This is getting boring.

Jason sat on a chair while facing the window. His hands were fiddling around with the only weapon he brought from home, the steel dirk. True to his thought, things were getting pretty bland considering he was fighting against UC that was lower than level ten.

He doubted that he could fill up his unseen-able experience bar to the next level. The goblin rider he saw back then was left alone as in the end, it headed towards the bridge. He glanced at the squad who was currently taking a break. They were pretty beat up after continuous fight against the Wild Doggo. Most of them were at level three and a few at level four but considering their speed, they were just too slow to Jason’s liking.

At first, he thought about chasing after the goblin rider but the squad held him back.

Should I just leave them? Judging from how they fight, they’re pretty good already. I don’t really think they need me.

He tried to reason with himself. He walked towards Dan as he touched him by the shoulder.

“Can we talk,” Jason said.

Both of them went inside a room as the door was then closed behind them.

“What is it?” asked Dan.

“I think I’ll be leaving,” said Jason.

“Wait, what? But why?” asked Dan. The leader of the squad knew the reality of it, Jason was keeping tabs on them protecting them in the background, he noticed after a few more rounds of hunting those canines. Enough said they were lucky of living because of this guy.

“You guys adapt pretty fast so I don’t think you need me to babysit any longer. Besides, you can just grind your level here fighting against those Wild Doggo. It’s safer and much more manageable,” said Jason.

Jason was right but Dan couldn’t let him go like this. He had a hidden mission to accomplish.

“But our mission objective is reaching the center of the city, we have been tasked to eliminate most of the UC there,” said Dan.

“You guys are still under-level,” said Jason. “You might die there.”

“We’re soldiers, we lay our lives for the country,” said Dan.

“Being dead isn’t going to help the country,” said Jason.

Dan took a big blow as what Jason said definitely was right. But the mission. He of all people knew of what a mission to a soldier.

“I can’t do that,” said Dan.

Jason just watched at the sight of this squad leader.

“Before we left, the Major gave me a mission of finding a certain person in the center of Thunder Bay city,” said Dan.

Both Jason’s eyebrows raised up as this was pretty new to his ears. As expected, it would be weird to send a three hundred men company just for the sake of eliminating enemies. Jason thought there might be other places suitable for training the troop and much more closer to Toronto than Thunder Bay, thus there must be another reason for being sent here.

“I’m listening,” said Jason.

Dan took out something from within his pockets and handed it over to Jason.

“A GPS tracker,” said Jason as he was quite tech-savvy considering he had gadget maniac his dad.

“I brought this just in case the signal turn on,” said Dan.

“Tracking what exactly?” asked Jason.

Dan hesitated at first seeing how the mission was labeled as classified and only to his own ears until the target is confirmed to be seen but right now he had no other choices.

“From what I was told, we need to extract a person of interest from the center of the city, the last known signal emitted from her chip is here,” Dan took out his map and pointed at something.

“A conglomerate building? Let me guess the son and daughter of a rich guy?” Jason asked.

“I don’t know the details but the person we need to find is her, Kendall Brown,” Dan showed an image through his phone. The picture showed an image of a young woman with brunette hair. She looked young and bright with a cheery smile.

“So, what’s that got to do with me?” said Jason.

Dan couldn’t hide his frown.

“This is a rescue mission and time is of the essence. Don’t you get it? The life of this girl is at stake here,” said Dan.

“Dan, don’t be so naive. There’s no way the military would be that simple. I bet my life that the parents of this girl are paying big bucks to the military for this rescue mission,” said Jason.

“aren’t you suppose to help us?” said Dan.

“I’m supposed to do my part in killing some monsters and not some hidden rescue mission. Like I said, I’ve no part in this,” said Jason.

“But someone’s life is at stake here! Are you just going to turn a blind eye at this?” said Dan.

“Tell me something Dan, how on earth did a daughter of someone influential managed to get trap here in this city even after being told to evacuate way before the UC invades the city, have you ever thought about that?” Jason said.

“How long since she’d been trapped and how long did they lose contact? Have you ever wonder all of this thing?” Jason pursued his question even further leaving Dan a bit speechless.

“Here,” then Dan took out something else from another pocket. Jason started to wonder how Dan had so much stuff inside his pockets.

“A key card?” said Jason.

“I was briefed that within this building, there’s a panic room in case something happens. This key card is the key that can unlock the room,” said Dan.

“How are you so sure that this girl is in the panic room?” Jason asked.

“I don’t know, but the Major told me that she might be there,” said Dan.

Then there was silence between them. Jason stared back at Dan’s eyes as neither budge away.

“So are you in?” Dan asked.

“Of course not, why would I do it?” said Jason.

Dan couldn’t hide his anger. He couldn’t believe how this person had such a lack of empathy. Dan has a daughter and he felt for the parents that were probably in distraught over their missing daughter.

“All this power you have and for what?” Dan said with his tone increased by a notch.

“You don’t deserve that kind of power,” said Dan as he pointed at Jason in scorn.

“Don’t go social justice on me Mr.Soldier, although I said I don’t want to but it might change if there’s an incentive,” said Jason.

“Even at this point in time, you’re still want to make a profit?” Dan couldn’t stop glaring at Jason, of all people that Dan hated, the most he despised was the type to value money over anything else, in other the greedy bunch.

