Chapter 168: The Founding of the Knights of the Round Table!!

Roa woke up and went back in the direction of the city of Rome.

After knowing the nature of the Xiongnu side, Luo A felt that the overall strategy of his side still needed to be changed.

He could fly straight up now and delete Wilpa, but he decided to wait.

He wants to see what the names of the Sand Song are, and then when the simulation of the second volume is over, he will choose a name for himself before deciding when Wilpa will die.

This side can indeed wait.

Now Roa is interested in the new internal structure and future homeland strategy that he proposed based on the model of the traveling stars in today’s third simulation.

So he headed back in the direction of the city of Rome, and in the process informed Morgan, Skah, Vivian, Kay, Merlin, White, and Artoria.

For Roa’s current territory, these people, plus Roa, Melie, are the highest level in this land.

Among them, Merlin and Morgan are Roa’s assistants, generally speaking, they will not appear together, but in more important matters, they can still come together, Morgan can endure Merlin, and Merlin also knows what is going on, so he will hide, unless he has an opinion, he will only listen.

Artoria and Skaha were the first and second seats of the Knights of the Round Table that Roa had originally chosen, but now that he planned to change the new internal structure, Roa planned to give Britain to Artoria, and then Pictavia and Hypernia to Skaha to manage.

Vivian is the captain of the maid team, although there are now two maid teams, one Vivian and the other is Vivian pulled in by Gneville, but Roa has plans to expand the formation of the maid team in the future.

Kay is the head of the Knights of Suzheng, and in the future Roa intends to give him the land of Rome to take care of.

Shiro is a supernumerary knight, and also a knight directly subordinate to Roa, Roa does not plan to arrange Shiro anywhere, she is currently responsible for guarding the treasure house for Roa, and it will be the same in the future, so that when Roa has something to find her, she can go directly.

And in such a case, the current top level is composed.

These people gathered together in the city of Rome, and when they saw each other coming, they knew that Roa must have something important to announce this time.

And when they all arrived, they entered the room where Roa was, and saw that Roa, who had arrived early, was standing in front of a completed world map, facing away from them.

“You’re all here, so sit down.”

Hearing Roa say this, they gathered around the table in the room and sat down, although Roa did not say the ranking of the seats, but in fact Morgan and Artoria sat at the front of the two sides, then Skaha and finally Kai

Merlin also came, but hid in the shadows, not with these people, and White stood in the doorway as if he were a guard.

Then it wasn’t until Vivian and Guernevere brought some tea and snacks to the table, and then after Guinevere left, that Roa turned around, pressed his hands on the table, and stood there looking at the others.

“I’ve thought a lot about it lately, and although I’ve said it before, our strategy for the future is to go east from our Britain, Rome, until we return to Britain, to build a crown that no one in this world has ever built, which belongs to the king of the world.”

“To the people, to the knights, to the officials – that is enough, but I think you have to say it in more detail.”

Roa didn’t mean to go around the bend either.

Even if it was Merlin, he had maintained a certain amount of trust in Merlin, otherwise he would not have called the other party over today.

“I thought about our internal structure today, but it was fine in Britain, but after the integration of Rome, our original structure showed a more chaotic trend.”

“So I plan to officially finalize the future superstructure from today, even if we are already the masters of this world in the future, we will still use this structure at that time.”

“First of all, I…”

Roa was in front of the table, and the alchemy tablet next to the map dotted a dot to represent himself, and then his hand moved outward.

“Then there is the auxiliary officer, if I am regarded as the core of our whole, then the auxiliary officer is my auxiliary core, when I encounter problems, I will go to the auxiliary officer to discuss, but the final decision will be on me, no opinion, right?”

Hearing Roa say this, Merlin did not move, and Morgan nodded directly.

In addition to being an assistant, she will also become Roa’s queen, so she naturally has no opinion on this.

It seems that Kai, Artoria, Vivian, Bai is not an assistant officer at all, after hearing that the assistant officer only has the right to suggest, no decision, and has no opinion on Roa’s strategy, Skaha nodded slightly after going through the specific situation in his mind.

To say the only opinion.

“This model is no problem, even very good, but if there will be such a meeting in the future, then I think the auxiliary officer can be simply listed as a position, and the auxiliary officer can not be allowed to work part-time in other positions, so that it is convenient for the auxiliary officer to maximize the effect of the auxiliary core.”

“For those of us who say there is no life limit, there is no need for part-time work.”

Skaha said this first, then glanced at Morgan again.

“Of course, if it’s her, it’s up to you how to arrange it.”

For the fact that Morgan would be one of the queens, these people present almost acquiesced.

So if Morgan is able, how can Roa arrange them even if he has the heart not to say it here, so Skaha’s words are aimed at Merlin, Merlin, and Merlin.

The look of them made Morgan’s face reddened slightly.

Roa waited for a while, and after confirming that Morgan and Merlin were okay, he nodded and stopped.

“Then that’s it-”

He answered, and then continued to expand the alchemy pen in his hand outward

“In addition to the auxiliary officer, the key points I want to raise this time are the Knights of the Round Table.”

“In my vision, if we succeed in creating a great crown of the king of the world, and I am crowned king of the world, then unlike today, each region will have to be managed by independent people – and the order of these administrators is the circle called the Knights of the Round Table, of which I am the head of the Knights of the Round Table.”

“In the future, the Knights of the Round Table will also become the real high-level in this world, do you have any opinions and ideas about this?”

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