“Jason?” Ryan called out to a name.

The man holding on to a steel sword turned to his back. A smirk emerged as if mocking the army captain who sprawled on the floor. Jason reached out with his hand as Ryan accepted it. He aided Ryan on his feet as the two men looked at each other.

“Where have you been? We’re getting our asses kick here,” said Ryan.

“Then we’re on the same page,” Jason said.

Ryan squinted his eyes confused about what Jason meant.

“So what’s the situation? I heard tanks while coming here,” said Jason.

“We tried to build a barrier using the buildings around the road, it worked but we were too late…” Ryan continued explaining of how one-third of the orcs advanced beyond the barrier.

“Two of us are dead as the orcs are too many,” Ryan said.

The word of death alarmed Jason from his dastardly smirking face. A reminder of his sister made him asked.

“How is Esther?”

Ryan gazed to the side dodging the piercing stare of Jason.

“We fought against the orcs, we killed a few under our tactics but they’re too strong and too many,” said Ryan.

“I said where’s my sister?” he asked as stepped in front of Ryan’s face.

“I don’t know,” Jason turned and readied to run towards the danger.

“But I’ve ordered the retreat, they will rendezvous back at the base outside the city,” said Ryan.

Jason stopped as he gripped the hilt of his sword tight.

“Can you go back on your own?” Jason asked.

“I can,” to Ryan’s words, Jason disappeared into the darkness of the night running towards the danger.

“Wait for me at the base!” his shout rang in Ryan’s ears. The captain of the squad grinned towards the darkness before he fled into the dark alley.

On a dark road, Jason walked towards the lingering thick clouds of chemical gas. Even after the retreat of soldiers carrying grenade launchers, the chemical gas stood afloat around the area. He inched closer as he stopped.


The sound of battles came from within the clouds. They were still soldiers fighting against the horde. The thought of his sister emerged once more. He held up his hand to his face as a gas mask appeared out of nowhere, like a magic trick, a sleight of hand.

Equipped with a gas mask he ran straight at the danger. An orc came out from the cloud of gas, as both he and the creature stared at one another in surprise. They were too close at each other and yet the one who drew the first blade took the advantage. A stab right through the orc’s eye. The orc was too slow as it only managed to hold on to the grip of its club. It knelt on the road and dropped on the asphalt.

He kicked the orc as he dislodged his sword more easily. He walked further with his pace not slow nor was he fast. A few more wandering orcs came into sight, Jason took their confusion to his benefit. There was no need to act deviously with his poison, what he needed was extreme speed and nothing else.

The sword covered in crimson gale struck these orcs as they had never seen it coming. One by one fell, as he didn’t forget to loot what was precious of these orcs. Then a familiar voice was within reach. He didn’t wait as he ran.

“Argh!” a boisterous voice pierced the chemical gases as a great axe was thrown at the head of an orc. The sharp double blade of the axe struck right at the collar bone of an orc, making it shrieked in pain.

Then a man came forth sneaking within the cover of the gas, the head of his mallet crackled in bluish electric. Hakeem glared from below in a crouch.

“Die,” Hakeem said.

The mallet struck at the knee as it knelt upon the powerful force, then another hit right at the head, turning the orc into a daze. Hakeem continued his strike, hammering his mallet at the blade of the axe pushing it deeper into its wound.

“Orgh!” the orc cried out in pain.

Another strike at the neck of the axe, it went deeper until it cut into its heart. The orc glared at the man with the shield. Hakeem spitted at the face of the orc as he smashed his shield right at it before another crackling blow struck at the head. The orc dropped dead as Hakeem panted for his breath. He had fought for too long and his stamina was depleted near reaching his limit.

“Snork,” then a surprise came out of nowhere, a drooling teary orc ambushed from the unseen. A spiky head of a mace was swung.

The quick reflex of Hakeem made him held up his shield at the last second. A hard hit but he endured with a lowered stance. Gritting his teeth he prepared for another battle. Yet the force in front of the shield lightened till it vanished.

