Blood Edge Strike level up to level 6

Countless corpses of Wild Doggos littered the bridge that connected Welcome Island with Thunder Bay City. Dan and Pixie watched in silence over the numerous dead bodies of these canines. The numbers reached almost two hundred. At first, Dan and Pixie were worried seeing how congested the bridge was with these Wild Doggos but Jason didn’t stop rushing to whatever enemy that he saw.

In the end, they witnessed the monstrous strength of Jason as he decimated every wild doggos on the bridge. Dan and Pixie walked closer to Jason as they noticed the blood splashing over Jason’s military uniform.

Jason wasn’t even breathless as he was still calm and steady. He flicked the steel dirk in his hand, removing the blood that covered his dirk. Jason glanced at the blade of his dagger, he saw a chip on the blade.

The blade is starting to chip, I guess the durability has decreased a bit. I probably should learn a repair skill since I do have the smithing skill.

A reminder for his future reference. Jason sheathed back his steel dirk.

“Distance?” asked Jason.

“Four klick north,” said Dan.

“Navigate,” said Jason.

The trio traveled on foot as everything around them was dark. Even the moon was covered by the clouds as total darkness enveloped Thunder Bay.

“Bogies at the front,” said Dan.

All three of them saw through their night vision, a pack of wolves running towards them.

Dire Wolf

A carnivore that hunts in a pack. Sharp fangs and claws enough to rip apart normal people yet their prowess lie upon their pack mentality.

Species: Canine Mammals

Level : 5

S.Ability : Coordinate Attack

“Eight of them and they’re all at level five except that one,” said Jason.

Dire Wolf (Alpha)

A carnivore that hunts in a pack. Sharp fangs and claws enough to rip apart normal people yet their prowess lie upon their pack mentality.

Species: Canine Mammals

Level : 7

S.Ability : Pack Leader

The alpha was a little bigger than the rest of the pack.

“Think you can handle them?” Jason asked.

“Just a bunch of dogs,” said Pixie as the grip on the machete tightened.

Dan wasn’t sure about confronting head-on, he read through the files. The difference in level proved to be an obstacle that couldn’t be easily overcome.

“Good,” Jason straightened his hand to Dan with an open palm. A brown light enveloped Dan’s body for a while.

“What do you do?” Dan was alarmed.

Jason changed the direction to Pixie. Again, the same thing happened to Pixie.

“What the fuck did you do to me?” Pixie was readied to attack Jason but the man only smirked.

“It’ll keep you safe,” said Jason.

He charged forward heading to the pack. Then as Jason was about to confront these wolves, he sheathed his steel dirk slicing one of their heads off. The whole pack was alarmed seeing of their pack member dead in an instant.

The alpha wolf growled as it gave the orders to its underling. Two of them ran off from Jason and headed towards Dan and Pixie.

“For a dog, you’re quite smart,” said Jason smirking at the alpha.

The alpha didn’t stop glaring at Jason with the growl coming from its snout spreading in this darkness. Then all five of them went for the attack.

They ran around in a circle as they closed in on Jason. As the distance shortened between them, all five went for the attack in unison at every angle. A worthy attack befitting for a pack.

Yet Jason wasn’t flustered by this. The crimson glow returned to his blade as his agility was faster than these mutts. One by one, their heads dropped like flies. But one got away.

The alpha put itself at a distance glaring at Jason. Blood dripped over its bloody neck as a shallow cut was on its neck.

“Pretty good,” Jason said as he flicked the blood away from his dirk.

The growl coming from the alpha intensified. It realized it had underestimated the opponent.

“Hmm, I wonder if I can tame you,” said Jason out of a sudden.

Seeing this alpha wolf a clear cut above the rest made him thought of such a thing. Since man could tame a dog why not he could the same to this wolf. Although it came from the crack, it might have the same disposition as the wolf in this world.

“I guess I’ll try then,” said Jason. He watched Dog Whisperer, so he thought it wouldn’t be that difficult to tame such a wolf.

The man once more confronted the alpha wolf head-on. The alpha wolf bared its fangs and claws yet none of its attacks managed to connect. Then the hilt of the steel dirk struck the alpha by the head. One hit was enough to drop the alpha to the ground.

The alpha was about to get up from the ground but a weight pressed on top of its body as someone mounted on top of the canine. Jason’s hand pushed the head of the wolf to the ground, it tried to retaliate but it couldn’t budge even an inch of its head.

At this point, the alpha wolf knew that this human was no mere human. A monster disguising as a human, thought the simple-minded canine.

Green glow engulfed the alpha wolf. The alpha wolf was alarmed as it struggled underneath Jason to get out from the mounting position. Then the pain on its neck was gone. It felt weird by the sudden turn of even. Jason just healed its injury.

