Chapter 170 If I am a knight king, then my way is a knight’s way!!

After the meeting, Roa arranged to give Artoria something about the White Dragon.

Of course, he didn’t say anything about the white dragon’s incarnation, only told Artoria about his absence from Britain, and asked her to focus on the white dragon.

Artoria nodded rather seriously at this.

Roa could see that if he said this to her, then she would definitely pay attention to it and it was enough to say so much to her.

Although Artoria is indeed more girlish when she has not become a king, Artoria is Artoria, and she still has the uniqueness of a knight – brilliance.

After Artoria followed Skaha away, Morgan slowly walked to Roa’s side.

“What are your arrangements over there in Britain, Artoria… Although her strength is indeed much stronger than before, and she is also the red dragon one chosen by the old liar and Uther to deal with the white dragon – but now she is not enough to fight against Voltigeng, right? ”

Morgan knew that Roa wouldn’t harm Artoria, but she was still curious about it.

Roa, on the other hand, looked at Morgan with a smile.

“Rest assured, I will let Bai go to Britain during this time to help her, there is Bai present, then the white dragon is just that, there is no big problem.”

White Knight Ah ·

Morgan had never known the origin of the White Knight, but she had seen White Shot, and she still knew something about White’s strength.

“If it was her, then maybe it really wouldn’t be a problem… But would Voltigen be so easy to deal with? ”

Morgan was still thinking, and Roa casually put his arms around her, and then as she blushed, Roa leaned over to her ear and slowly opened his mouth.

“Naturally, Voltigeng will not be so easy to deal with, but the White Dragon is the White Dragon, and the Voltigion is the Voltigion One – it is the White Dragon that will cause problems in Britain, and the White, that is, the White Knight in your eyes, she is the Voltigun.”


Roa never spoke to Morgan about it, and Morgan never asked it. So this time she couldn’t help but widen her eyes when she heard about it.

Although she had long felt as if Roa would suddenly do something, she would not wonder what Roa said, but now she was quite surprised by what Roa said.

Seeing her like this, Luo A continued to speak with a smile.

“I actually solved the problem of Voltigeng a long time ago, otherwise you think, while the white dragon is still there, will the Saxons be so easy to solve?”

“And how can Voltigeng completely disappear because he was repelled once… It’s just that I have long secretly solved the problem of Voltigeng and hid this matter for the sake of the current situation. ”

“If killing the white dragon is a very risky thing, then of course, we must arrange the time well, and strive to find a time when we are the strongest and the other party is the weakest, and we are damaged.”

“But if killing the white dragon is just something that has no risk at all and can be completed at any time – then this thing naturally can’t be done when it is useless, right?”

Hearing Roa say this, Morgan nodded first, and then she leaned into Roa’s arms and glanced sideways at Roa.

“… It is indeed what you said, but such a thing will still make people feel particularly shocked from the mouth of you, a guy who still has a knight king and a radiant king even now. Aren’t you afraid that you will be known as you are now, and then others will gossip? ”

Hearing Morgan hum softly, Roa smiled.

“Not to mention that those titles were all added to me by others without authorization, even if it is really what I call myself—since I am the king of knights, then what I do should be what a knight should do, my way is the way of knighthood, my spirit is the spirit of chivalry, my purpose is the will of the king, and my truth is the real truth.”

“I will know the situation of the people, and I will listen to the advice of the courtiers, but what other qualifications do outsiders have to deny my actions and purposes?”

Seeing Roa like this, Morgan smiled.

Although Roa basically listened to her advice when he was in front of her, and Roa usually didn’t insist too much on such tricks and wits and the like – he knew that he was not so good at these things.

But outside of such a place, this guy really still has the kind of mighty king that even the clouds in the sky can disperse.

Build a big crown that belongs to the king of the world…

Morgan had long heard Roa say such a purpose, and if you think about it, it seems true, who else is qualified to do such a thing besides him, and who else is qualified to hold the crown?

Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many guys have arbitrarily claimed the title of king in this ownerless world.

But the great throne, which is really at the top, has always been empty.

And if you want to find a master there now, it can only be this guy next to you.

He is currently the best person to sit in that position, and he is the only one who has an idea for that position.

Morgan also believed that the position would be his. Ambition or conceit.

But no one can deny that now the guy closest to that position has already started running towards his goal, isn’t it?

Morgan thought so, and then she was picked up by Roa and walked in the direction of the dormitory.

This way was seen by many waiters, Morgan’s ears were red, and she only dared to hide her face in Roa’s arms, but she still didn’t say anything, she didn’t resist, and even had a trace of expectation.

Time passed after Roa returned to the dormitory.

It wasn’t until the end of today, in the early hours of the next morning, that Roa put his arm around Morgan, who was already asleep, leaned on the head of the bed, and opened the simulation page.

Yesterday’s three simulations were conducted in the early hours of the morning, and today’s three simulations he also intended to take in the early hours of the morning.

He didn’t touch Wilpa in reality for a while, but in the simulation, he was going to strike hard—and he was going to see what kind of pitch he could bring to him this time.

Or, when you can’t find a petition, it’s the final plot line of the Sand Song of Love?

Roa began the first simulation of the day with this in mind.

【Please select a label (choose one of the four)】

[(Rare) old brick home: although it will not improve knowledge, but you will give some people who are not familiar with these places in various ways a professional feeling]

[(Rare) Paladins: Shelters of the Holy Light will appear where you need to code (kick the Paladin and the Dark Shepherd)]

[(General) Music Apprentice: Gives you a little bit of introductory knowledge of music]

[(Epic) Random communication connection: Randomly establish a communication connection with a target that is contemporaneous with you (only one use, the target connected in the simulation, after you select the label, will also be connected to the same target in reality)]

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