“Trouble from an orc?” Hakeem knew that voice. He chuckled.

“I’ve been killing them while you were slacking off,” said Hakeem as he lowered down his shield.

A face of a friend stood in front of him. An old friend that had been missing for quite a while. Jason grinned at his tall friend who was kneeling in front of him. The smiling Hakeem turned into a scowl.

“Watch out!” he got up on his knees and charged right ahead. The swing of his mallet struck the foe that was still living, bringing it down for good. For assurance sake, Hakeem kept hammering at the head of an orc.

Jason watched with a wince on his face. His friend was ruthless to a creature that was already dead. Hakeem stood tall panting for his breath, what left of the head was nothing but mush and brain matters.

“You forgot to kill it,” said Hakeem with the white of his teeth bared for Jason to see.

“I let you get the last hit,” said Jason.

Hakeem wanted to retort yet his sight was blocked by a welcoming text window.

“What’s wrong?” Jason asked.

“It says here, I can change my job,” said Hakeem.

“Hmph, it’s about time,” said Jason grinning back to his dumbfounded friend.

“Should I choose now?” Hakeem asked.

“Not now, Ryan ordered for a retreat,” said Jason.

“Retreat?” another voice entered the fray. The duo turned and saw a bulky man taking out a great axe from the corpse of an orc. It was none other than the Berserker. He came close to Jason as he stared down at him.

“We’re winning, going back now is stupid,” said the Berserker.

“Suit yourself,” he turned to Hakeem. “Go back Hakeem, I’ll see you later.”

“Where are you going?”

“To find Esther,” said Jason.

“I’m coming along.”

“No, go back Hakeem. You’ll slow me down,” said Jason as he disappeared into the clouds of chemical gas.

“Hmph, fucking dick. Ignore him, let’s kill more of these ugly shitheads,” said Berserker.

“No, he’s right. We need to retreat,” said Hakeem.

“What are you? A fucking bitch to a bastard slit eye?” said Berserker.

Hakeem frowned hearing such name-calling. But this wasn’t the time for such a useless argument.

“Back off Berserker, we’re going back. Don’t forget, you’re the army’s bitch right now. If you don’t want to get court-martial, you better follow orders,” said Hakeem as he made his way back.

“I ain’t nobody slave and not to the army,” said Berserker as he couldn’t let his pride down.

“Suit yourself. But remember this, if I’m not there who’s going to tank for you,” said Hakeem.

He threw facts and it worked. Even the prideful Berserker knew he was outmatched by these powerful orcs without the backing of Hakeem at his side. It had been a while since he felt the thrill of killing something stronger than him and these orcs were just made in satisfying his urge.

“Fuck,” Berserker said as he trailed behind Hakeem.

Meanwhile, a duo of female warriors was clashing against a single orc head-on. The more prominent of the two was showing acrobatic movement while slicing the orc.

“Take down its leg!” shouted Esther.

Pixie dashed with speed as her daggers sliced through the thick meat of the orc. But it was too thick like always it was a hindrance. Gnashing her teeth, Pixie was about to stab the orc right at its junk but a kick flung her away. Pixie stood up once more as she puked out blood in her mask. Then she saw her compatriot choked by the huge hand of the orc.


She struggled as she swung her sword but it didn’t do anything. Her energy guard had long broken and now she was gasping for air. But as her conscience slowly fading, she felt the grip on her neck loosened.

She dropped on the road as she took a deep breath. Then she heard the sound of the orc dropping on the road as her eyes drawn to the man who stood behind the orc. Blood trickled down the blade of this man as she saw who it was.

“You okay?” Jason asked.

He aided her to stand as her hand rubbed over her aching neck. Green glow engulfed her as the pain she felt was relieved.

“Pixie, she needs your help,”

Jason came over to Pixie as he healed her.

“Thanks,” said Pixie.

“Let’s go, Ryan ordered a retreat.”

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