Chapter 169: The Best Time to Activate the White Dragon Avatar Again!!

“The Knights of the Round Table will definitely increase in number as we fight farther and farther in the future, but now, I have decided to give Britain to Artoria, and then give Hypernia and Pictavia to Skaha, and then Kay will be solemnized one by one, I will hand over the Knights to you, I will station the existing establishment of the Knights of Suzheng on the Roman side, so I plan to let you be the administrator of the Roman side.”

When he heard that Roa planned to hand over Britain to Artoria, although many people were surprised, they didn’t say anything.

After all, they had known Artoria for a while, and although she had a bit of a personality problem in every sense, Roa asked her to manage Britain, and that would not be a problem.

She can suppress the twelve kings.

And let Skaha manage Hyberia and Piktavia, that’s fine

Or maybe you let Skaha manage any one place is not a big problem.

But for Roa to hand over Rome to Kay to manage, this is something that many people did not even expect, even Kay himself.

But Roa knew that Kay had the ability to manage.

In the original Knights of the Round Table, it is excellent in terms of management ability, there should only be Kai and Ag Guiwen one by one, but now Ag Guiwen is gone, then only, there is Kai.

And now that he is in Rome, the big things still have to pass by his side and he can bring Kai with him during this time.

In this case, Kai still has the Knights of Suzheng, then there will be no problem on the Roman side.

This was Roa’s idea, and Kai was first excited after hearing Roa say this, then felt responsible for the trust Roa gave him, and finally he was the first to speak.

“The king… If I bring the Knights of Suzheng to Rome, then over there in Britain…”

Today’s Suzheng Knights are still the only elite troops under Roa at present, so it is completely normal for Kai to have such worries.


“It’s okay, you trust Artoria a little more, and the Suzheng Knights also need to be expanded, although the number of Suzheng Knights we hold now is enough, it will definitely not be enough for the future, plus you will have to manage Rome in the future, so expand the Suzheng Knights Phase 2, Phase 3, you definitely can’t manage it.”

“So my plan for the Suzheng Knights is that there will be about three to five legion commanders in the future, standing for ten to fifteen periods.”

“This force will also become the largest, most regular, and professional force in our homeland.”

Hearing Roa say this, Kai clenched his fists excitedly.

Turn the Knights into the ordinary army of the future… Or maybe only an elite like the Knights of Suzheng will be called an army in the future!

Kai found himself in this moment small, small from the beginning!

At first he thought Britain was big enough, then Rome was big enough, and now he thought the Knights were strong enough… His eyes are always looking at these things under his nose, and Wang Yiyi’s eyes have always been on the whole world!

That’s right.

For the King of Britain, the Knights were the elite troops. For the Roman emperor, the Knights of Suzheng were perfectly qualified.

But for the king of the world, if ordinary troops did not have the level of the Order, it would not be completely impossible!

So after hearing Roa say this, Kai rearranged his pattern, and after examining his own questions, he nodded at Roa quite feverishly and stopped talking.

He was like this, and even more so others, and Skaha had never regarded the Knights of Suzheng as a future elite from the beginning. Vivian’s vision of the fairy in the lake is also very high.

Morgan is even more engaged in the cultivation of the Goblin Knights.

It can be said that their pattern is high from the beginning, and Artoria is that she listens to whatever Roa says, and she has no opinion on what Roa says.

So Kai is fine, and they are naturally fine. Thus was completed the creation of the Knights of the Round Table.

“Well, the structure of the Knights of the Round Table is like this, and then the current Knights of Suzheng I aim to gradually develop it into our most regular troops, one by one, and now the maid team…”

Roa suddenly looked at Vivian, who had been standing on the side and listening, as if it was all none of his business, and startled Vivian before Roa spoke.

“The maid team is directly subordinate to me, and it is also a team responsible for a lot of daily affairs, so the number will gradually increase in the future, but you are the only maid leader, Vivian, do you understand?”

Hearing Roa say this, she had always felt that the so-called maid team was the cake that Roa had drawn for herself, so that Vivian, who had not even prophesied once, was obviously shocked, and she really didn’t expect that Roa was real

plans to expand the maid team and give her a lot of things such as daily living.

If you think about it, she did see herself becoming one of Roa’s queens in the future

Until now, she doesn’t understand how her future self will do it.

But now it seems that if Roa really plans to replace all the waiters around him with a maid team, then as the head maid, he will have more and more opportunities to contact Roa!

In this case… Perhaps with the passage of time, my prophecy will gradually come true!

Thinking of this, Vivian also laughed, and then nodded at Roa.

Roa didn’t know what this guy suddenly giggled, but he didn’t care, and he just put his eyes on Shiro’s body for a while.

“With the king as the core, then the auxiliary officer, the maid team, the Knights of the Round Table and a knight with strong individual ability like Bai, it will be selected by me to become a supernumerary knight, each of which has the ability to complete tasks independently, and usually needs to do some tasks that need to be completed independently, and most of the supernumerary knights I will arrange at hand so that I can delegate tasks.”

Hearing Roa’s arrangement, Bai nodded silently, and the others had no opinion. Finally, Roa summarizes the pattern.

“After everyone has done their jobs according to this model, if there is something important, then I will initiate an invitation to a round table like today.”

At that time, I will ask Morgan to arrange alchemy in various places, and even if you can’t come over after I send out the invitation, you can use the remote technique to conduct the meeting.

“And the participants in the meeting are the members of the Knights of the Round Table and me one by one, and the chief maid and supernumerary knights are qualified to observe.”

“So, that’s all I have to say, do you think there’s anything else that needs to be revised?”

Roa finished speaking, and then Skaja thought about the whole and then gave advice on many of the details.

If it is for a normal dynasty, then this distribution system has various problems after the territory is large.

There are a lot of details to fill in, and such a rough one is absolutely not okay.

But for these people who don’t even have a life limit, plus Roa’s individual ability is unusually strong, many of the problems here are no longer problems

But for them, however, there were many suggestions given by Skaja in many places, and these suggestions were adopted by Roa.

They discussed it until the evening, a plan that would not necessarily be finalized for several years for the average dynasty, was finalized in the space of a day.

Then the Auxiliary Officers remained on Roa’s side, the maids remained on Roa’s side, the Knights on the Outer Ark remained on Roa’s side, and Skaja and Altoria were going back to Bernia and Pictavia.

But they didn’t leave immediately, and Roa left them behind for the time being. After all, he still has to look at the things on the Shatiao Love Song.

And then…

He also gave Artoria and Skaha… Well, only Artoria arranged something that would establish majesty.

That is, he ran away when he pacified the north, and then he kept shelving, and the white votigen incarnation that was never used again.

Now that Roa has such an arrangement.

And he didn’t need to use the White Dragon to stand up now, so now was the best time to use it again.

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