Damn this bastard, thought Jason. Jason confronted the razor hunter with horn sword yet but to no avail, it was rendered useless. Only the sound of his horn sword clashing against the long claws of the razor hunter was heard within this hotel corridor. Jason ducked his head, dodging an incoming slash. He felt like losing ten years out of his age as a huge claw mark was seen over the wall on his other side.

Shit, keep it together Jason. Keep it together and don’t let that claw hit.

He repeated those words multiple times inside his head trying to keep his concentration in check. But the bout between them was becoming harsher as the razor hunter’s attacks were becoming more powerful by the second.


His balance threw off by a powerful blow and then it came. Jason managed to see the incoming attack but it was too late. He only managed to raise his shoulder and the full slash made him swept off his feet. He was thrown to the wall with a powerful blow. A crack was made on impact.

E.Guard down to critical level. E.Guard : 4/30

No pain?

Jason was baffled by the sudden discovery. Rather than pain, he felt a strong force pushing over him. He thought about checking over his wound but the opponent he faced didn’t give him the time.

Dodge it.

He threw himself to the floor as another slash slammed over the wall. Jason took a quick glance and saw the wall thinning. The slash almost made the wall crumble down. Jason glanced at the blue window and within that split second, he took action.

“Minor Heal+,” said Jason.

Greenlight enveloped his entire body and soon another new blue window appeared.

E. Guard restored.

E. Guard : 24/30

A smile carved on his face. He knew something was going down on the right path.

“Snarl,” the snarling sound snapped Jason off from his excited state.

He got up and pushed himself off the floor making a back jump. It was something he had never managed to do in life but at that moment, he executed it flawlessly. Both of his feet landed on the floor but the razor hunter was already right in front of him as it slammed Jason with the entire weight of its body. Again, Jason was thrown in the air before rolling on the floor.

E.Guard down to critical level. E.Guard : 1/30

Again another notice for him to take note.

“Shit, Minor Heal+,” once again his body glowed in green.

“This thing is too…” his voice trailed off as he witnessed a scene.

With Jason out of the picture. The razor hunter impaled Laurel who still didn’t budge from her spot. She witnessed everything that had happened and now an excruciating amount of pain riddled across her body. The long sharp claw of the razor hunter impaled her right through the torso.

She looked down and saw that glossy claw went through her body. Blood seeped out from her wounds as she was still dumbfounded on what was happening. Then the pain started to felt real.

Laurel was about to cry out in pain but a huge jaw set with razor-sharp teeth blocked her entire vision. Then, what was left was only darkness.

From afar, Jason saw Laurel’s head being chomped off by the razor hunter. He could hear the crushing of her skull coming from the jaws of the razor hunter. The hair at the back of his neck stood up straight seeing this scene first hand. Seeing it in person was definitely different from seeing in a movie.

Blood spurted out from her chomped off neck spraying her blood towards the razor hunter. Yet the creature wasn't fazed by it. For some reason, Jason’s hand was shaking. He noticed it too and he couldn’t deny what he felt.

I can’t die. I won’t die.

With his trembling hand, Jason stood up once more and rushed at the razor hunter who was too busy having its snack.

Ten points agility and strength.

Jason sped up like a speeding bullet closing the distance between them in mere seconds. Jason swung his horn sword and cut off the forearm of the razor hunter. It didn’t know what was coming.

“Arrlll,” its nasty snarl echoed within the corridor. The hand that pierced over Laurel’s body dropped on the floor. Jason didn’t stop attacking. He even ignored the blue window popping in front of him.

Intermediate Swordsmanship level up to level 4

The razor hunter backed away retreating while covered in the blood of Laurel. Yet Jason pressed on, chasing after it while delivering numerous shallow cuts at its body. The razor hunter shook its head flinging off the blood from its eyes. Seeing the human who chopped its hand off only made the razor hunter boiled in anger. Rather than swinging its long claw, the razor hunter jumped around to the wall and ceiling. It retreated further away from Jason.

I’m winning.

Jason’s confidence was ignited by the scene of this scary monster fleeing with its tail between its leg. But then its motion turned strange. Jason stopped on his track as his gut was telling him not to pursue. The razor hunter crawl on all four of its limb. Then its jaw opened up. Jason could hear its bone crack as the jaw opened wider than ever.

What is goi-

His thought was cut short as a deafening sonic blast exploded within the corridor. Jason flung in the air helpless like a rag doll. He couldn’t see it coming.

What left of the corridor was mere destruction. The carpets are long gone and the wall of the corridor was broken apart revealing the rooms inside. Everything was in shambles like a tornado just went through the whole corridor.

But the sight at the end of the corridor was the most gruesome. There was a hole to the outside. A freaking huge hole to the outside of the hotel. That sonic blast destroyed everything in its path including the wall to the room that was blasted open.

Jason was nowhere in sight. The headless corpse of Laurel was also long gone. Probably thrown off outside. While the perpetrator of this whole scene was limp on the floor.

The razor hunter laid on the floor with steam coming out from its scales. It remained motionless as the sonic blast it just did definitely put a toll on its body. Even a monster in rage would put aside in having a meal to decimating its opponent without restraint. Such was the instinct of the razor hunter.

On the other hand, a lone person witnessed everything. Matt grieved for the loss of Laurel but seeing Jason and the razor hunter fight was definitely the most unbelievable thing he had witnessed. Yet when that sonic blast occurred, Matt managed to stay away from the path of the blast. He saved himself from imminent death not without consequences. His pants were soil but it didn’t matter to him. Any normal man would react like he was if they experienced the same thing as he did.

Matt remembered the loud vibrating sound that rumbled his eardrums. The deafening sound was loud and powerful. He was still hearing a ringing sound in his ears even after it all ended. Yet what came next baffled him even more. In front of his eyes, something just walked out from the hole in the room.

“You,” Matt was speechless and didn’t have any words to say seeing a man just came out from the hole. A man riddled in blood and debris.

Jason was alive with his hair in a mess. His shirt already torn off with what left of it was only the collar. His pants turned into shorts and numerous cut wounds riddled his entire body.

I almost died.

Thought Jason. He fainted for a few seconds after being flung off. He found himself buried underneath the rubble of everything from furniture to carpets. His condition was bad, he could felt his body was weak and fatigue. Yet he knew what just saved him.

E.Guard disabled.

Time to recover; 60 minutes

The energy guard took the full brunt of the sonic blast leaving him only injured from the minor part of the attack. If it wasn’t for that, he would have been long gone following the trail of Laurel. The thin visible glow that surrounded his body had disappeared leaving him defenseless to external attacks.

Yet that didn’t matter for Jason at the moment. His eyes were at the razor hunter sprawling on the floor. Gritting his teeth, he dragged his entire body across the devastated corridor with vengeance in mind.

The razor hunter saw the human surviving its special attack. It tried to get back up on its feet but the side-effect of the sonic blast was too much. All four limbs were trembling while trying to get up. The creature won’t go down without a fight even when it too was in a defenseless state.

But Jason was approaching faster with his body glowing in green. With each step he took, his body was recovering from his injuries.

Soon, he stood in front of the trembling razor hunter. Staring it dead in the eyes with his body fully recovered.

He raised his horn sword and muttered.

“Time for you to die.”

A single stroke and the razor hunter’s vision turned dark.

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