court magicians still knew.

After all, the one in the palace at the moment, Lucius, which the Senate introduced to ease the turmoil, was made by magic by the Senate to them.

So at this point, they also told their colleagues about it.

After learning that the comrades-in-arms around him said so to 763, the soldiers who were originally stationed in the palace also thoroughly sorted out this originally somewhat incomprehensible matter!

It seems to them that this is probably how things should be.

In order to control Rome, the Senate exiled the emperor chosen by the gods against the will of the gods! They even sent people to intercept and kill!

Then he chose a better controlled emperor in his country and pushed it up—this emperor was His Majesty Lucius, the Sword Emperor.

His Majesty the Sword Emperor has always grown up under the control of the Senate, and in order to rebel against the Senate, he has done a lot of outrageous things.

However, they were suppressed by the Senate.

Even because His Majesty the Sword Emperor was getting more and more difficult to control, the Senate drove His Majesty the Sword Emperor out and re-launched a fake Sword Emperor Majesty!

Then His Majesty the Sword Emperor and His Majesty Roa, who had been exiled and were now back for revenge, stood together.

This is the time to come back and fight the rebellious thieves of the Senate! They get it! Got it all!

After listening to Mellie’s words, these legions and court magicians stationed in the palace directly surrendered, and took the initiative to show Roa their way, directly towards the location of the Senate ministers and those officials!

They have no psychological burden on this, either. Because now things are very clear.

On one side there is the emperor recognized by the gods and the current sword emperor His Majesty, and on the other side are the ministers and officials of the Senate – in such a situation, there is a rebellion, there is a thief, this is not clear at a glance!

Roman orthodoxy is in Britain, it is the royal palace that rebelled!

Those Senate ministers and officials gathered at this moment. Quintas and Sand Stripe love songs are also here.

Regarding the unanimous surrender of the officials, Sajo Aige did not say anything about it, almost acquiescing, and Quintas, the first seat of the Senate, in this case naturally had to stand with the people of the Senate one by one.

As a member of the Senate for generations, he could only stand with the Senate under such circumstances, and it could even be said that surrender was not necessarily without his intention.

He decided so, and then the remaining Senate ministers would directly show such an attitude.

But not all Senate ministers were willing to surrender.

Among these people, there are still a few who do not intend to surrender. They are indeed fake surrenders.

Their purpose was to meet King Arthur, preferably with the knights he had brought with him this time, along with those troops.

Because they still have Rome’s last hole card in their hands, the Holy Spear of Mars, the god of war!

Before all the wars in Rome began, the emperor or the consul had to take the spear of Mars and recite one by one Mars, and wake up…

This is a Roman tradition.

But few people know that the holy spear of this military god Mars is actually an object that has been handed down from an earlier time to the present.

It is also Roma’s last hole card.

This is the shelter left by the military god Mars. It would have been a sword and a spear.

But the sword of the military god Mars was lost in a certain generation, and when it reappeared, it was still in the hands of the Hun king!

Many officials still believe that the reason why the Xiongnu king is so powerful is because of the sword of the military god Mars!

And this holy spear has the same effect.

However, just as the sword was not used by anyone in Rome, and could only be used as a hole card, the same was true of the holy spear of the god of war, Mars.

For so many years in Rome, at least in the known records, almost no one could get the recognition of this holy spear.

But as a hole card and a symbol of ceremony, there is nothing wrong with it. And now.

It’s time to activate this hole card! The Senate was made up of Roman nobility.

And the nobles responsible for keeping Mars’s holy spear naturally joined the Senate.

At this moment, someone on their side has already held Mars’s holy spear, and they plan to wait until they see King Arthur, and directly activate this hole card to give him a desperate blow!

Because of this hole card, they are not going to surrender. They are not dissatisfied with their current lives.

On the Roman side, he acted daily to those people, and usually on the palace side, he only had to act with the other members of the senate and did nothing, and then he could continue to maintain the rule of the nobility over Rome.

– What better treatment could be than this? Impossible.

Especially when it’s British… After the surrender passed, would Britain have no nobility?

When the time came for the British nobles to cooperate with the emperor who had been recognized by the Pantheon……… They can still live there as moist as they are now!

If they didn’t have the Holy Spear as a hole card, they would have cast it. But now there is a holy spear……… Then they still have a chance!

The nobles who managed the Holy Spear thought so.

So after they waited for the sound of footsteps, he was not at all nervous, nor was he at all nervous after the soldiers who belonged to the palace broke into the house and threw them all out.

Even when he saw Roa and Lucius standing together in the opposing team—he wasn’t nervous.

Instead, he first sighed that these Britons were so confident that they had even confiscated their weapons, otherwise they might have troubled the Holy Spear remotely

Point, and then knew that talking to these two emperors did not require the Holy Spear Manager to say himself, and at this time, he silently recited the spell that urged the power of the Holy Spear in his heart.

This is a hole card that can only be triggered by special spells in times of crisis in Rome.

It is the power of the military god Mars! So.

Whether it is King Arthur, the Sword Emperor, or those damned Britannians, let’s die together under the majesty of the military god!

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