Jason got away from the alpha wolf as the canine immediately reacted. It stood on its four legs while putting itself at a distance away from Jason. Its eyes didn’t leave the sight of Jason.

“Submit,” said Jason.

Yet the alpha wolf only growled back at Jason.

“I guess it’s a no then,” said Jason.

The alpha wolf then went for the attack. It was like a cornered rat, it knew the strength of Jason and to come out of this alive, it had no choice but to kill this man.

But the blunt end of the hilt met the alpha wolf’s head. Again, the alpha wolf dropped to the ground and Jason mounted on top of it. It was like Deja Vu for the alpha wolf. The same thing was happening like before. Jason healed the alpha wolf and then he let it go.

“Submit,” said Jason.

Yet the alpha wolf refused as the growl only grew louder. It hated this human, it then tried to get away, but Jason was a step ahead of it as it was struck down one more time on the ground.

The same thing happened, Jason healed it and the alpha wolf got up once more. Jason asked it one more time, but the alpha wolf refused.

Jason shrugged his shoulder as he kept on doing this process until he received a notification window.

Heal has reached the maximum level

Upgrade into Major Heal Lv.1

Not what I’m expecting but still a good result.

Even after receiving his skill upgrade, he continued on his attempt in taming the alpha wolf but if it was in the eyes of others, his action was definitely tormenting the poor creature.

That was what came to mind to the two new spectators. They were riddled in injuries, evidence of their battle to the death with the two wolves that strayed off from the pack. They fought well as Pixie supported Dan in walking towards Jason.

“What is he doing?” said Dan. During their grueling fight, Dan at times hoped for Jason to come for support but seeing what he was doing, he didn’t know what to say to this.

“He’s crazy, that’s what it is,” said Pixie.

They gained a level but seeing Jason toying around with the wolf made their achievement felt lackluster.

Jason took another notch in his attempt to taming the wolf. Rather than healing it, Jason pummeled down his fist on the immobile alpha wolf. Fist after fist, the skull of the alpha wolf started to crack. Yet even before death could greet the wolf, a green light enveloped turning it good as new.

This time the wolf was baffled as it stood on its four legs as Jason let it go one more time.

“Submit,” said Jason.

The alpha wolf didn’t know what that word meant but it knew the meaning within the actions that had been done to it. It knew that this man wasn’t trying to kill it but trying to establish dominance over it, yet it denied Jason every time.

It had its pride as an alpha wolf and letting it go wasn’t easy.

The alpha wolf went for the attack one more time drove by its survival instinct. Again, the same thing happened. It was pummeled down until it was left to its dying breath, then it was healed up to normal.

“He’s sick,” said Pixie.

But Dan thought otherwise. He saw for himself, Jason healing the wolf. Then everything fell into pieces, Jason must have healed the injuries on Twitch and Rooster.

His whole body shuddered as he realized the importance of having a healing ability. Just the thought of it made Dan’s body shivered once more.

Jason continued his taming session to the helpless alpha wolf but after he healed the alpha wolf, something was happening.

The alpha wolf retaliated and managed to bite Jason’s hand. A moment of carelessness on Jason’s side but it didn’t matter to him. Yet the alpha wolf underneath him started to glow as his night vision turned to a blur of green.

Jason was alarmed and ran away from the alpha wolf, he watched the sight in front of him.

What’s going on?

Then as the light slowly receded, Jason’s eyes went wide. The alpha wolf that he was attempting to tame had changed.

It evolve?

The alpha wolf turned a lot bigger than before, the same size as a full-grown tiger. Yet what caught his attention was the lightning shape horn on top of its head.

Jason was about to use his scan but something attacked from the air. He saw the dwindling number of his energy guard and turned his attention to incoming noises.

“We’ve got enemies,” said Dan as he too saw the incoming hostile.

Ten goblins were marching at them and it wasn’t any normal goblins. They were riding the wolves as they were none other than the Goblin Rider. A few of them pulled their bowstring and launched an airstrike.

“Incoming!” shouted Dan.

Jason went over to the duo as he engulfed them in green light healing their wounds. He then cast another minor defense buff to both of them as he swung his steel dirk smashing the arrows into pieces.

He managed to protect both of them but then the thought of the alpha wolf came into mind. He turned and saw the evolve alpha wolf fleeing away from the scene.

“Damn it!” said Jason as his effort was wasted.

Even after evolving, the alpha wolf knew it wasn’t a match to Jason. It ran away leaving the three humans.

Pixie was still confused over the disappearance of her injuries but Dan was readied for a fight.

Jason, on the other hand, was seething in rage. He felt like he was close in taming that alpha wolf but these goblins had to mess things up.

The blade of his steel dirk covered in crimson hue as his eyes were glaring at the incoming goblin riders. All his frustration at the moment were channeled in dealing with these goblins.

“You want to die that much? Then death shall come!”

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