A trio entered a bustling encampment as soldiers were running around loading up things into the back of the military light utility vehicle.

“What’s going on?” Pixie confused.

“They’re packing things up,” said Esther. She saw a few soldiers taking down some tents. It hadn’t been a full day but the soldiers were already packing up.

“Sir,” a soldier came saluting at the trio.

“Captain Ryan has been waiting for you sir,” said the soldier.

“Where?” Jason asked.

“Please, follow me,” the soldier led the trio to a tent.

“You’re here,” said Ryan. The rest of the squad stared at the latecomers.

“You’re late man,” said Hakeem.

“What’s going on?” Pixie asked.

“We received an order from the top-brass,” said Ryan.

The trio came closer to the large table with a whole map of Oshawa laid on it. They were markings on it as if a plan had been made. Jason looked around and noticed the somber faces of the whole squad.

“We have been ordered to evacuate from our current location and be on standby,” said Ryan.

“I’ve already brief the rest about the main order from the higher-up. After reporting our current progress, they have decided to sent TEL, transporter erector launcher,” said Ryan.

Pixie frowned hearing the vehicle mentioned by Ryan.

“They’re going to blow the city up?” she slammed her hand at the table.

Esther narrowed her eyes.

“They do know that modern weaponry is useless right?” said Esther.

Ryan wasn’t fazed by their reaction yet Jason’s calming figure was something unexpected.

“We’re not blowing the city. We’re using the missiles to trigger an artificial earthquake to make a man-made sinkhole,” said Ryan.

He pointed at the map and crossed a line over the city of Oshawa.

“So a large-scale trench, not bad,” said Jason as he smirked.

It wasn’t bad but Jason had his doubt over the success of such a plan. From what his shallow knowledge knew, such an attempt had never been done by the military or any known man.

“I was told the R&D department was already planning such a thing even before we were sent here. They said it’s a last resort to impede the UC advancement, excluding nuclear involvement,” said Ryan.

Jason rubbed his chin as the plan might work if it managed to do what it was supposed to do. But another thought came in mind, would the orcs be affected by the sudden change in environment? Would they die after falling from a sinkhole or died being buried due to the earthquake?

Jason frowned as not knowing the answers for all of those questions only made him more worried.

Shit, what am I thinking? If it works then it might be…

His thought fell short. There was no way such a plan would work in the long run. Knowing a huge ass lizard as tall as a sixty-floor building existed, it won’t work as it would probably be like a small hole for Scarlet Rex.

The realization hit him hard as there was definitely no easy way out of this. The present world won’t allow such an easy way out.

“This is ridiculous, you won’t know the repercussion of attempting such a plan. Influencing the tectonic plate without further studies might do more harm than good,” said Esther.

To her, the plan was a joke. She knew better, that aggravating the layers of the earth might lead to bigger problems. A tsunami might be one of those problems.

Esther stepped forward to the table as she was the only one who didn’t favor such a plan. Jason was a bit surprised by her sudden open disagreement. In his opinion, there was no need for them to be involved with the military tactic and planning. They were only there acting as mercenaries and nothing more.

She got some spunk. I bet she’s going to lecture these guys on whatever she was studying at college.

Jason was right. Esther was giving a lecture to the soldiers. She was determined to send across her message, no matter the look she received from them.

“Can we stop listening to this kid?” Berserker opened his mouth.

Esther glared at Berserker.

“So from what you’re saying, our job is done, am I right?” said Berserker.

“You’re right, for now, we’re on standby. We’re told to change camp two klicks away,” said Ryan.

“Then I’m off,” Berserker left the tent as he said, “wake me up when we’re going to move.”

“As I said, we...” Esther was about to continue yet Ryan cut her off.

“We understand what you’re trying to say but orders are orders. If you want to complain, you better ask your brother,” said Ryan. “The TEL will be arriving at 0300 with missiles launch at 0330, you may all dismiss.”

As the meeting ended, Jason left the tent as he had something in mind.

“Wait,” said Esther. “What did Ryan meant by asking you?”

“He’s just messing with you,” said Jason as he didn’t want to entertain his sister. “Stay put and follow the convoy.”

“Wait, where are you going?” Hakeem asked as his friend had a knack in doing things in secret.

“I’ve got to go back to the city, I can’t stand feeling guilty,” said Jason.

“Then I’m coming with you,” said Hakeem.

“Me too and you didn’t even answer my question,” said Esther glaring at Jason.

“You’re just…” Jason was about to give his excuse but his friend already knew his tricks.

“We won’t take no answer and you know how stubborn we are,” said Hakeem as he nudged Esther by the shoulder.

Esther gave a weird look due to the body signal from Hakeem but she still agreed to it. Jason looked at these two and seeing they were close to his level, he thought it won’t be a big deal then.

“Very well, first thing first. Let’s get ourselves a good jeep.”

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