“Stop dilly-dallying and call the Major. It’s either you value your pride or you valuing about the girl’s life,” said Jason. The stoic face remained unchanged.

“Damn it,” Dan dialed the phone. Soon, he started conversing with the Major. Even when the phone wasn’t on speaker, Jason could subtly hear the Major’s angry voice.

The Major hung up and Dan was left a bit clueless on what to do at the moment. Dan shifted a few glances at Jason and seeing the man still waiting without complaint made him felt a bit awkward.

Then the satellite phone suddenly rang, and Dan picked it up.

“Yes sir,” said Dan. He then gave the satellite phone to Jason.

“Hello?” said Jason.

“What do you want?” a voice of a middle-aged man with a strict undertone. He’s the father of Kendall Brown, known as Mr.Brown.

“Straight to the point, I like it,” said Jason as he let out a grin. “Two million will suffice,” he mentioned the numbers without hesitation.

“Two million? Are you crazy? To begin with, why should I give you money? You’re the military and you need to uphold the responsibility of rescuing the people of the country,” said Mr.Brown. Jason started to despise the man.

“I’m not the military. So, stop wasting my time. It’s either deal or no deal,” said Jason.

“You’re talking about my daughter’s life here!” said Mr.Brown.

“Then shouldn’t your daughter be priceless, I do think two million is a measly sum,” said Jason. Two million were definitely not a meager amount. Although money wasn’t that important but having that much wouldn’t hurt considering he could do a bunch of things with an amount like that.

“Take it or leave it, Mr.Brown. The clock is ticking and who knows your daughter might be in need of help,” said Jason. His words were provoking the thought inside the head of a father.

“Fine! I’ll pay you when my daughter is right in front of me,” said Mr.Brown.

“Don’t be stupid Mr.Brown, deposit the money inside my account and I’ll get back your daughter,” said Jason.

“Deplorable! Do you think I would be fool by a simple trick? You’re just going to run away with my money!” said Mr.Brown.

“I’m a trustworthy man Mr.Brown, and to begin with you don’t have any choice other than me,” said Jason.

Then Mr.Brown hung up.

“Cranky old man,” said Jason. He threw the phone lightly at Dan and the squad leader caught it in his hand.

“I guess that’s a no then,” said Jason.

Jason’s reputation only dwindled even further after that conversation he just had. Dan was there and he heard it all loud and clear. In Dan’s mind, Jason was just a thug asking for that much money.

Dan didn’t say much but as he was about to leave the room, the phone in his hand rang. Dan answered the phone and heard who it was, his eyes glanced back at Jason.

“It’s for you,” said Dan as he passed over the phone.

“A change of mind?” Jason asked.

“How sure of you of saving my daughter?” Mr.Brown was at the end of his wit. Although the old man cherished money but he still loved his daughter more.

“Confident enough compared to the rest of these incompetent soldiers,” said Jason.

Dan frowned hearing the mockery at the military, seeing he was part of it, he felt like it was indirectly targeted at him.

“Tell me your account number and I’ll transfer the money,” said Mr.Brown.

“The price just went up, 2.5 million dollars,” said Jason with a nonchalant tone.

“What? This is extortion!” said Mr.Brown.

“Did you forget? You hang up on me, so that’s gonna cost you, so how about it? Want to hang up again?” said Jason with a chuckle in the end.

Mr.Brown turned speechless in the end as he was calming down the seething rage inside his heart. Who would have thought an accomplished man like him would be played by a peasant like Jason. But this was about his daughter and for now nothing matters other than her safety and well-being.

“Fine!” said Mr.Brown. He let Jason had the last laugh.

Jason conveyed the number of his account and after he hung up the call, he waited for a couple of minutes while humming. Then he used the satellite phone once more which was more up to date compared to the old one, now it was more or less similar to a smartphone.

He checked his account and his brows couldn’t help but raised up after seeing the numerous numbers on the screen.

“Didn’t think he would do it,” said Jason as he passed the phone back to Dan.

“So you want to tag along, Soldier of Responsibility?” Jason asked.

“It’s my mission and I won’t back down,” said Dan.

“Good, I’ll be waiting outside. So make your chat with the squad short,” said Jason.

Dan’s conversation didn’t go well as he was met with a lot of opposition. But Dan stood firm with his decision and the squad couldn’t fight back against the notion of them being too weak to follow along. It was the reality of it but some still wouldn’t listen especially Pixie.

Then two people went out of the building with one of them glaring at Jason.

“Why is she here?” Jason asked.

“Whether you like it or not, I’m coming along,” said Pixie as the glare didn’t stop. She still didn’t trust Jason.

“Let’s go,” said Dan. Ignoring the case regarding Pixie. He too had a hard time dealing with this comrade of his.

“Suit yourself,” Jason walked away before he glanced back.

“Try to keep up, if not I’m just going to leave you two behind,” said Jason.

“Hmph,” Pixie scoffed at Jason, while Dan nodded.

But as soon as Jason burst into a sprint, the two were left dumbfounded by what they saw. In a matter of seconds, Jason was already far within their sight.

“Freak,” Pixie said.

In the end, the two rushed following behind Jason’s back.

Jason, who was taking the lead saw a pack Wild Doggos not far from where he was. The blade of his steel dirk glowed in crimson. He was sure that there would be a lot of enemies ahead of him and it looking at it from a different perspective, it was time for a perfect grinding session.

Let’s go, Blood Edge Strike!

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